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Fall. Simplified.

November 17, 2017

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Simplify your style this fall. Less is more.

Two Tiered Wooden Tray

It's fall. Still. Even though it doesn't really look or feel like it around here. It's a bit unnerving, truth be told. Autumn in the northeast is supposed to be chilly, sometimes there's snow and by now, the trees are usually naked. But nope. 

Not this year. 

This year the only real fall color is tucked in my living room, compliments of an old faux wreath that I draped over a few dollar store pumpkins. Simple.

Cottage Style Fall Decor

It's kind of hard to get into a full on fall decorating frenzy when it looks like spring or even late summer outside. I know that warm weather this time of year is commonplace in other areas of the country and the world, but in this neck of the woods it is not. A green November has been hard to get used to and I take my decorating cues from my surroundings. 

So this fall the decorating has been sparse. A few painted pumpkins. My requisite banner. And my favorite turkey friend.

Thanksgiving Turkey

I also have to be honest, that the strong drive to decorate for every season and holiday, that used to have such a hold on me, has faded a bit in the last few years. I've simplified my surroundings quite a bit, donated unnecessary accessories and decorations. I don't dress every room top to bottom anymore. 

I add precious few accents now, usually sentimental favorites or ones I have created. Crafting has become my passion rather than redecorating...and I much prefer doing over dusting and adventuring over accumulating. 

None of this is new. I've said all of it before, I guess it's just more on my mind now, since the holidays are upon us and decorating becomes a national pastime. I would just rather spend my time enjoying the season than wrestling with bins and boxes. 

I am looking forward to putting up a few simple Christmas accents and the trees, but only after Thanksgiving and hopefully after the leaves have fallen...which will actually be a welcome sight since lately I'm very into clean spaces. 

In the meantime, I am totally smitten with roses and wooden accents. The roses have been on sale at the grocery store and I can't seem to get my fill. 

White Roses

I also bought a brand new paper towel holder, wood, to replace my favorite red one. It just fits my mood right now. Simple. Quiet. Earthy. Calm.

White Cottage Style Kitchen

Don't worry, there's still plenty of red peppered about. Remember that lamp I grabbed at my overpriced thrift store a few months ago? Well, turns out, I already had the perfect shade hanging around. I left the lamp alone, no makeover needed. The more I looked at it, the more I fell in love with its retro design. 

It sits on my desk, next to half a pig. It's a good match.

Boho Lamp

Oh...and that two tiered wooden tray I opened with? Guess what?? I won that. Yup. WON IT. If you follow me on Facebook, every now and then I mention Antique Farm House and their giveaways. Thousands of people enter each week and honestly, the thought that I may ever actually win, was something I never considered...but I did!!

Now, this is not a sponsored post. It's just my good neighbor message to you that they are a beautiful shop, with gorgeous items and you could win something amazing. Worth a look for sure.

I mean, the tray is absolutely spectacular.

And wooden. AND it was waiting on my doorstep when I returned home from my mammogram. A reward for going perhaps. How perfect.

Of course, now I'm going to have to decorate it for the holidays.

But it was free.

And very pretty.

I guess sometimes the old pull is still there.

Imagine that.

Are you a big holiday decorator?

More Fall Fun? Sure!  

Giving Thanks All Year Long
Giving Thanks All Year Long

Kim Signature

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  1. that picture of your kitchen... the one with the window the roses and the new towel holder...
    is simply beautiful.
    I think you aren't alone in simplifying your decorating. I don't follow very many dΓ©cor blogs.
    but those I do seem to be feeling the same. at last. perhaps cozy minimalism is catching on!
    a simple elegance instead of tons of stuff! yay! xo

    1. Thanks Tammy!! Cozy minimalism is my new passion. Your influence is catching on!

  2. I love decorating though I have had my years of throwing in the towel like most people. This year is a good year for me though & I plan to embrace the joy completely while it's here.

    I never decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving & I won't this year...but this is the first year I've ever been so tempted to do it. All I can think about is cleaning my house & sprucing it up to enjoy. I love the decorations, the smells & tastes of the season. I can thoroughly enjoy it all alone or with friends & family.

    Love your win! I'll be checking out their website.

    1. I think there is an ebb and flow, like you said, Jenny. There are years when we are all in and years when we want to cut back. I am in a cut back phase. I like the look of clean surfaces and just a few holiday accents right now. I love the season, too. Glad we have an extra week this year to enjoy that tree! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

  3. Oh congratulations on the giveaway win. I get the ant farm email every day but have never thought about them having a facebook page. I am not checking facebook as religiously as I used to but I will have to check it out. I didn't know that they did a giveaway. My sister found a bunch of cute galvanized stuff there a couple of years ago to use at her grad party for her son. Lots of cute stuff. Sorry you are still green. We are green again but have had snow twice. Your photos look great.

    1. Thanks so much, Lorri! They are worth a look on Facebook. I am not there too much either, but it is not your typical giveaway. No forms to fill out or things to like and share and paste, blah, blah. Just like the post and comment one or ten times. Each comment is an entry. They do it several times a week and everything is adorable. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy that snow…we’re still green!! Haha!!

  4. Never enter giveaways, but I'm going to start now! That's a wonderful tiered tray, I'm happy for you.

    1. This one was so easy, just like and comment. I was shocked!! Good luck and thanks!!

  5. Now that we are living in this very small house my decor it going to be quite trimmed down for Christmas. I think it will be good to do less is more. Make whatever I do put up pretty and keep things simple. Have a great weekend and wonderful holiday this coming week. I cannot believe it is Thanksgiving almost! This time of year goes so fast.

    1. I can't believe how it's all flying by either, Kris! Can't wait to see what you do in your Christmas cottage. I just know it will be darling!

  6. A lot of us are wanting to step back and simplify. Back in my early years of blogging, I added a lot of holiday items to what I already had -- abundance seemed to be the ticket to gorgeous photos and blog stardom.

    My home isn't suited for over-decorating due to the small boxy rooms I have. Yet again, my son has a huge home with open spaces, and it's also hard to decorate-you only notice festive decorations when you are up close. So, maybe we need to just have our treasures out and meant for our personal pleasure. Okay...maybe a little applause from others! But don't make it a huge endeavor when it comes to how much.

    Great post as always, Kim!

    Jane x

    1. I used to put tons of stuff out. I wasn't blogging then so no stardom for me, just a lot of fun...and dusting! I just can't do it anymore. Perhaps my own style has changed, but I prefer a cleaner look lately, a less is more elegant feel if you will. I do enjoy looking at my favorite treasures, but not much more. Happy Thanksgiving, Jane!! xo

  7. Love the tiered tray that you won! Can's wait to see it decorated.

    1. I can't believe I won, Vickie. If you're on Facebook, I say go follow!!

  8. Oh we are so on the same wave-length Kim. Decorating for Christmas has become somewhat of a chore to me, and one I don't look forward to. You decorate, you cook, you go to parties, specials at church, and I am exhausted. Shh, we don't even have a Christmas tree. Yet. I might get one. I am into simplifying too. Congrats on your win! I think I'll check them out.

    1. I won't tell anyone about your tree, Florence. Your secret is safe with me!! πŸ˜‰

  9. Now that all my children are grown and gone I do much less decorating. It's fun to decorate but not so much to take it all down and pack it away!

    1. Yes!! I am with you Debi. I love the arranging, but not the unpacking and packing up. Less is more right now.

  10. My mammogram is this next week. I used to decorate a lot, but I've slowed down in that area. I was once a big crafter, but not really anymore. I love what you do, but I just don't have the energy left over after I do everything else. I'm really trying to cut back on what I feel "I have to do" because I'm trying to focus more on my health. Love that wooden gift you won!

    1. I guess there is a season to everything, isn't there. I have been trying to fit in more crafting, more healthy activities and less computer time. Not easy...the pull is strong!

  11. Everything looks lovely.

    I have kept the house simple for Thanksgiving.

    1. Thanks Carol! I love what you did with your typewriter for Thanksgiving!

  12. I am right there with you on decorating less. I don't want the clutter. I have a small bin that fits on a closet shelf for my holiday decor. Your home always looks so lovely; proof that simple is best!!

    1. Thanks so much, Brandi! I take that as a high compliment coming from you. Love your style!! ❤️

  13. Everything looks so lovely Kim. I am doing a little more decorating and crafting this year because I'll have most of my children home for some of the Holidays. (That's a crazy sentence if I ever heard one!) I did go ahead and decorate the dining room for Christmas because we have sporadic visits from youngsters!
    Happy Saturday!

    1. I much prefer the white roses to a white lawn, Lynne...although a little nip in the air might be nice. But just a little!! πŸ˜‰ Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. I am inspired by those white roses . . .
    A perfect touch to a less decorated home.
    I have reached that phase as well . . .
    Appreciating a few little touches of autumn
    instead of something in every single corner.
    Green here in Michigan too . . .
    When last year we were white!
    Happy Thanksgiving Kim . . .

    1. I much prefer the white roses to a white lawn, Lynne...although a little nip in the air might be nice. But just a little!! πŸ˜‰ Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Congrats on winning that beautiful tray! What a nice surprise that must have been! We're still looking like spring or summer around here too, but that's not unusual for us. Hoping fall arrives soon. We're supposed to be in the 60's on Thanksgiving, and that's about as cold as it gets here in November. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! xoxo

    1. Sixty in November sounds dreamy, Lisa. Of course, 110 in the summer does not, so I guess I have to pick my (weather) poison. πŸ˜‰And thanks! I love the tray and seriously cannot believe that I won it. Happy Thanksgiving!! xoxo

  16. Hi,
    Where did you find your paper towel holder. I need a new one.
    I love your style Kim, I really do.

    1. Hi Carla! I bought it at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I found it online and picked it up in the store. Use a coupon!! And thank you for your sweet words. xoxo

  17. Your decor looks beautiful! I have not decorated much this year for Fall. We are going to Iowa to celebrate there with husband's family. The wooden tray is gorgeous!!! Awesome you won it! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Enjoy your trip, Angela! Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. That's an awesome tray, Kim!! I can't wait to see what you do with it...and I love your little lamp, super cute. I have definitely cut back on decorating, there just aren't enough hours in the day, you know?

    1. Can you believe that I won that, Debbie? I am so excited to play with it!

  19. I'm such a goof and never think about looking up blogs on FB! Why? Anyway, I followed your link and followed!

    That wooden tray is amazing. Congratulations!

    It has been chilly here and most of the leaves are gone but not all. Such a weird year. I'm blaming the unusual weather on the way the holidays have snuck up on me!

    Can't wait to see what you do with Christmas in your sweet cottage!

    1. I don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook, Deanna, but sometimes it’s a nice way to connect with readers that don’t or can’t comment here. Thanks for the follow! The trees are just starting to lose their leaves and there was a bit of a flurry yesterday. If I squinted, I could see a flake!! Haha!!

  20. I love your style of decor Kim because it is simple yet elegant. Because I live in such a small home I do very little decorating for holidays. I love your red lamp and how exciting to win the tray! If I don't get back by again before Thanksgiving I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. So many sweet words. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving, too. Enjoy!!

  21. Thank you so much, Teri! Those adjectives just flowed out as I typed, so I guess they must be how I really feel. Glad to hear that I am in good company! Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving as well. Hugs!
