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Easy Easter Decor Ideas

March 28, 2017

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Decorate for Easter with these super simple and affordable crafty DIY and decor ideas. From banners to simple floral arrangements it's all here.

Proving that you don't need to spend a lot of time or money to welcome that bunny.

Easter bunny figurine and pink tulips in a white pitcher in the living room

 Ah, spring!

That fabulous time of the year when the world begins to awaken, the ground thaws, birds return and everyone is thinking about bunnies and Easter decor.

Or dreaming about it, depending on where you live.

I happen to live in a dreaming about it kind of area.

Snow can be a staple around here until mid-April. No joke.

So, if I want to see bunnies and gorgeous pastel spring colors, I have to set them out in my home.

It's a very deliberate act that is often hard to get excited about while I am wearing a heavy winter coat and warm boots, dodging piles of ice and rock salt.

Decorating For Easter

However, in the spirit of the season, I've decorated for Easter, with so much spring feeling, that if you didn't look out the window, you just might be fooled into thinking it was green outside.

Maybe there were even a few baby bunnies on the lawn...eating the warm to the blooming tulips and lilacs...under a rainbow.

Ok, so the rainbow is too far, but frankly the rest of it is a total fantasy at this point, so I figured why not? 😉

Bunnies and Tulips

In all seriousness, when it comes to Easter decor, I make it all very easy.

Wooden Bunny With Floral Carvings

I'm still enjoying the clean look of my home now that the Christmas decorations have come down. I'm not ready to fill it up again with a lot of stuff.

So simple is the name of my Easter game.

I add a lot of tulips to my white pitchers and pepper them about the house. They're cheap and they invoke the feeling of Easter when set next to a bunny or two.

I also whip out my jingle bell bunnies.

Are they not the cutest things you have ever seen? 

Jingle Bell Bunny Ornaments hanging from a chandelier

I found them in a shop years ago, for like a buck apiece.

They were too darling to pass up.

Each year, I find a new place to feature them. Since we're trying to use the living room more, that's where you'll find them this year.

You could do the same with these charming, patterned hanging Easter Eggs.

Metal Lanterns Decorated For Easter

Those are my Easter staples. A few bunnies and grocery store tulips.

Simple Easter Crafts

Of course, it wouldn't be a holiday without a little crafty DIY, so here's a recap of what I've whipped up in the past.

You'll get the sense that I'm super low key about it all.

Like...coloring eggs is not my favorite.

It's messy and the kids are bored of it, so when they suggested coloring cookies instead one year, I said awesome. Have it. Just don't involve me.

They didn't and the results were fantastic.

Easy Rainbow Pinwheel Cookie Recipe

Much better than when I tried to decoupage eggs. The end result is pretty, but the process was not. I thought decoupage was supposed to be foolproof.

 Well, it isn't.

At least not for this fool.

Decoupage Easter Eggs With Napkins, bunny figures and flowers in a pitcher on a table

A few years later, I was able to the hang of decoupage and made these large, knock off, designer eggs.

They came out great. Much easier than trying to stick tiny pieces of paper onto tiny eggs.

Floral covered DIY eggs on kitchen table with tulips and bunny figurines

The kids were much more successful with their own easy Easter crafts. They came up with some fabulous yarn chicks and some really sweet cupcakes.

Maybe I should just hand this holiday over to them.

Yellow Yarn Chickens in a white ceramic bowl


I had better luck with my tulle carrot banner. It was super simple to do and I still love the whimsy and softness it adds to my home.

Better yet, no eggs, no decoupage.

Orange Tulle Carrot Garland For Easter hanging on a fireplace

Clearly, I should stick to making banners. I have a small addiction, I know. That's ok. Banners are pretty innocuous.

Let's face it, as far as addictions go it could be a lot worse.

But bunnies and carrots and envelopes...oh my! I love this one and it was made with leftovers from my craft cabinet.

It's just one little accent in my kitchen, but it makes a big Easter statement.

Easy Carrot and Easter Bunny Garland Banner

I also made a stained bunny and carrot banner from Dollar Tree supplies

A little more elegant, a little more subdued and little more appropriate for the living room.

DIY Wooden Bunny Banner Cut outs hanging on a mantel

Of course, I have to decorate the front door, too.

This charming boy was just too cute to leave at the store. Now he lives with me and welcomes guests to my home.

Easy Easter Bunny Gift Bag Craft

Although now he has to share the limelight with another Easter Bunny wreath. This one was made by combining a wooden shape and a stick tile.

Both from the Dollar Tree. 

Pink Bunny Tulip Spring Wreath against a black door

See? I told you, low key Easter decor.

Super simple and not a lot of it, but enough to acknowledge and celebrate the day without the big expense or set up and clean up fuss.

And, in case you think that I'm an Easter humbug, I'd like to leave you with this silly story about a pretty normal Easter holiday at my house. 

Trust me, when it comes to holidays, I'm all in.

Ceramic Easter Bunny Holding a pink bowl

Just not so much with the decor.

And the eggs.

Oh boy.

Thank goodness for those tulips.

Easy Easter Decor Ideas Collage

Looking for more tulip decor?

I've got that!

A Rubber Rain Boot Vase filled with tulips and a yellow ribbon on a front door
Rubber Rain Boot Decor Ideas

Happy Easter, Folks!
Kim Signature

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  1. I love all of your cute decorations! sheila

  2. Those are all cute ideas and nothing over the top, Kim. I love what you have done. I don't like coloring eggs I am really doing simple Easter decor this year, too. I love the idea of tulips here and there throughout the house. We are hoping for a somewhat warm Easter (hahahaha)..and I DID see my first robin today so maybe there is hope. xo Diana

    1. Oh...a robin!! That is promising! The only thing I have seen is crows. Not exactly the great harbingers of spring, are they? ;)

  3. Your Easter stuff is too cute. Love your banners. Last year was the first that i had done any decorating for Easter in many years and it was only the table. I will have to get a little bit more out this year. My mom is a holiday decorator. The gene must have skipped me. 60 degrees yesterday and today. I know it probably won't last but it was pretty nice.

    1. 60 degrees, you lucky girl! Send some of that my way please! And you may not be decorating, but I am decorating with YOUR decorations. I have your beautiful tulip banner on display and it just screams spring. Thank you again, my friend. xoxo

  4. You just crack me up! You make everything look great - even when you think it doesn't! I need some jingle bunnies and some decoupaged eggs. :)

    1. Thanks Stacey!! :) And I say buy the eggs!!

  5. I love your Easter decor. How adorable are those metal bunnies and the carrot garland. It's fun to see what you have been up too.

    1. Don't you love those metal bunnies, Vanessa? I may have to start collecting jingle bells. ;)

  6. Your simple décor is perfect. Love your jingle bell bunnies and your banners are adorable. I just started decorating for Spring yesterday, after I took the winter décor after my front porch! A few bunnies here and there is all I do. I think I will have to get some tulips.....they are the only flowers that don't make me sneeze! They do say SPRING!

    1. I agree, AnnMarie!! Tulips are my safe flower. Most spring flowers, especially lilacs, lilies and daffodils send me running for the tissue box, too. Happy spring porch decorating...what a fun time of year!

  7. I love the tulips and bunnies arrangement on your coffee table, Kim. And I thought your decoupage eggs were wonderful. The carrots, bunnies and envelope banner is one of my favorites, too. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I actually really enjoy looking at the eggs, I just never want to make them again. ;) Hugs.

  8. I love your sweet Easter decor! And I'm totally clicking over to that colored cookie post. Yum! I never really was that into coloring eggs either. It's so messy and I always made the boys do it outside on our "craft" table. (same thing with carving pumpkins) Lol! By the way, I loved your description of the bunnies eating clover by the tulips and the sounded just like a wonderful children's book!

    1. Lisa, I have always thought it would be fun to write children's books. I actually have a draft for a fish that dreams about life outside the tank. Maybe the meantime...those eggs! Yes, messy, messy, messy! Cookies are much better...and tastier! ;)

  9. Those banners are great! I am more low key for Easter. We do eggs - the kids still love them, and at age 14 and 11 I don't have to do much. I do love to do flowers, too, and that's my main Easter decor!

    1. Flowers are always awesome, Deanna, I agree! :) Have fun with those eggs!

  10. Love the banners, you are a banner master!
    I like the idea of using flowers for your decor, but you already know that. ;-)

    1. I do know that…as you are the flower master! ;)

  11. Love that cute banner, always have such cute ones! Had to laugh at your comment about imagining bunnies in your yard. They are all happily hopping in our neighborhood...Jackrabbits, that is! I'm not sure why they are so prolific this year. Maybe it was all the rain and very chilly weather just kept them in their dens doing what bunnies are want to do!
    Hugs, Carol

    1. Thanks Carol! I do love those banners. How lucky you are to have so many sweet rabbits in your neighborhood! Right now all I have is frigid squirrels! Not nearly as cute. ;)

  12. Thank you, Teri. The sun is actually shining today, so it finally feels a bit like spring, too. :)

  13. Tulips in all colors spruce it up around here . . .
    Toss a few bunnies and some hand blown eggs left in their natural color,
    and I call it good . . .

  14. Cute! Love your Easter decor...especially the jingle bell bunnies! ;)

    1. Aren't they the sweetest?? Every year I swear I am going to figure out how to make them...maybe next year! ;)

  15. You are one of the best story tellers that I've ever read. I loved the Pokemon story :)

    You decorate more than I do. I put out two bunnies and a little Happy Easter sign lol I am in love with your bunnies though.


    1. Thank you, Rue! I think you give me too much credit. These crazy things actually happen to me and then I just recount the details. Every last humiliating one... ;)

  16. Hi Kim, I remember that beautiful bunnies and carrots and envelopes banner (and all your other beautiful banners!). Tulips add such quiet glamour, whatever the occasion, don't they? I know how much you love them, and the seem to love you, too, posing so prettily for your camera!;)

    Happy weekend,

    1. That’s a perfect description, Poppy, quiet glamour…they certainly do!

  17. Kim, simple and sweet is the best. You always have the most beautiful tulips and display them just right. I get the Easter connection with the bunnies but the tulips are the stand out. I think your decopage eggs are special and so cute. They look like a good job to me. Love the bell bunnies, banners, boot and chicks all, But the tulips and their arrangements are gorgeous..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! Getting tulips to behave is very easy. I just chop off a bit of the stem and plop them in a pitcher or bucket. They tend to bend and droop to the shape of whatever is holding them and since they continue to grow long after they are cut, every day I get a different look. Happy flowers! :)

  18. I would say you are definitely ready for the Easter Bunny! Such cute decorations.

  19. Since I laughed out loud, YES I'd say your jingle bell bunnies are super-cute!! :)

    1. I absolutely adore them, Deb! Jingle jingle!

  20. The kids did a great job with their ideas! I really love your carrot garland from last year! It's a keeper. You probably have noticed that I use garlands all the time for special occasions too. It's festive. I also love tulips, but they are expensive here, probably because they don't grow here. But, I still indulge myself a couple of times during the season. It's such a happy flower, and I just sent a bouquet of them to my mother. I know you didn't mention lilies, but I just wanted to put it out there that they are poisonous for cats. xoxo Su

    1. Thanks so much, Su! The kids really are very creative. I have noticed your banners and they always look lovely. Yes, tulips are very inexpensive here. I can get a bunch for less than $5.oo and they last for two weeks. I didn’t know that about lilies. It’s a good tip, especially this time of year. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend! :) Kim

  21. The tulips are beautiful Kim and the little bunnies are so sweet. I like your eggs too but I have never been brave enough to try!

    1. Thanks Ronda! Save yourself the's a messy job. Although, I have to say, I made them a few years ago and they still look good. So I guess my effort wasn't in vain! :)

  22. Tulips make such a big diffeence for me as well. It like a passage out of Winter, Spring comes so very late here so having the fresh living blossoms help with the wait.

    1. They certainly do Leanna! I crave color and the tulips fit the bill!

  23. Loving the pitchers with tulips!! I have never seen jingle bell bunnies before...they are darling :)

    1. Thanks so much, Karen...and I know...aren't they darling? I really wish I could make a few more! ;)
