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Slightly South Of Simple Book Review

April 28, 2017

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Kristy Woodson Harvey's new book, Slightly South Of Simple is a must read.

Come check out my review and see why.

Slightly South Of Simple By Kristy Woodson Harvey
Kristy generously provided me with a copy of her book.

Ah, it's that time of year when my sleepy little coastal town comes to life again.

Boats go in the water, the beaches reopen and I start to read.

I have the best memories, of myself as a child, sitting under an umbrella at the ocean, on the swing under the old willow and in the pool floating for hours, reading.

Lost in a world of fairies and fantasy, it was much more fun to open a book when school was out and I got to choose the tales on my own.
It was, and still is, my (not so) guilty summer pleasure.

Lucky for me, my sweet friend, Kristy Woodson Harvey sent me a copy of her newest book, Slightly South Of Simple, a few weeks ago, so I was ready for "reading season" when the flip flop weather hit.


I've read Kristy's other two books, Dear Carolina and Lies And Other Acts Of Love, and while I completely enjoyed both, this story really hit home.

I don't know if it was the fact that it's set at the beach which is where I live.

Or that there were references to NY, also where I also live.

Perhaps it's that the story is about three sisters and their widowed mom. Um, hello, that describes my family exactly.

And I myself am the mom to girls.

Or maybe it was those references to 9/11.

I swear, the conversation in the book is the exact one I had with my own husband on that terrifying morning.

So much of what Kristy had written felt familiar. I just couldn't put it down.

Of course, even if you don't have the same connections that I have to the text, you'll still love this one.

The characters are likable, the Southern setting is dreamy, there are tears, laughter, surprises, secrets and best of all, romance.

The perfect summer read.

Here's the official synopsis:

Caroline Murphy swore she’d never set foot back in the small Southern town of Peachtree Bluff; she was a New York girl born and bred and the worst day of her life was when, in the wake of her father’s death, her mother selfishly forced her to move—during her senior year of high school, no less—back to that hick-infested rat trap where she'd spent her childhood summers.

But now that her marriage to a New York high society heir has fallen apart in a very public, very embarrassing fashion, a pregnant Caroline decides to escape the gossipmongers with her nine-year-old daughter and head home to her mother, Ansley.

Ansley has always put her three daughters first, especially when she found out that her late husband, despite what he had always promised, left her with next to nothing. Now the proud owner of a charming waterfront design business and finally standing on her own two feet, Ansley welcomes Caroline and her brood back with open arms.

But when her second daughter Sloane, whose military husband is overseas, and youngest daughter and successful actress Emerson join the fray, Ansley begins to feel like the piece of herself she had finally found might be slipping from her grasp. Even more discomfiting, when someone from her past reappears in Ansley's life, the secret she’s harbored from her daughters their entire lives might finally be forced into the open.

I'm a pretty hard customer to please when it comes to books and this one held my attention, my imagination and my heart all the way through.

I wouldn't have finished it if it didn't.

After all, I only have a few precious weeks to squeeze my yearly reading in.

And I am not going to waste even a drop of that time on a book that doesn't keep me turning pages.

On the beach.

On the swing.

Or in the pool.

Are you a summer reader?

If you would like to check out Kristy's book, you can get a copy of Slightly South Of Simple right now and dive in.

Hey~ have you read Kristy's other books?

Dear Carolina By Kristy Woodson Harvey Book Review
Dear Carolina

Lies And Other Acts Of Love Kristy Woodson Harvey
Lies And Other Acts Of Love

Kim Signature

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  1. I would love to have a copy. No time for summer reading on the chaise, but I read before going to sleep. So relaxing.

    1. I like to do that, too, Myrna! I wish you good luck!! :)

  2. Summer is definitely my time to read. Last summer I read a couple of really good books. This one sounds interesting. Throw my name in the hat. Thanks, Kim! Hugs, Nancy

    1. Your name is in the hat, Nancy and I can just see you sitting on your front porch, relaxing and reading!! Fabulous. :) Hugs!

  3. I definitely have to read this book, I keep hearing amazing things about it!! I am a winter reader, mostly, as summer is so crazy busy for me. I'm outside in the garden every chance I get, but in Winter I love sitting next to the fire with a good book. Have a great weekend, my friend - enjoy the beach!!

    1. Winter is a great time for reading, maybe I should start reading then, too! ;) Good luck!

  4. I would love to win! That sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for sharing!


    1. My pleasure, Ashley! Good luck to you! :)

  5. Hi,
    Yep, I like to read in the summer. Last summer I read while I was sitting at the Farmer Market when business was slow.
    Thank you for the giveaway! :-)

    1. Summer reading and flowers…dreamy!! :)

  6. I have heard this book is good . . .
    Throw my name in too!

    1. Your name is in, Lynne!! And it is a good one...

  7. I am trying to find time to read. I used to be so busy but I don't have a job now so it's time to read! Indeed Summer is a great time to pick up a great book. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sounds like you need a book!! You are entered, Angela! :)

  8. I keep hearing about this new book. Yes, count me in! I'd be thrilled to win a copy of Kristy's book.

    1. It's a good one, Sarah! I wish I hadn't finished it so quickly. Good luck! :)

  9. Hi there, I am a subscriber and also do book reviews and give please enter me in your give away. I'm not familiar with this author and would love a chance to read such a great book.

    1. Hi Noreen! You are entered. Kristy is a wonderful author and a super sweet lady...a great combination! ;) Thanks for the visit today and for following along. That just made my night!!

  10. Hi, the book seems very intriguing and I would love a chance to win a copy.

  11. I'm always on the look out for a good book, so please enter my name in the hat! This one sounds like a winner!

    1. Definitely a winner, Kathy! You are entered! :)

  12. Thank you so, so much for the beautiful review of Slightly South of Simple! I so appreciate your support, Kim!

    1. It was my pleasure, Kristy…and thanks for stopping by today. It really was a great read. Best of luck to you!! :)

  13. I would absolutely love to win a copy of your dear friends book. I am always looking for new authors to start reading, and her books sound like they are right up my alley.

    1. You're in, Linda!! I really enjoy Kristy's style. Definitely worth the time. :)

  14. I love to read & that sounds like a real page-turner for sure. Please enter me in the contest!

  15. This sounds like the perfect summer read. I'd love to be the winner of a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Hi Kim I will pass on the give away - I rarely read fiction but I do enjoy reading and like you I have wonderful memories of my childhood reading.

    1. Hi Ronda! I hope you are having a lovely spring! I, like you, do not often read fiction. I love a good, true adventure or survival tale. I also enjoy historical fiction. I like to investigate the story after I read the book to see what was real and what was not. I bet there are lots of great places to read on your island and that your daughter will have some wonderful memories of her own! :)

  17. I've heard what a wonderful writer Kristy is. I totally love the area where her stories are set. Thanks for a great giveaway!

    Jane x

    1. You are right on all accounts, Jane, wonderful storyteller, the setting is super charming and it is a great giveaway! Good luck!!

  18. Yes enter me :) I used to read novels constantly and it seems that it's been mostly non-fiction for ages. This looks interesting :)

    1. You're in, Deb!! :) I am usually a non-fiction fan, but this one is extremely entertaining.

  19. Looks like a great book. Kim. I am a year round reader, I love books and read every chance I get. Please, count me in for a chance to win a copy. Have a wonderful day, we are off to visit our grandbabies today. Can't wait! :)

    1. Enjoy those grandbabies! What a joy. :) Good luck, it's a good one and there are grandbabies in the story, as well!

  20. I haven't read her books yet, but I will download this to my kindle soon. Kim, I had no idea you lived in NY. I lived on
    Long Island for most of my life and spent summers on Fire Island. Now living upstate NY and love that too. Still only an hour and a half from the city. Where a bouts are you?

    1. It's a good read, Susan! Yup. I am a NYer...born and bred. I even went to college here! ;) Not very adventurous am I?

  21. I'd love a chance to win a copy! Sounds like a very intriguing book!

    1. You're in Lisa!! It's very entertaining. :)

  22. Sounds wonderful! Nothing like a good read.

    1. That's for sure, Lynn. It's always a treat to find a worthwhile story. :)

  23. I've been seeing this book all over the internet and I am going to have to read it!!!!!

  24. I just saw this book last week and was tempted, but now I'm glad I didn't get it, because I'm gonna win, right? ;)


  25. I would love to win and I signed up for your list.

    1. You are in and so nice of you to follow along, Lisa!! :)

  26. I am a before sleep reader in the winter months (I live in northern NY) and an in the hammock or on the back porch reader in the summer. I would love to win Kristy's new book. (

    1. You're entered, Debi and your back porch sounds super charming!! :) Good luck!

  27. cheryldfoley@gmail.comApril 30, 2017 at 5:58 PM

    I would be delighted to receive a copy!

  28. I would like to enter the giveaway because, this book sounds very interesting!
    Thank you for the opportunity!!
    XO Kathy

    1. So glad you entered, Kathy!! Good luck to you! :)

  29. Sounds like a wonderful read, Kim! I'm not familiar with this author, so I would love the chance to win this book and explore this author's writings. Thanks for the chance!

    1. She tells a good story, Melanie. You are entered. Good luck! :)

  30. Hi Kim, oh this looks like a nice book to read and yes I'm a summer reading kind of gal! I love sitting out in my yard with a book and a cold glass of ice tea or on the beach. :0) I would love to be entered into your giveaway to win this book. Thanks.
    Julie xo

    1. You are entered, Julie!! Here's to summer reading days... ;)

  31. Sounds like a great read! I love to read and do most of mine right before I sleep. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I do that, too...and then fall asleep! ;) Good luck!

  32. It does sound like a wonderful read Kim! I'm glad that flip-flop weather is making more reading time available for you! It sounds so wonderful to relax an afternoon away reading a good book! How neat that you connected with the author's plot in so many ways too! I will keep this book in mind should I need a good read :)

    1. It's a fun one, Marilyn. I had hoped that flip flop weather was going to stick but unfortunately, we're back to cold toe weather instead. Boo. Enjoy the week! :)

  33. Okay, now that I've read the synopsis I need that book! :) I have three books already waiting in line, but there's always room for more. Thank you for the book reading suggestion.
    Barb :)
