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Organizing Your Small Closet

April 10, 2017

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Check out these tips for how to organize your small closet.

Put everything you need for warm weather living at the tip of your fingers.

How To Organize Your Closet For Spring and Summer

I always find myself giggling at those real estate shows where people declare that the walk in master bedroom closets are just too small.

They couldn't possibly make that kind of space work.


These people have no clue.

You want to talk about really tiny closets?

Come sit next to me.

Closet space was clearly not a priority in my beach cottage neighborhood in 1929.

I guess as long as people had a place to keep a few swimsuits and a pair of pajamas, life was grand. Of course, today, things are a whole lot different.

My wardrobe is a whole lot bigger.

The problem is, my closet it not.

I'm always reminded of this fact when the seasons change.

This weekend, as the sun finally came out and the mercury started to rise, I knew it was time to swap out the sweaters for short sleeves.

It was not a job I was excited to do.

How To Organize Your Small Closet 

However, this year, I decided to do it right.

And make the most of that very small storage space and really organize my closet.

Tidy Living Closet Organizer

1. Evaluate

First things first, I emptied everything out.

I used the same process here as I do when I clean out decor.

I removed everything from the closet so I could see the square footage clearly and evaluate what I might need like hangers...or shoe storage.

It's much easier to visualize when the closet is empty. It's easier to measure, too.

2. Cut The Clutter

Next up was the hard part.

And honestly this is the most difficult part of the process. I had to cut the clutter.

I mean how many pairs of slippers does one person need?

Organizing A Small Closet This Is A Mess text

I looked at every piece of clothing, every shoe, every accessory I owned and asked myself a few questions.

  • Is this something I still find appealing?
  • Did I actually wear it during the past season...or two?
  • Is it comfortable?
  • Does it fit with my current style?
  • Does it look ragged?

And the most dreaded question of all, does it still fit?

A lot can happen over a season...and it's not all pretty.

Now, I get it, just like decor, clothes can be sentimental items.

However, if they don't look good on, I ditch them.

Depending on their condition, I either donate or toss, but they go.

If something is truly sentimental, and I just can't say goodbye, I pack it away in another area

But, I don't let it take up valuable space in my day to day closet.

When I was done (and thoroughly disgusted with my current wardrobe) and I knew exactly what I was keeping, the real work began.

3. Organize

Once I knew what I had, I got to the big task at hand.

I had to make it all fit in that small closet space.

You see, most people think that you have be organized with a big closet, so you can see everything. Otherwise, you may forget what you have in that vast cavern.

I say that it's just the opposite.

When you have limited space, it's much harder to see what you have.

I often find myself jamming items into the back of the closet, stuffing them underneath or inside other items.

Or worse, putting them in closets in other rooms. Then I completely forget about them and never wear them ever again.

That's a waste.

This year, I got smart.

I used a hanging closet organizer.

And poof.

Everything I needed for spring and summer living, was at my fingertips. I was shocked that one small item could make such a huge difference.

It was like adding a few more shelves without any construction at all.

I was able to keep both my summer and winter clothes hanging in the closet and keep my sweaters on the shelf above.

Usually I have to pack those sweaters away to make shelf room for my tees and tanks.

How To Organize Your Closet

However, the organizer added space I didn't even think I had in my closet. I was able to fold my warm weather tops and pop them on my new shelves.

Even better, it allowed me to keep everything I would need for fabulous spring and summer fashion within reach.

I was able to move the shoes that I wear often from May to September up to eye view.

Normally, they are buried under fall and winter boots on the bottom of the closet.

Best of all, my colorful purses were stored in plain sight so I could swap them out with ease.

Before they hung on a nail, in the back of the closet, behind my clothes. I could never see them, and therefore, I never used them.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Oh...and you see those hats?

They are a must at the beach, but I could never find them.

They were always balled up in the coat closet, mixed up with the mittens and scarves. Now, I can grab a great hat, a purse and shoes that all coordinate, without fuss and go.

4. Get Outside

Isn't that what an organized home is all about?

Cabana Chair on the beach

One that's easier to keep neat and tidy, so it takes less time to manage.

I know where everything I need is and since everything has a place now, putting my items away has ben a breeze.

No more stuffing and shoving.

Plenty of time to go outside and play.

Or shop.

Since now I have tons of room in my closet to add a few more pretties.


Happy Organizing!!

Kim Signature

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  1. Great job! I need to tackle my closet soon. I use a hanging shelf like you have and just love it. So easy to find the item I need!

    1. I didn't realize what a big difference it would make, Sarah. I have to say, I'm very pleased. :) Thanks for the visit!

  2. Great job Kim. It looks awesome. I have been going through closets getting rid of stuff and organizing for the move too.
    Have a great new week.

    1. Moving is a great time to clean out. I guess there is always a silver lining, huh? ;) Hoping it's a great day, Kris!

  3. We have a small master bedroom closet, too. My hubby installed a nice closet organizer a few years ago. We only have room for seasonal clothes. The out of season clothes get stores in a Totes box in the basement. Same with shoes and purses...out of season ones in a box in the basement.

    1. I used to do that, too Melanie. I had bags under the beds and in other closets, but as I get older, I just don't have the energy anymore. I don't have a lot of "extra" clothes, that's for sure, but it does give me a good excuse to shop when something special comes up!! ;)

  4. It doesn't matter how many times a year I go in and clean my closets. Before long they're just junked up again. I laugh when I see those home decorating shows and people exclaim that they just can't live somewhere because of the paint color. Do they not know that paint is really pretty cheap? How idiotic.

    1. I know! The paint one drives me crazy, too...or the size of the master bathroom. In my first home, we didn't even have a master bathroom. In fact, we had one bathroom for four people! Now, my master is a stand up shower, a single sink and a toilet and I am thrilled to have that. ;) Really, what more do I need??

  5. Luckily I have a huge closet for seasonal stuff....upstairs! It's a pain to go up and down but it fits a lot and it still needs could use some of those shelves :-)

    1. Lucky you, is right!! I don't have a big closet anywhere. I have two very tiny linen closets and one hall closet. They have to be kept very organized or they turn into black holes!! Ha!! ;)

  6. Hi Kim, the timing of your post is perfect as I was just saying I need to trade around my closet with the spring summer items up front and ready to wear. I do this with the season and organization is something I just love in any room. Love your closet and how tidy it is. You are so right, being organized really does cut down cleaning time. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice Easter week my friend. xo

    1. Thanks Celestina Marie! It was good to clean up and out. I was holding on to a few items that no longer worked for one reason or another. Now I have just what I need...and a little room to add a few fun new things for summer! Have a lovely Easter! xo

  7. I really need to tackle my closet. If I keep saying this, it might just happen lol Anyway, your closet looks great and that organizer looks pretty handy. You've inspired me, my sweet friend :)

    love to you,

    1. Thanks Rue. It was a very necessary job. I share that closet with my husband and he does not like to get rid of things. So his stuff was making its way over to my side. Now, we're all even Steven again...but my side looks much prettier!! ;)

  8. Great post, Kim, and a ton of great tips. I like seeing containers and ways to store things in an assessable way. I'm purging winter things that I want to keep and store, and to give away. What to do with what's left...???

    Thanks, and as always, I love your sense of humor! :)

    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane! I can't sing or dance, so I'm glad if I can make you laugh! ;)

  9. Thanks for sharing your organizing tips Kim! I just spent last weekend organizing my VERY small closet and it looks much better....for the time being. It won't be long and I will have to tackle it again 😊

    1. I totally get it,'s the never-ending job. I am feeling optimistic now that I have a shelf to keep me in line. I'll let you know how it goes!! ;)

  10. I definitely need to check them out! My closet needs HELP!

    1. I have several other closets that need help, Carol...but I'm not sure my kids will let me in their rooms!! ;)

  11. Some great tips for streamlining the closet, Kim. I'm one of those who, at the present, has a much bigger closet than I actually need and The Man who turned it into Carol's "Barbie Dream Closet!" However, most of our married life, we have shared fairly small closets or we each had super-small closets! You definitely have to be very creative and ruthless when your space is limited. I get a chuckle out of those HGTV house hunter shows, too!

    Hugs, Carol

    1. Ruthless! I love that word, Carol. That is how I cleaned up and out this time around. I still had skirts I wore when I was teaching…19 years ago! Yikes. Not in style and I honestly hadn’t worn any of them in all those years. Time to go! ;)

  12. The only thing I enjoy about moving is that it forces me to keep my closets organized and neat. In turn, I force the hubster to keep his side of the closet organized and neat. I use baskets to keep things that I don't want to see unseen and I found some cool shoe organizers from IKEA for us to put our shoes in. It truly makes a world of difference. If it were left up to me, I would have no more than 3 outfits and 2 pairs of shoes...but since we have work functions to attend all the time, I'm forced to have more clothes than I actually want. I'm a weird woman...LOL Love and hugs!!

    1. I’m wth you, Benita, I do not need a lot of clothes. We go to very few formal events, so I don’t have a large stash of that stuff and I have favorite everyday clothes that I tend to wear over and over. So I really don’t want to have a lot in my closet either! I’m weird right there with you…that’s why we get along so well! ;) xoxo

  13. Hi Kim, what a good feeling it must be to organize your closet. I am fortunate that I have a big enough closet (we incorporated part of the back porch to make our master closet). Also I am fortunate (what!!) that we don't have that many clothes. Since retiring we both practically live in jeans and t-shirts so our "good" clothes don't take up too much space. But, I still should get in and organize it better!..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, I am with you about being "fortunate" to not need a large wardrobe. I have comfy clothes and some pretties for when the mood strikes me. What I do have is a lot of bathing suits and cover ups. That I should organize better!! :)

  14. I have 3 tiny closets in our house so I understand. Your closet looks great now, and so organized.

    1. Thank you, Kristi. Small/ old home living is definitely a challenge sometimes. I love my spaces, but I really have to think about what I want to bring into my home and keep. I am glad that at least my bedroom closet is set. For now… ;)

  15. I have small closets too. Three to be exact. One in each bedroom. No coat closet, no linen closet, no broom closet. They all could use some work. Since most of my closets hold stuff instead of clothing now that my kids have their own closets in their own homes I really should make them more organized and accessible. Nice post.

    1. Older homes are really challenging when it comes to storage space, aren't they? I guess we either have too much stuff now (which is definitely the case in my home) or we just keep the wrong stuff (also the case...although I am trying to remedy that one!). Every now and again, I try to toss, but there are some items like baby clothes and the kids' artwork that I can't bear to part with. I need to find a better solution to store it all!! :)

  16. I love to organize, and your closet looks amazing! I have a sweater/shoe organizer that I've had for years and I love it. I switch out things, as you have done, from top to bottom, depending on the season. It is about time for me to do the clean out for our season too, although we just had snow yesterday and more on the way this weekend, lol.... but it won't be long and sweaters will have no business on the top rack, lol! Enjoyed your post today, will definitely check out Tidy Living, looks like they have a lot of great storage ideas. :)

    1. Thanks Marilyn! It feels good to have everything at the ready. I was tired of digging and searching…and yes, Tidy Living has some great items. I can’t believe what a big difference that hanging shelf has made ~ probably like your own shoe/ sweater organizer! It’s the little things I guess! ;)

  17. Hi Kim, your organized closet looks great! I love doing the same for each change of season. I am due to do mine too real soon as I do not need to hear my heavy sweaters and turtleneck shirts. Yay for spring and the warmer weather.
    Have a Happy Easter.

    1. Thanks Julie! I hope you enjoy spring in all its glory this weekend and swap that closet for a pretty view inside, too! ;)

  18. Great tips! I love to organize everything :-) When we bought our most recent home I was sad to give up the closet space I had been accustomed to in our other homes. It is quite small and makes organizing a challenge as my husband and I have to share it, lol. Even our girls have larger closets than we do, lol. We make it work the best we can and store seasonal items to leave us more room. Hope you are having a wonderful day!


    1. Thanks Jill! Small closets are definitely a challenge and I totally get it. I share a closet with my husband, too. We are constantly haggling over space. The organizer has made it easier. At least on my side. You can’t fit a suit on a hanging shelf. ;)

  19. Great tips Kim. This is on my list to do. I have done my youngest and now it's master closet. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Have a great Easter.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I have to hit the kids’ closets next. Oh boy. ;)

  20. My closet needs some help at the moment....but the garden has to come first right now. I keep saying someday I'll get to it, yet that someday doesn't seem to ever come! I need a clone....or to hit Lotto so I can retire!

    1. Ha! I totally get it. I spent Sunday morning/ afternoon in my pjs cleaning out that closet, while everyone else around here was enjoying the warm weather. I am glad it's done now, so I can move on to my own gardening. When it warms up anyway! Enjoy your gardening my friend. And good luck with Lotto! ;)

  21. You won't believe me, but I also spent last weekend doing the same thing. I was a brave girl and ended up donating two huge bags of clothing that I knew I never was going to wear again or didn't fit no more. Got to stop buying ho-ho's. :) Your closet looks fabulous!

    1. Thanks! And I totally get it Maria…I baked a cheesecake yesterday. I need to stop doing that! ;)

  22. Your closet looks great! Good for you! I'm still waiting for the weather to warm up.......many blessings to you this Easter weekend.

  23. This is one of those jobs I dread, but am always so glad I tackled! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I agree with you 100%. That is exactly how I always feel…before and after! ;) Let’s hope the after sticks for a bit!

  24. My closet is miniscule, Kim. 1935 closets hadn't gotten much better than 1929. I have dealt with it by filling bags with things that were previously cluttering closets up, things not worn. Your advice is timely!

    1. Seems like we are both in good company, Dewena. Tis the season, I suppose! ;)

  25. Very tidy! And I love the Cinderella shoes with the glass (if it is not, it really should be) heels. One of the blessings of my life is a huge closet. I still manage to fill it to overflowing, of course, but that is on me :-)

    1. Ah, the Cinderella shoes. They are very charming...alas, they are plastic. It does make it easier to run at midnight though. ;)

  26. There's something so inspiring about an organized closet like yours. Great job! Hugs.

    1. Thanks Nancy! I am very happy with the way it turned out. I never knew how much space was in there! ;) Hugs to you!

  27. Great Job! I might have my youngest moving back in ( he is here now after his dad died not able to stay there due to sadness ) but methinks it may be a bit longer and closets and space are on my mind :)

    1. Thanks Deb. I am so sorry about his dad, and I bet a little time with mom will make a big difference...

  28. Looking good . . .
    A job I will get to after the hours of
    outdoor clean up!
    Catching up here finally . . .
    Happy Easter Kim . . .

    1. Happy Easter, Lynne! I know, I need to organize my outdoor space, too. Waiting for the warmer weather! ;)

  29. Happy Easter Monday Kim!
    Catching up after Colorado, weeding the garden and Easter cooking.
    Great tips on staying organized!
    I went through my closet about a month ago and I have a garbage bag of clothes that need to go to goodwill. It felt good to shuffle out the old.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Hello Jemma! Shuffling out the old has felt good, I agree. I am now ready to shuffling in a little new! ;)

  30. Wow! You have made your space look great. I need to tackle that project also but always seem to find myself procrastinating! Great organizer ideas. This is an area I truly struggle! Thanks for sharing

    1. Trust me Lynn, I procrastinated for a long, long time. That one little organizer made all the difference. I highly recommend it! ;)

  31. Well, you know me. I'm always purging, inckuding yesterday and probably today and who knows when else. All in preparation for a *possible* move. Like you, I don't understand some of these people on hgtv who insist on things they really don't need like huge closets or rooms that are painted in colors they love. How lazy can you get?! Off my soapbox now, but let's talk about that lack of singing and dancing gene. I can offer you lessons for the latter at just $6.99 an hour plus tax. As for the former, you're on your own ;).

  32. I really need to get my act together and clean them out. I'm still busy cleaning out my rooms And painting. Anyway the biggest problem is tossing out all those sentimental clothes. That is the hardest for me. Oh and I also have a thing with fabrics. I may not wear the clothing but if the fabric is nice I keep it just in case I can use it on a project. The clutter never ends!

    1. I have a thing for fabric, too, Mary. I just don't have a great place to keep it either! I plan to use it all up...but more just keeps coming into the house. How does that happen?? ;)
