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Metal Lantern Makeover

July 03, 2017

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Decorate your outdoor and inside spaces with metal lanterns. They're easy to update, we sprayed our to match our decor. Come see the easy DIY.

Ah summer, my favorite time of the year!

The weather has finally warmed up here and we are outside enjoying our yard.

During this short season we try to spend as much time on our patio and covered porch as possible.

Stands to reason, that I want those spaces to look just as pretty as the ones inside my home.

I pay attention to comfort, color scheme and accessories. When you are trying to create a great room, inside or out, they all matter.

To me anyway.

Take these lanterns for example. Aren't they sweet?

I got them last fall and used them in my living room at Christmas. Dressed for the holidays they were a real showstopper.

Silver Lanterns set on a table with evergreen wreaths for Christmas

At Easter, I added a few spring touches and jingle bunnies.
Too cute.

Metal Lanterns accessorized with mini wreaths, colored eggs and jingle bell bunnies for Easter

However, when summer set in, I just kept finding them under foot. They didn't fit with my May and June living room decor and let's face it, this cottage is small, there wasn't another space for them inside.

I contemplated storing them (knowing that I would probably forget about them) or donating them.

Then it dawned on me to bring them outside.

Of course, the patio set and garden accessories are dark ~ that bright silver finish just did not fit. Since my husband was already spray painting the old patio set, I suggested he just add the lanterns to the pile.

First, he grabbed the paint. We always choose one that's appropriate for metal, so it bonds well, doesn't chip and wears well...even outside.

A can of Rustoleum Epoxy spray paint on the patio

Then he removed the glass panels so he could paint the metal frame without getting paint all over the glass. I set them aside carefully since they were thin and I didn't want them to break.

Of course, if they did, I could've left the glass out for a more rustic look.

Glass pane removed from lantern to paint

If removing the glass is not possible, then you can tape it off with blue painter's tape, again to protect it from being painted.

If the paint does get on the glass, you can use a razor blade once it's dry to scrape it off.

Glass pane with blue painter's tape on one side

When they were sprayed and dry, coupled with a pair of battery operated candles, they looked perfect.

Metal Lanterns on a patio table with candles and red million belles in a yellow and white planter

They fit the space, and my style, much better now.

Both inside and out.


Do you accessorize outside?
Kim Signature

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  1. Oh I love the new color so much more! I use my lantern year round & just change the accessories out for the season.

    1. I like this color much better, too, Jenny! I think they fit my decor, both inside and out, much better now.

  2. I'm not good with styling, so my spaces suffer as a result. But I enjoy getting inspiration from all of you!

    1. Thanks Florence. I find that it's usually trial and error, but I also enjoy the process. :)

  3. Kim I love these for outdoors. How pretty. Enjoy. Happy 4th.

    1. Thanks Kris! I like them much better in the bronze color. Happy 4th!

  4. I am not a spray painter. My sister paints everything that she gets her hands on for outside. Your husband did a great job. I bet they were a pain with all that glass, either to take them apart or tape everything off. You are lucky to have him. Glad you are getting some time outside.

    1. Oh Lorri, I don’t spray paint either. That’s his forte…and he was willing so I took advantage of his good nature and awesome skills! The glass actually popped right out so the job was a quick one. Lucky for both of us! 😉

  5. I'm not a big outside decorator. Just chalk it up to laziness I guess, but you certainly found a great new spot for those lanterns Kim. They look right at home :).

    Happy 4th!


    1. Thanks Doreen! And to think I was ready to donate them…silly girl.

  6. A great way to reuse something that you love. The new color is awesome too.

    1. Thanks Kristi! This color is much more me... 😊

  7. Sometimes I think spray paint is my best friend. :) I mean, the possibilities are endless! Love the new bright look!

    1. Spray paint is awesome. No doubt! Especially if I'm not the one doing the painting. ;)

  8. I do accessorize the outside too!

    The red is great, and still usable inside for the holidays as well!

  9. They look great! How nice that your hubby spray painted them....they look a little tricky to do. And I love that you did a makeover instead of getting rid of them. You know you'd want them later! I definitely accessorize outside....some may say too much, and I have stuff in the basement that won't even come out this year. The problem I have is too big of a house so that I can keep everything!

    1. It was actually pretty easy, because the glass panels just slid right out. And you're right, I would definitely want them later!

  10. They look great! I decorate my front porch, as you know, but since I hate my back porch, I don't do much to it. Long story.

    Anywho.... you've been a busy bee! I hope you're enjoying your finally warm weather and those books :)


    1. Warm weather, yes, books…not so much. Yet. ;) xo

  11. Hi Kim, love the new color!! They look wonderful. I just love the timed battery candles too. Yes, I decorate and add accessories to my outdoor spaces too. I believe it's just another room to design. Hope you enjoyed a nice 4th of July. Happy Summer!! xo

    1. I agree, it is another room. And I love decorating so that suits me just fine! Happy Summer to you, too!

  12. Hi,
    Yes, I decorate our front deck and our back deck. A few little things here and there, just to make our outdoor space cozy.

    1. A few little things make all the difference, don't they? Enjoy those decorated decks!

  13. Love a spray paint makeover! They look great!

  14. Looks great, Kim. I do accessorize outside, but I'd like to do a whole lot more. I got a hummingbird feeder for the front porch this year, does that count? LOL Seriously, I'm trying to make the porch more like an outdoor room. It's fun. (Enjoy your pool, you lucky girl!) Hugs, Nancy

    1. Your porch already looks like an outdoor room. Just lovely! Hugs!

  15. I love, love projects that reuse, recycle and re-love! Positively fabulous!
    Happy weekend to you Kim!

    1. Thanks Jemma! I love the result of this makeover.

  16. Another clever idea. Summers here are very hot and the mosquitoes are out in force so we don't sit outside much. I have found a couple of old and battered tables that I like the look of and I'm using them for mini herb gardens outside, one will be lemony herbs for iced drinks and the second 'Italian' herbs like oregano and thyme for pastas and such. That is my little project for the summer. I do like yours.

    1. Your project sounds a whole lot tastier. ;)

  17. They look great! I usually have some flowers and a houseplant or two out on the porch in the summer.

  18. I love how each summer you pick something different to fix up. I love the lanterns painted red! I am so happy July is here and it's the heart of summer. I hope you take some time to relax and enjoy the lazy days of summer.

    1. Thanks Julie, I hope you are enjoying summer, too!!

  19. Hi Kim. I love lanterns, inside and outside. Yours look so pretty in the new color, and they will even look great if you bring them in for next Christmas. We have been working in the Secret Garden and I was just looking at my lanterns that I had out last summer. I did leave them out over winter and one has rusted pretty good, but I kind of like that look. Just need to get more batteries!..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

    1. I was just thinking about rust, Judy. Not sure how these are going to hold up. I have my fingers crossed, but you’re right a little rust is stylish. Just not on me. ;)

  20. I like your lanterns . . .
    The sprucing up too . . .
    I use lanterns on our porch for our lights.
    (Not to read by though!)

    1. The lanterns are neat, Lynne, but I agree, not for reading! We need to add a decent light to our covered porch. I love to read out there, but candles don’t cut it!

  21. Thank you so much and the little touches make all the difference, Teri. I agree!! ♡
