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Eggplant Pizzaiola Recipe

September 08, 2017

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Looking for a quick and easy, healthy vegetarian recipe? Try my simple Eggplant Pizziola. It's totally foolproof and family friendly.

Come see how to prep and eat in less than 30 minutes.

Eggplant Pizziola  on a tray Easy, Quick,Heathly Recipe Text overlay

I hate to cook. It's a well established fact and kind of a joke around my house.

It's not that I can't cook, I just don't enjoy it. Of course, we have to eat and as the mom, it's been my job to supply the meals on most days, like it or not.

Usually not.

I'm a lazy chef, so when I do cook, I make sure that the recipes are super easy and super quick ~ like my DIYs. But don't let those adjectives fool you.

Just because the process isn't complicated or elaborate, or from a fancy cookbook, doesn't mean the results can't be gorgeous or delicious.

Take this Eggplant Pizziola recipe for example. Recipes don't get any easier than this, but the result is a culinary delight that makes me look like a superstar chef with every bite.

It's a healthier alternative to a traditional eggplant parmesan, even better, it's less time consuming to prepare since there's no breading and frying.

And it's vegetarian which is a nice alternative for some of us and a requirement for others.


The ingredients are basically the same as my mom's Chicken Pizziola, well, except for the chicken.

Eggplant Pizziola Recipe


One large eggplant

Two large tomatoes

1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese 

Onions or onion flakes


Salt and Pepper

Olive Oil

Sliced Eggplant on a tray


To start, I drizzle a little bit of olive oil on to a baking sheet.

Then, I wash and cut my eggplant into about 1/2 inch slices. I don't peel it, but you can if you prefer. I place the slices on the pan, spreading them out so that they overlap one another a bit.

Eggplant Pizziola with tomatoes and shredded cheese on a metal cooking tray

I spread a little more olive oil on the top of the eggplant and then I sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the slices to cover them.

I used to grate the cheese by hand - I never buy the bagged shreds - but now I use a Salad Shooter. So much easier.

I slice up the tomatoes and lay them down on top of the cheese.

Ripe Red Tomatoes On a cutting board

If you are adding onions, this is where I would place them. If not, add onion flakes instead.

Sliced Eggplant Dish with cheese tomatoes eggplant on a try

To top it off, I sprinkle a little bit of oregano, salt and pepper to the mix and then I bake it covered with aluminum foil for about 10 minutes on 350 degrees and then another 5-10 minutes without the foil.

That's it. Slice, sprinkle, bake and ready to eat in less than 30 minutes.

I usually serve it with my mom's Popcorn Rice and veggies. It's a fan favorite.

Last night, I served it with fettuccine and a side of corn and mixed beans. For dessert I even made a chocolate pudding pie. You know the kind, boxed pudding and a graham cracker crust...again, easy.

Of course, by the time I thought about taking pictures of our plates, they were empty.

Oh well.

We were hungry and I was done with the camera.

At least I got pictures of the process.

Apparently, I'm a lazy blogger, too.

Bon Appétit!

Kim Signature

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  1. OMG, Can't WAIT to make this one!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh wow, so glad you liked it! I hope you enjoy it. 😊

  2. Sounds good! I have to try this but I will probably be the only one eating it. No meat? Yeah, that's what I'll hear :-)

    1. That would be my husband too, AnnMarie! He did eat it since it was a nice change, but ordinarily he's all about the meat.

  3. Replies
    1. Yay and I know! I have been cutting it out, too and this one fits the bill. Enjoy it. Hugs!

  4. Yummly!!! This sounds and looks so good. Happy Friday.

    1. Thanks Kris! It really was delicious and very simple to whip up. Enjoy the week!

  5. That looks good. I love to cook,but I am not a good one. I am a good baker though. I will be trying this one. Thanks.

    1. I enjoy baking more than I enjoy cooking, Betty, probably because I love sweets! I am not fabulous with either one though. I don't have the patience. Thanks for the visit!!

  6. Looking and sounding mighty tasty!
    Recipe cerainly looks easy enough . . .
    I have never tried eggplant. . . .

    1. Oh Lynne, eggplant was a staple when I was young. My mom made so many things with it. One of my favorite dishes is Eggplant Rollatini. That one is way more work, so I stick with this!

  7. That looks great Kim. I love eating eggplant in the summertime when it is in the farmer's market. Always looking for new eggplant recipes, I've had enough of mousaka! Pinning to try!

  8. We still have eggplant growing in the garden. I will be able to give this recipe a try.
    Thank You!

    1. I can only imagine that this dish would be even tastier with a homegrown eggplant. Enjoy!!

  9. It looks good, but I hate to cook too. May I say that if the recipe involves getting a pan out of the cabinet, I already think it's too hard...LOL

  10. Wow! Thank you for the great recipe, my friend! I will definitely try it!!!!

    1. Thanks for the visit, Mia! If you try it, I hope you enjoy it!

  11. Sounds delicious and I'm always looking for recipes that don't have to revolve around meat.

    You do make the Jello Cheesecakes...right? They are delicious!

    1. It's an easy one, too, Stacey and the eggplant is hearty, yet light. I have actually never made a Jello Cheesecake, I have to check that out. I make the Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cheesecake. It's really rich and super easy, too. Thanks for the tip!

  12. For someone that doesn't like to cook you did a damn well job here lol! :)

    1. Thanks Deb!! It helps that it's a super simple recipe!

  13. It looks delicious! I'm going to tell you something that's a little embarrassing: I don't think I've ever cooked with eggplant. So you're probably not as lazy a cook as I am! It's just not much fun to cook for one. I end up freezing food and I don't have a big freezer area.

    1. I grew up eating dishes like this one, Brenda, so I can thank my mom for the exposure. I am not an adventurous eater, I would probably never have tried it on my own. And I get the cooking for one thing. When there's no one around, I'm eating cheese and crackers or cereal for lunch!

  14. Looks delicious, Kim! I love that it's healthy and easy--pinned & tweeted ;)

  15. I had to pin. It looks so great! Can't wait to try.
    :) gwingal

  16. Hi Kim, This looks so delicious and we love eggplant here. My mother used to make all sorts of Italian dishes using eggplant. I haven't made a dish with it for awhile so this one sounds great and healthy too. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.

    1. I am sure we grew up on a lot of the same food, Celestina Marie! This one is not a traditional meal, more of modification, but delicious just the same. I hope you enjoy it!

  17. Your family really enjoyed the meal if it was gone before you could take pictures. This recipe sounds easy and looks delicious. My kind of recipe.

    1. I guess that's a great way to look at it, Debra and yes, they did. They're already asking for a repeat!

  18. Sounds yummy, and I love that it's easy. I'll definitely give this a try.

    1. Thanks Kristi! Hope you enjoy it if you decide to make it.

  19. Hi Kim, this eggplant recipe looks so good and healthy! I will definitely try this easy recipe!
    Thanks for sharing it at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.
    Enjoy the week.

    1. Super easy, Julie and very tasty. Thanks for the party!

  20. Mozzarella and eggplant? Now you're talking my language ;)

    Lazy or not, it looks mighty good!


    1. I am a sucker for anything with cheese, Doreen, especially mozzarella! And thanks! ♡

  21. Can't get much easier than this! I love the simplicity of it, and yet, the yummy factor too! It beats all the work that goes into eggplant parmigiana! And that would be me, taking pictures of the process, but because of hungry bellies, a finished photo nowhere to be found, lol! Hugs to you today :)

    1. Haha! Yes, it was such an easy process that photos were a no brainer. However, eating and photographing was a little more difficult with a hungry crowd and a mama more focused on serving than styling! 😉

  22. Would you believe I've never eaten eggplant??? This looks so good though! Love these recipes with just a few ingredients. I just might give this a whirl. Thanks for the idea!

    1. It's worth a try, Lisa. I don't know how to explain the taste, but it is yummy and something I grew up on. If you try it, let me know what you think!
