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Everything I Needed To Know About Blogging, I Learned In Kindergarten

March 03, 2017

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Turns out I knew everything I needed to know about blogging, before I even started. Well almost everything.

Everything I Needed To Know About Blogging, I Learned In Kindergarten

Do I really even need to continue writing? I mean, you know where I'm going with this. Everyone's familiar with that saying. Aren't they? No? Yes?

Well, for the benefit of the few that may not be acquainted, I'll explain, especially since Sunday is my four year blogging anniversary.

Anniversaries are always a good time for reflection.
Four years.

It seems rather unbelievable to me. It feels like yesterday when I decided to buy a domain name, for less than a buck, and start writing.

The kids and I were gathered by my desk, brainstorming site names and checking to see if the .com was available. It was a heady time, full of dreams, designs and anticipation.

What could come of this, I wondered.

Well, in all honesty, I had no idea. I was just so happy to be distracted writing that first post, I didn't really think about what the future could hold. I didn't know anything about blogs or blogging. I only knew I wanted to write and if a few people read my words, I would be happy.

Of course, since I was so new to the genre, I had absolutely no idea how anyone was supposed to find my words to read them. However, being a good student, I hit the internet and got myself out there.

I had nothing to guide me, except what my mother taught me as a child, about how behave and interact with others. I learned from her direction and from her example.

I was to greet people with a smile, look presentable, be polite, helpful if needed, kind always, really listen when others spoke, share, never swear, never show up empty handed, play nice and if you don't have anything nice to say...well, you know the rest.

The basics.

The stuff they reinforce in kindergarten.

And that is how I made my way into the world of internet words.

I made the rounds and made friends. People found my content and pretty soon I discovered Pinterest (and became an addict). I was enjoying myself as I learned the ropes.

Unfortunately, there was enough rope to hang myself with.

So. Many. Rules.

There were ones for just about everything from visiting and commenting to when, what and where to pin. I became way too familiar with terms like SEO, RSS, opt-in, pop-up, back link, no-follow, meta tags and sponsored content.

I had to think about permissions, copyright, mobile responsiveness and site speed, photo size and scheduling, conferences and sponsorship and of course, the biggie, ads.

And just when I thought I had it all down, I was doing it all right, it changed. Over and over again.

It was enough to make my head spin.

Especially when all I really wanted to do was write, have a few people pop by and leave thinking that maybe someday, they'd like to come back to see what else I've got.

Yes, I know, in order for that to happen, people have to find me and my tiny site, a mere droplet, in this crazy web first. So, I have to pin and link and share and play nice with Google so they move me up in search.

I get it.

But the bottom line is that if people aren't drawn to me and my words, they won't visit for very long and they won't come back - regardless of my chic new theme, my rebrand, my giveaway, my opt-in or the clarity of my photos.


If they love what I have to offer, if I can make them laugh or cry, if they relate to me in some way, see themselves in my words or are inspired by my crafts, they'll ignore the ads, they will click away the annoying pop up, they won't even notice my boring, static site design.

And they will follow along. 😉

Even if I don't have an opt-in or a freebie to entice them.

The words will be enough.

So, you know what I really learned after four years?

That ignorance is bliss...and all I really needed to know about blogging, I knew long before I even started.

I write and interact with my KIMmunity the way I was taught to behave in real life...the way I would run a little shop in my neighborhood..the way I treated my students and their parents on a daily basis in my kindergarten classroom.

Those lovely little nuggets my mom instilled in me so many years ago, is all I ever really needed to be successful.

And I knew them all by the time I was four years old.


Ironic isn't it?

I would like to thank each and every one you who takes the time to click over to Exquisitely Unremarkable to read my words. It means more to me than you could ever imagine and I am a truly grateful for the time you spend with me. Thank you!!

Blog Anniversary

Kim Signature

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  1. Well....congratulations dearie!!! I guess I have been around for most of the four years, since you were one of the first blogs I read!! I was first drawn by the color red :^) and stayed to see what you did with it!
    You are still my favorite, and I enjoy every post...not always commenting (bad me) but checking it all out!
    Blessings to you, and best wishes for 40 more years :^)

    1. Thank you, J! You are always so sweet and I am honored that I was one of the first blogs you ever read. And surprised! I always feel like everyone else found their way to this party long before I did. And your comments are lovely, always thrilled to get one, but I am in the same boat, so many beautiful blogs and so little time to interact with them all on every post. Blessings to you, too!! Have a wonderful weekend. xo

  2. I comment in frequently on blogs, but did want to add my congratulations on your fourth year! I write too, but no blog. Maybe a book at some point, will see.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Linda, I am honored that you took the time comment today. Thank you so much! And if you do write that book, please let us know! I would love to take a peek. Best wishes to you!

  3. Thank you so much, Teri! I really have had a ball writing and making friends along the way. I am truly grateful for everyone who takes the time to stop by. :)

  4. Congratulations Kim. I have never done an anniversary post and actually I had to go back to my archives to see how long it has been. It is a little deceptive as I did a couple of posts regarding my greenhouse that I postdated as my blog purpose at the time was to diary life at the farm and I wanted to use old pictures to get that part of the process archived in case I ever needed to know when we did what. It was fun looking at some old posts of mine and I found several in a row where all of the pictures were rotated sideways. Not sure how to fix that or if I will.

    I am so glad to have found your blog and your friendship. Hope year five will be fun and fulfilling! I look forward to reading all about it.

    1. Can you believe it's been that long, Lorri? I am so glad that I found you, too. We have had a lot of fun chats and I always enjoy visiting you. You know how much I would love to have a farm. I can live vicariously through you and your farming...and your cooking...and your thrifting and your collecting. ;)

  5. congrats kim on 4 yrs that is 88 in blog years lol,i live with my daughter, her hubs and my 2 awesome grandsons who are 3 and 4 and just ten months apart so they both will be starting pre k this fall, i will have to pay attention and learn all over again ha ha xx

    1. Haha...yes, I believe it is 88 in blog years!! I read once that most blogs don't make it past 6 months. I honestly can't believe it's been four years. I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing most days!! And two boys...10 months apart?? You must have a very lively household! Enjoy them!! ;)

  6. Kim, congratulation on 4 yrs. of putting yourself & your words out here for all of us to enjoy. Thank you. I'm new to reading your blog. I like & enjoy it, keep it up.
    Sandy in California.

    1. Thank you so much, Sandy! What a kind comment! I hope you come back and visit often...and California, eh? Gorgeous!

  7. I enjoy your blog Kim! Didn't know it was 4 years to my one, but congrats just the same. You do NOT have a boring static design header, if that's what you are talking about. I think it is rather pretty. I can so relate to the things you've learned about blogging. I've learned or at least been exposed to all those things too, but not sure I've "learned" them yet...LOL. I laugh when I read what your mama taught you. Those were the same things mine taught me & add to it..."hold your shoulders up." Ha! I'll never forget that one...think I heard it every single day. SO, congrats on your bloggerversaries! I'm going to have to go back through & read your other anniversary posts too.
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Florence! Yes, four years and I can't believe it. It honestly feels like a lot less. My mom used to say the same thing and I wish I listened better. I have terrible posture now. Good thing that slouching doesn't come across in my writing...although I guess the cat's outta the bag now! ;)

  8. Your KimMunity. I love that! Your writing and your sweetness definitely make us all come back.

    Congratulations to you my friend.

    1. Thank you, Stacey! It's been fun...and that was a word coined by my husband. He thinks he's very clever! ;)

  9. Congrats on 4 years. I love your posts!! Best wishes for many more successful years to follow. You are a star!!! xo

    1. Thank you so much, Celestina Marie! I really appreciate all of your visits and enjoy your sweet comments!! xoxo

  10. I really enjoy your postings. Thank you for taking the time to write and share. It makes my days happier. Hugs

    1. Wow, Terri! What a lovely thing to say! Your comment just made my day happier!! Thank you so much and hugs to you, too!! :)

  11. Congrats on your milestone.
    You know, I feel the same with blogging. There was no one to guide me what to do, etc. I had to search online. And mostly I see is about promotions or marketing. I just want to share my thoughts and gab. So I just write and the rest is history. :)

    1. Sounds like a great plan…and one I hope to stay true to myself. Thank you so much for the visit and the kind comment! :)

  12. Happy 4th Anniversary. I am so thankful we have become friends. You are a great writer, I say this because you write from the heart, you are honest! I can feel it in the way you write.
    Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

    1. Carla, I am so thankful we have become friends, too. Thank you for your very, very thoughtful and kind words and you regular visits. We have so much in common and it's been wonderful sharing it all through our blogs, across the miles. xoxo

  13. Kim I must have discovered you somewhere between year two and three. Congratulations on 4 years! I have subscribed to many, but subsequently unscripted to all but a select few (including you) because what you say has so much value to me. I have a story (like everyone does) but what and how you talk about yours resonates with me...please keep on writing from your heart, I will keep reading (and learning and nodding my Again, congratulations, and thank you.

    1. Carol, your comment really got to me tonight. I have read it over and over again. As a writer, I cannot imagine reading anything more wonderful than what you expressed about my posts. Thank you for taking the time to let me know that you enjoy my words and that they have touched you in some way. I am truly humbled, honored and grateful for your comment and by your visits. :) I hope you have a wonderful evening...

  14. Four years? My, how times flies. You know so much more about blogging than I do, Kim. It shows in the success you've had. Congratulations. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy!! Time does fly, I cannot believe it’s been four years. I still feel brand new. And I’m not so sure I know any more than you do, my friend, it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. Trust me! ;)

  15. Congratulations on four years, Kim. xoxo Su

    1. Thank you, Su! You are always super sweet! xoxo

  16. This...yes. I am right there with you.

    Congrats on four years my friend! No small feat in this crazy blogging world.

  17. Happy anniversary, Kim! I'm so happy to have found your blog. While I haven't been a part of the KIMunity all along, I'm so glad to be a part of it now.
    I love your perspective on life and "things".

    1. Thanks Nancy!! I am glad that you like what you have found here. :)

  18. Happy Bloggversary! So happy we met in this crazy land of blogging and have become friends. I so enjoy your friendship Kim and your sweet blogging. Congrats on 4 years.

    1. Thank you, Kris and I could say those exact words right back to you!! xoxo

  19. Congrats on four years! You're still one of my favorites. :)

    1. Thanks Lisa!! What a nice thing to say!! xoxo

  20. I agree with you! I've listened to this "expert" and that one. And tried to keep up. And finally just went back to my original way, which led to where I am anyway.

    1. Full circle! I guess we just need to be true to ourselves and not get pulled off course by all the noise. :)

  21. Congrats on your blogging anniversary! I don't pay much attention to what us bloggers are "supposed" to be doing. I simply love writing, taking photos and sharing stories with my blogging friends. I really treasure the friendships I've made online through blogging - and of course, you're one of those dear friends!

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie!! Friends are definitely the best part of blogging and it was totally an unexpected perk for me. I cannot believe how many lovely ladies I have met and become close with…like you!! xoxo

  22. Hurray for you! I'm so happy I found your blog. It's always interesting, well written, and makes me smile or laugh!

    Jane x

    1. Thank you, Jane! You always leave such thoughtful comments. They make me smile and laugh! I think we think alike!! xoxo

  23. Happy Anniversary Kim! I am so happy I have found you in the blogging world. You so precious and I appreciate your blog.

    1. What a lovely thing to say, Vanessa! You just made me smile from ear to ear. :)

  24. why is the world always so ready to make things overly complicated?
    the more bells and whistles the better. way too many bells and whistles.
    and they try to convince the rest of us that their way is the ONLY WAY.
    you cannot have a successful blog without all that STUFF?
    if you are a true writer... and you are a very good one.
    and if you truly value simplicity... and I think you do.
    you will always write anyway. whether on this blog or otherwise. writers have to write!
    and as you've wisely said here... you'll let this little blog find its audience.
    i hope you continue to just listen to your own drummer.
    there is such beauty in mere simplicity. and the world is craving it now.

    i retired my simple little 'peanut on the table' late last year after almost five years of blogging. it was just time. and i don't regret it. i had such fun with it! and i made some wonderful friends that will last now throughout my life.
    all those 'supposedly necessary' things you mentioned above... i knew nothing about.
    if i had known ... i would have been too overwhelmed to even begin.
    happy anniversary dearest bean! and i'm sorry for the 'as usual' long winded comment.
    it's why i don't always comment here ... but I DO ALWAYS READ and ENJOY!!! XOXO♥

    1. You are always the voice of reason Tammy and I do so miss your Peanut. I guess for now, I will settle for reading your comments, but as you just said to me, a writer has to write, so I will hold out hope that you will return someday with your wit and observations. Thank you for your words, my friend. xoxo

  25. Happy Four Kim . . .
    Happy we crossed paths and that I can learn from you and share with you.
    And the "how to" maybe is something we already knew in the first place.
    To create, be artistic, to empathize, to care, to be kind . . .
    Sounds like I found it all, right here.
    Love ~

    1. Lynne, thank you so much...for the kind and heartfelt comment, for the emails, warm words and friendship. So glad we met...and have shared our love of dots! .... xo

  26. Ironic but true, and love that your blog just keeps shelling out your wonderful talent in writing and decorating! CHEERS to many more years dear Kim!

    1. Thanks so much, Vel!! :) What a lovely comment!!

  27. Happy Anniversary Kim! I so enjoy your blog and the good laughs, along with your clever ideas :)

    1. Thank you, Karen! Making people laugh is truly my favorite part!! :) xo

  28. I would have guessed that you have been blogging a lot longer than 4 years because your content is so well rounded and well written. Like you are an old pro. I like the variety of things you talk about, the lighthearted and the emotional(visiting your Mom). Your crafts are always so cute too. Happy 4 years!!

    1. AnnMarie, thank you so much! I still feel like such a disorganized newbie most of the time, flying by the seat of my blogging pants. Your comment just made my night! I feel like a real pro. Excuse me while I go print this up and put it on my fridge next to the kids’ best test grades!! ;)

  29. It is amazing the connection you can create with people you've never physically met or are likely to meet. For me it is all about the human/woman behind the technology and the honesty that comes through the posts. And I love coming here. A big hug and congrats.

    1. Thank you, Amalia. Your words have really touched me. You know that I feel just the same about you and your site. Your warmth and creativity come across in every single post and I always leave with a smile. What’s better than that? Hugs to you my long distance friend.

  30. Congratulations, Kim! I have always loved your blog and your amazing writing style. It has been such a pleasure to get to know you. Looking forward to many more years!

    1. Right back at you, Maria Elena...and thank you, my friend. xo

  31. Happy 4th Anniversary, Kim!! I have always loved reading your posts because the wonderful person you are, shines through each and every one of them..
    I know you'll be around for years to come.

    1. Susan, you just made my night. Thank you, my friend. xo

  32. Hello Kim
    The time simply flies by and although I'm not a regular visitor, when I do visit I always enjoy reading and looking at your posts.
    Many congratulations on four years of blogging.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan! You are always so kind when you pop by. :)

  33. Happy 4th it probably calls for chocolate or alcohol ? : ) Well right now I just have lemon water so I shall raise my glass to toasting "Many more years to come" :)

    1. Or both?? ;) Thanks Deb! I always love your comments.

  34. Happy Anniversary! I love your thoughts on the milestone -- very down-to-earth and sensible,just like our mothers taught us.

    1. Thank you, Pam! Every now and then, I come to my senses and do what feels right... :)

  35. Congratulations on 4 years! I'm glad I found your place and always enjoy coming back time and again for a visit! Love and hugs!

    1. Thank you, Benita!! Love and hugs to you, too!! xoxo

  36. Hi Kim!
    Happy Anniversary! :) Thanks for writing this post as though I'm happy writing my blog, I was feeling a little lost. All the analytics, the pressure as you say, trying to do things right and not getting any traffic... but really I started writing because I wanted Pen Pals. Thanks for your inspiration, and I like your selfie! I've been trying to shoot a good recent shot of myself for awhile.
    Have a great day!
    Barb :)

    1. Thank you so much, Barb! It's a tough balancing act, isn't it? Be true to you and try to block out all the "supposed to's". I hope you have found your Pen Pals. To me, that has been the best part!! Thanks for the visit and the comment. :)

  37. Kim congratulations on Four Years! I am totally with you on this. For me it is about the projects and the communication with my readers. I could care less about all that other technical stuff that is just going to change as soon as I learn it. But what can you do? At least we have this wonderful community!

    1. Thank you, Mary! I have had a ball writing, learning and making friends. It's been neat to see what goes on behind the scenes and learn the ropes, but yes, ultimately it's all about staying true to you...

  38. Congratulations Kim! I always enjoy visiting your blog. Your a very sweet lady. I hope that whatever you do with your writing you will continue to blog.

    1. Thank you so much, Ronda. I love writing and I get to do it on my own terms here, so I'm going to stick. I love your visits and your comments. You are a sweet lady yourself and I really enjoy our chats!

  39. Well, I can't top my friend Tammy's comment so I'll remain my characteristically succinct self and just say...

    Your momma taught you well :).

    1. Thank you, Doreen...and it's taken me this long to realize it. ;)
