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16 Home Decor DIYs And Crafts For Valentine's Day

January 31, 2017

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Looking for some easy, yet elegant home decor crafts for Valentine's Day?

Well, come peek at my collection and decorate your home for the holiday.

Romantic red home decor crafts for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is one of my all time favorite holidays.

While love is wonderful and should be celebrated, I have never been big on the whole dramatic romantic scene.

The fact that I was married so close to the holiday had more to do with a bargain than it did with the date.

No, for me, the Valentine's Day excitement is all about the fact that I get to decorate with red.

As if I needed an excuse!!

Over the past several years, I have whipped up a few Valentine crafts and some of them have been among my most popular posts.

I decided to round them all up today and share them again. Feel free to pin them and share with your friends.

And keep in mind that while they are Valentine Day home decor crafts, every single one of them can be displayed all year.

Red is actually a very neutral color.

No kidding. 😉

10 DIY Ways To Decorate For Valentine's Day

1. Puzzle Piece Love Banner

how to make a Valentine banner out of old puzzle pieces

Puzzle pieces have never looked so good. This is the banner that started the obsession!
Simple to make, original and oh so elegant. 

Check out the details and the pattern and you'll have your own in no time flat. 

2. Note Card Banner

how to make a valentine note card banner

I picked these note cards up in the dollar bins at the craft store.

While they were not specifically Valentine cards, I made it work with the addition of a few hearts. 

3. My Classic Red Hydrangea Wreath 

how to make a diy red hydrangea wreath

No hearts here, but when the red is this bold, who needs them?

It's super easy to put together and makes a festive statement wherever you decide to hang it up. 

4. Valentine Sock Angel Doll 

how to make a valentine sock angel doll

How can you not fall in love with this craft? Isn't she the sweetest?

And she can hang out with you all year long, just change up her surroundings and this little one will share her love all year long. 

5. DIY Floral Candle Rings

how to make floral candle rings

Here's a little Valentine most people (including myself) will tell you that they don't really like faux flowers...and yet, these floral rings are among my top posts of all time.

Yup. Pinterest, blog views, you name it, they are right up there. I have to admit, I love them. I keep them up long after Valentine's Day and have dolled them up for Christmas, as well.

Keep in mind, they'd look good in any color.

Gasp. Did I just say that out loud?

6. Pink Hurricane Tulip Candle

how to make a tulip petal candle decor

More fake flowers! I mean why mess with success?

A few petals and a candle are all you need to add a little romance to your room.

7. Sweet Embellished Pillow

Heart embellished pillow

Here's a sweet treat for your holiday. 

It's an embellished pillow sitting on my patchwork chair. Check out the how to...easy!

8. Gift Tag Love Banner

make a banner from gift tags

So, I was back at those craft store dollar bins again and I found these cute gift tags and letters.

I think they look darling on my hood above my DIY rustic wooden cake plate

9. Vintage Style Sheet Music Banner

Dixie Belle Vinyl Transfers on printed sheet music

This banner is my most recent Valentine's decoration.

It adds a vintage flair to my charming beach cottage and fills the room with visions of flowers and music.

Romantic indeed.

10. Scrap Fabric Box Pleat Garland

scrap fabric valentine garland

Well, we started with a banner and we're ending with a banner. Big surprise, huh?

And can you blame me?

They're a perfect way to quickly and inexpensively add a little Valentine pizazz to my home without breaking the bank.

Cheap, easy and Exquisitely Unremarkable.


Happy Valentine's Day!

Oh...I almost forgot. It's not a craft, but a tasty DIY treat.

And these chocolate Valentine Oreos are delicious.

Oreo Cookie floating in red melted chocolate

Looking for more Valentine fun? Check out my silly story.

Totally true.

And completely embarrassing.

Just don't tell anyone else.



How do you decorate for Valentine's Day?

Here are even more Valentine crafts and treats. I guess I really like this holiday.
Happy Valentine's Day, Friends!!
Kim Signature

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  1. Hi Kim,
    Love all your signature red color for Valentine's Day. I love my sweet sock angel you gifted to me. She sits on my desk and greets me each time I am on the computer. Love her so much. Love you sweet friend for gifting her to me. Have a great week.

    1. Love is only worth something when it's I was happy to be able to send a little your way! ❤️

  2. Love your Valentine ideas! I will certainly use some red in my decor this year.

    1. I hope you like the addition, Ronny! It really is a cheery color.

  3. Lots of pretty decor here, Kim. My favorites are the red hydrangea wreath; and the sweet pillow, which speaks to my fabric lover heart. Soo pretty. Hugs, Nancy

    1. I’m with you, Nancy, fabric is my weakness. Somedays I wish I were a better seamstress or a had more windows! Or I knew how to quilt…oh I could really get myself into some fabric hoarding trouble with that hobby!! ;)

  4. I'm a fan of red, and like you, it can be a neutral in our home. '-) I love to send hand written notes so would be delighted to be included in your give away. What fun!

    1. You're in, Sarah! They are really cute, even if there aren't 24! ;)

  5. Red makes such a bright addition to our dreary winter days, doesn't it? I try to send cards to some of the older people in our church. These postcards would be perfect for that. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. What a wonderful gesture. You are entered!

  6. These are all great ideas. I especially love the chicken notecard banner and your little sock angel.

  7. I do love red year round and have been adding it in here and there in my home. Love all your craft ideas, especially the cute little doll :-) Believe it or not I do still try and write notes to send so I'd love to be entered!

  8. Love the red hydrangea wreath!! Would LOVE to send the cute postcards to friends and family for Valentines Day this year!!!!

  9. Hi, Your using red as a year round color makes me look at it in a new way! I like to write and receive notes so would enjoy winning those post cards. bobnanmol at yahoo dot com Nancy

    1. I just love the pop and drama that red brings to a room. It makes me smile, no matter the season! Good luck, I will be drawing the winner soon! :)

  10. I am new to your blog and love the projects you create. I am a paper crafter and would love to use those postcards in my cards. Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. I love all your pops of red, Kim! It really jumps out with all the white background. Back in the 80's I had red and white "pillow ticking" wallpaper in my kitchen and all white and red throughout the area. Everyone that came in just loved it!
    I have so much note paper and cards to use up that I will probably die before they are all gone so I will let someone else take my turn at winning. lol
    Hope you have a great night, Kim. xo Diana

    1. My mom had such a collection of cards when I was growing up. I, sadly, have none! Emails and texts...I prefer letters! :)

  12. Love your Love of Red . . .
    It is YOU . . . for now and ever . . .
    (Kim is a red as much as Lynne is a dot, dot, dot . . . user!)
    Smile, tee hee!

    1. I do love my red, Lynne!! And you dots! ;)

  13. Thanks for the Valentine inspiration.

    I put hearts in the guest room yesterday and hope to decorate the mantel today.

  14. I adore all of your sweet Valentine decor ideas, Kim! I think my fave is the banner with the cute cards and hearts...I'd be leaving that one up for awhile...I mean, just replace the hearts with stars and you've got a cute 4th of July!

    Warm hugs,

    1. That's a wonderful idea, Carol!! I think I have an idea brewing!! Thank you!

  15. That wreath has me inspired to add a few red hydrangeas into my winter wreath on the front door! Great idea! I love writing handwritten letters. Like my mother says, they are the first piece of mail you want to open - just the excitement of getting one is happy. Maybe because they aren't junk mail or bills! Ha! Enter me in your giveaway and thanks!

    1. You are entered and you're mother is right!! :)

  16. Decorating for Valentines Day is one of my favorite things to pressure. Just lots of love and fun!
    Cute ideas, Kim!

  17. Love the banners! And the pink petals in the hurricane lamp! So pretty!

    1. Thank you Florence! I like those pink petals, too, faux or not!

  18. All beautiful craft ideas. I love, love all your banners! xxx Maria

  19. I love Valentine's Day, too! Not because I'm a romantic - just because I love hearts and red and it's a sweet holiday that even kids can get into. Who doesn't want to spread a little love, right? Thus all said, you have some great craft ideas AND I'd love the chance to win your giveaway! Thanks for including me.

  20. You are toooooo cute, and of course RED is a neutral :^) I love all of your great ideas. The grand girlies will be here for V-day, so we will have to try a thing or two out! Pa is always complimentary when they "do-up" the table, and that makes them happy girls!!
    Thank you for your help, and for including me in the drawing!!

    1. It sounds like a lovely way to celebrate the holiday! Enjoy the girlies and all that red! ;)

  21. Hi Kim, Love this post sharing red which you style so fabulously!! All your crafty ideas are inspiring.
    Thanks for sharing. Happy Weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Celestina Marie. I do like that red! ;)

  22. Hi Kim,
    I love, love the pillow!! Yow gave me lots of inspiration. Thank You!!
    P.S. the fake flower idea has me too. :-)

    1. I bet you could make them all with real flowers…what a pretty wedding centerpiece that would make! Wow…

  23. I see I wrote Yow gave me lots of inspiration! Ha! I have to share with you. I have a new lap top, I honestly think it types up different letters on purpose! I like my new lap top, but this typing its own letters is going to have to stop. I just have to figure out how to have a good talk with it!

    1. Carla, did you buy a Mac? When I got mine, I suddenly started typing all these crazy things. I thought I typed everything perfectly, but then I would proofread and my words were totally different…and not even real words sometimes. I soon figured out that it was my computer “correcting” me. My smartypants kids had Macs and said, yup, they do that. A few still get by every now and again. It may not just be Macs, it may just be the programs now. So much for smart technology, hmmm?

  24. Well, I've missed your giveaway, but I always enjoy your crafts! I think the red hydrangea wreath is my all-time favorite! I am with you on Valentine's Day, not big on it either, we try to celebrate love in our hearts every day of the year :) Hugs to you today dear friend!

    1. Thank you, Marilyn! Right back to you, too! :)

  25. Lot's of cute ideas here Kim but my favourite is the sock angel. I just really like the idea of having an angel for companionship. I looked to see what sock craft idea I had and it was a rabbit.

    1. I would love to make a rabbit for Easter. I think my angel could use a friend! ;)

  26. I love your sweet Valentine additions. You were smart to make the note cards work with just a few hearts. Clever! Would you believe I haven't gotten out any Valentine decor??? I need to at least put up my heart banner over the mantel. I better get busy. :)
