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Button Tail Bunny Easter Banner

March 31, 2017

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Whip up a sweet bunny banner to decorate for spring, for Easter or for your baby's nursery in no time flat.

Grab the template and come see the quick and easy how to!

DIY Bunny Button Burlap Spring Banner

Ever lose track of time in the fabric store?

Wander aimlessly up and down the aisles, gazing at the floor to ceiling rolls of color and pattern, gathering samples that do not match your decor and dream about the ways you could use them...even though they're not even remotely red?
No? Just me?

Clearly, I have a problem.

I'm a complete and total fabric junkie.

Perfect example, is this fabulous turquoise print.

Even though there is absolutely no place in my home where this gorgeous blue would go, I could not be coaxed out of the store without a small piece of it. You case.

It's been in my fabric scrap bucket for years and every now and then I pick it up and drape it around the house, thinking that this time, I just might find a place for it.

And you know what?

Today was that day. I took one look at it and immediately thought bunny banner.

Big surprise right?

I guess I had bunnies and banners on the brain after my last piece. Plus it's been a while since I made a banner, so I figured why not.

It was super easy to do, start to finish, less than ten minutes.

I already had the burlap banner hanging on mantle.

So all I needed to do was grab my bunny template and start cutting.

Blue fabric, bunny template and scissors

Well, I didn't really just start cutting.

What I did was fold my fabric on itself a few times, trace the bunny with a pencil on the back of the fabric and then I started cutting.

Easter Bunny Banner Template and several fabric bunnies next to the scissors on a table

They were a little wrinkled, which is understandable, I mean that fabric was in the bucket for a long time. So I grabbed my iron and smoothed them out.

No wrinkly bunnies allowed.

Wrinkled Easter Bunny Garland cut outs

Of course, every bunny needs a tail and I was going to go with the traditional cotton style, but then these buttons caught my eye and I thought, why not.

A little hot glue was all it took to affix them and voilá...button tail bunnies.

Plastic box full of multicolored craft buttons

Now, since I like to reuse the burlap part of the banner each season (storage is sorely lacking in this tiny cottage) I just used a small pin to attach the bunnies to the banner.

You can hot glue them or stitch them on, if you prefer, for a more permanent fix.

I'm just not a permanent kind of gal.

Easter Spring Banner DIY

When I hung them up I was actually surprised at how well they went with all the red decor in the room.

It was kind of shocking.

Or not, since turquoise and red are kind of a classic color combo.

Fireplace Mantel Easter Banner Decoration

It got me thinking about all the other samples I have in that fabric scrap bucket ~ pinks, purples, yellows, more blues ~ and how they may look just as good as with my red.

Button Bunny Burlap Banner DIY next to a spring egg wreath

As a matter of fact, I have so many great ideas, I'm starting to think that I may need more samples.

And more banners.

Always more banners.

Hippity Hoppity.

Do you have a fabric addiction?

Napkin Eggs

Napkin Easter Eggs on a table

Note Card Bunny Banner hanging over the stove

Kim Signature

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  1. This is such a great idea and your bunnies are so adorable! I think I might try it, thank you for the wonderful kick in the pants... I mean inspiration lol.

    1. Haha...yes, sometimes I need that same kick, Linda! ;) So glad you enjoyed this project. Happy weekend!

  2. Fabric shops are my favorite stores. Fortunately, (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), we have an amazing quilt shop in this county with a great selection of fabrics and lots of sewing ideas. Working with fabric is blissful. Love the banner, Kim. Pretty fabrics, cute buttons. Can't go wrong with that! Have a great weekend, my friend. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy! My cousin and I were just talking about quilt shops. My aunt was a prolific quilter, so talented, and when we would visit, she would always take us fabric shopping. We all agreed that it was torturous. Ironically now, those same shops are where I find my solace. My how things come around... ;)

  3. You are the resident banner maker! There was a time when I haunted the fabric shops because I loved to sew and quilt. But can't do that anymore due to ankle and hand arthritis. Have a great weekend!

    1. I use my hands a lot, Brenda…computer, crafting…and I often wonder if that is on the horizon for me. Until then, I do love those fabric shops. Maybe this weekend… ;)

  4. Those cute little bunnies could go hopping over the bed springs banner! lol! I try to avoid fabric stores unless I need something. Because if I started the 'just a little bit' thing I'd be in trouble. And I don't work with fabric very much. But... it's so PRETTY and... no. just no. ;-)

    1. Right there with you, Nancy! It's a slippery, slippery, lovey slope isn't it? ;)

  5. Aren't you all pretty and "Banner Bunnified!"
    Sweet it is . . . bring on some April Color!
    We've already had the showers . . ,

    1. We are having showers today! I prefer the color…sunshine and blue bunnies!! ;)

  6. What a cute banner! Now I want to make one! I am so lazy that I would probably just order the burlap banner from the links at the end of your post. I am a fabric hoarder with absolutely nothing to do with it. I have two packs of designer fabric samples that I use occasionally, but clearly I have more than I need.

    1. Ann Marie, I am super lazy!! That banner is from the store. I just recycled it from Christmas...swapped out the snowflakes and added the bunnies! ;) I do however have more than enough fabric to make my own if I were ever motivated to do so, but I doubt that is ever going to happen!

  7. Kim: Too darling and perfect in your room. Each time I visit it seems to cost me money! Not fair. All those interesting little ads at the end of your posts are adding up for me. You started me on my pillow addiction, remember??? Now I will have a banner to obsess about!..It still makes me happy each time I visit, though!!..Happy Thursday..Judy

    1. Haha! I am so sorry, Judy! So much for my simplifying mantra, huh? ;) I am addicted to those pillow covers, too. They are so inexpensive and there are so many cute ones out there, it's hard to look away! Thank you for the sweet comment about my bunnies. I am very happy with that quick project and even happier that I was able to finally use that scrap!! :)

  8. Hi, thanks for sharing such an adorable project, your banner looks awesome! Wondering if I could ask you where you got the wreath displayed in the photo with the banner? I just love it! Thank you!

    1. Hi Dana. Thank you so much for your kind words. I wish that I could be more of help with the wreath. I actually bought it several years ago at Marshall's. It is a beauty, I agree with you and it was cheap...something like $16.99 or I never would've purchased it. It's actually an easy DIY if you're into that. It's a grapevine wreath with a blue and white pip berry garland wrapped on the front, a few leaves and colored eggs tucked in. A little bit of glue holds it all together...not the information you were looking for, but I hope it helps. :)

    2. Hi Kim, Yes, you did definitely help...I am actually going to attempt making it then, I love it that much! Thank you so much!! :)

    3. I am so glad! Good luck, I bet it's going to be beautiful!

  9. Very cute! I have a bunny/easter egg banner hanging over my entertainment center made from "paint samples" and scrapbook paper, and another bunny banner (back side only w/cotton tails) hanging in my dining room window. The banners are such a cute, inexpensive way to brighten the house for the holidays. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    1. Oh, that sounds adorable Barb! I am a total banner junkie. I am saving your idea for next year. You can never have too many bunny banners! ;)

  10. Bunny banners are so adorable. The colours you chose are perfect for spring. Really cute

    1. Thanks so much, Leanna. I am happy to finally have a use for this beautiful fabric. :)

  11. These are so cute and the pattern makes them all look different but cohesive. The buttons for the tail is awesome! I have a ton of buttons here and there too, what a great idea!

    1. Thanks Toni! I need to use up some of my buttons. I'd need a lot more bunny tails!! ;)

  12. What a cute banner.

    I did have a fabric addiction, but I whittling it down. The last little lap quilt I made with completely with left over fabrics.

    1. Maybe I need to start quilting, Carol!! ;)

  13. Sooo pretty, Kim! I love this idea and the fabric is gorgeous. Do I have a fabric addiction? Let me answer that by saying that if I ever get lost and don't come home, you all should look for me first at the fabric store. I have about four huge fabric scrap buckets and I can't part with any of it. Well, you never know when I will need it. :) So, if you ever need any fabric, you know who to ask. Have a wonderful weekend! xxx

    1. Your fabric scraps are artfully arranged in that beautiful craft room of yours, aren't they? I just know it!! If I had a space like that I would be collecting just for the fun of it!! :)

  14. Hi Kim, Your banner is adorable. Love it and the fabric you used. Such sweet details make it so cute! Yes, I too have a fabric addiction and recently had to purchase totes to hold it all in a more organized way.
    I need it all too. haha Have a great evening and week ahead. xo

    1. There's something about those sweet scraps that just makes us hang on, isn't there! ;)

  15. Fabric shops, along with yarn shops, are known worldwide as time-sucking vortex. In some countries they come with their own warning. Love the banner!

    1. Thanks Amalia and yes…we should have that warning here! ;) ps- I can’t help thinking that these bunnies are calling out for a story. Your creative blogging influence no doubt.

  16. Your banner is darling. So cute and nice that you are able to reuse it for different seasons. That is so clever. I have a fabric stash...I guess it would qualify as an addiction. I had decided to make a paper banner for my mom for Easter. I don't know if I can make it changeable like yours but I now am considering at least making it reversible. We will see if I get it done. Hope you are having a good weekend.

    1. Thank you, Lorri and I LOVE your reversible idea. I am all about that kind of changeable craft. Now you have me thinking of one…spring blooms on one side and summer ones on the other!

  17. So beautiful...what a lovely idea!!

    1. Why thank you, Jeni! I really appreciate the sweet comment! :)

  18. Oh, the craft store is actually more dangerous for me, Teri, because yes, they have fabric AND supplies to create things with the fabric. I often have to look away!! ;)

  19. Yup, I'm addicted to fabric stores too. Even went to one here in Asheville the other day. I think my addiction can beat up your addiction ;).

    Cute banner and a great way to use that pretty fabric.

    1. Now that is a challenge I think I could enjoy...even if I was the loser! But I wouldn't be.... ;)

  20. Oh yes! :-)
    I do like the color choice, blue is my favorite color. The sweet button tail is Hip-pity Hop-pity perfect.
    Happy Spring,

    1. Thanks Carla! Blue has always been a favorite hue...and now I am starting to get addicted. ;) I hope you have a
      Hip-pity Hop-pity week!

  21. oh your bunnies are adorable and yes I have a fabric addiction :)

  22. I love fabric! I just don't buy it anymore, because it turns into a sickness and I don't have the room either.

    Cute bunny banner and I like the blue :)


    1. Yes, agreed and I am totally afflicted. ;)

  23. Yes mam, I definitely have a fabric addiction & actually sew very little. But you can use it for lots of things, right? I'd say so. I've done exactly the something I like knowing it doesn't go with anything I have, but I like it! Almost can't resist fabric at yard sales! Like your bunny banner too, especially the button tail...different!

    1. Thanks Florence...and yes, fabric is so versatile. You do not need to sew to have fun with it...or get in trouble with it!! ;)

  24. So stinkin' cute! Love your bunny banner. I don't have a fabric addiction but I think if I learned how to use the old sewing machine I had to have, I could get one in a hurry. ;)

    1. Thanks Kristi. It was easy...and you know...I don't want to add to the temptation, but there's a lot you can do with fabric without a stitch! ;)

  25. I do have a fabric addiction, and it is very frustrating since I don't sew! Now, if I did sew, I'd probably have it under better control.

    Your blue bunny banner is beautiful. I actually consider blue to be a neutral hue, so in my book, it goes with everything!


    1. I was surprised at how well the blue went with the red, Poppy. I plan to add more! :)

  26. Yes, I share your addiction, Kim! I love wandering aimlessly, imagining what I could make. Though I often enter without a project in mind, I never leave empty handed. And, I never tire of looking at my little piles of fabric stacked on shelves in my craft space.
    Love your banner!

    1. Thanks Susan and glad to know that I am in good company!! :)

  27. Those are the cutest little button tailed bunnies! I can see why you didn't give up on that fabric. Glad you found a way to incorporate it into your home. I think it goes really well with red too!

    1. I have had that sample for years, Lisa. I just had to use it somewhere!! ;)

  28. Hi Kim, I wanted to stop by to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers for my surgery last Monday. Diana posted a prayer request on her blog and I am full of gratitude! I am slowly recovering but wanted you to know how very much I appreciate you thinking of me. :-) This is an adorable craft! Looking forward to following your blog and getting to know you better. Have a great week!


    1. Thanks so much, Jill. I am so glad that you are feeling better. I really appreciate the visit. It was so sweet of you to come by and say hello. I wish you a great week and a Happy, Healthy Easter!

  29. Fabric doesn't do anything for me, but I know you're not alone in your addiction, because I have friends that are the same way! Though I have to say, I do love the fabric you picked out for your bunnies. ;-) And the banner you made is adorable!

    1. Thanks Melanie. Yes, it's a sickness...even when I have no idea what I would do with it, I have to have it. ;) Glad to hear I am not alone.

  30. Kim, I love that fabric! I actually love aqua with red and a touch of green. After all, that's what I have in my kitchen. :) The buttons are the cutest little bunny tails!

    1. I love the look of aqua and red together, Jann. I might have to add more…and not all in bunny form! ;) Happy Easter my friend.

  31. Hi Kim, oh wow I LOVE your bunny banner you made and the colors of it too. Thanks for the tutorial on how to make it. I am pinning this one.

    Enjoy the week.


    1. Thanks so much, Julie. It was fun to make and it felt great to use up some of that fabric! :)

  32. Those colors definitely say Spring! Button tails are something I would have never thought of doing but they turned out so CUTE! I have lots of fabric scraps too, and they have come in handy so many times :)

    1. I was so happy to be able to use the buttons, Karen. I have a ton of them...and I am glad you like them! :)

  33. This is such a pretty idea for Easter, love the blues! Love that you recycle everything!

    1. Thanks Maria...I have to admit, I love this one!
