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January 10, 2017

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Farmhouse Style Kitchen Decor Ideas

Don't you love it when you get something new?

Well, over the past few weeks, there have been several new additions around here. They were either Christmas gifts from my family or little things I purchased myself and while none of the items are very large, they have made a giant difference around the house.

Would you like a peek?

A few years ago, I wrote an article for Parade Magazine about how swapping out just a few accessories can totally transform a room.

A few months later, I wrote an article here on my site taking the premise even further, declaring that sometimes, you only need to swap out one item to achieve a new look.

And that's just what I did in my bedroom.

For far too many years, I had the same Battenburg lace euro sham on my bed. It was beautiful, but years of display and use was starting to show. It had yellowed and while I had wanted to swap it out for a long, long time, I never did.

Well last week, I found a gorgeous replacement at Overstock, a Laura Ashely matelasse sham with a crocheted border.
Cottage Style Bedroom Decor Ideas


Of course, now my bolster pillow looks a little yellow in comparison, but that's ok, it's nothing a little OxiClean or borax can't fix.

For now, that one change is good enough for me.

Laura Ashley Crocheted Euro Sham

Another singular change happened in the master bathroom (yes, that is my master bathroom...beach cottage, remember?). Winter has definitely arrived in my neck of the woods and boy oh boy, my bathroom floor was cold.

I used to have a really nice rug in that room, but it somehow ended up in the laundry room and well, let's just say it's not that nice anymore.

I was already ordering from Overstock and I HATE paying for shipping, so I peeked around the site and found a really nice white, rubber backed bathroom rug for a decent price.


I'm totally keeping it, I love having snuggly toes, but I have a little issue with tags. It's coming off any day now.

Scouts honor. 😉

White Rubber Backed Bathroom Rug no skid

Moving on, the kitchen is where the majority of the changes have taken place. The farmhouse sign and the sock angel are recent DIYs, but the one true newbie here is the cake plate my hubby bought me for Christmas.

I love it!

It's very different from the ones he has given me in the past. This one is from Target. It's the Threshold Acadia Wood cake stand. The dome is plastic.

Can you believe it??

Wooden Farmhouse Sign DIY

It's simple and rustic and blends perfectly with the pine pieces above and below it. I can't wait to put something inside of it. Yum.

Threshold Acadia Wood Cake Stand Target

The placemats are my new on the farmhouse island. I found them at Tuesday Morning and they were on sale. Less than ten bucks for four of them and a brand new look for winter in the kitchen.

I already had the checked valance. At first I thought it might be too much red...

Red And White Kitchen Decor Ideas

...but then I came to my senses!

Too much if there's such a thing.

Speaking of red, the last new item in the house was a very nice gift, again from the hubby, for Christmas. Our old red cotton throw in the family room was faded from the sun and beginning to pull.

I had looked all over for a replacement, but was unable to find anything I liked for a price I was willing to pay. Then right before the holidays, I tracked down a beauty online at Dillard's.

There was no way around the dreaded shipping charges and since I just couldn't pull the trigger, I mentioned it in passing at dinner one night and then forgot about it.

On Christmas morning, it was under the tree. I unwrapped it and it was more beautiful than I had imagined it would be, fluffy, deep red and totally perfect. Not a stitch out of place.

I draped it over the back of my floral couch, smoothed out the wrinkles and announced to my family that no one was to use the blanket. They were not to touch it or crumple it and to be safe, they probably shouldn't even look it.

Of course, I was half joking, but still they got the message.

And now they tease me about almost every day.

Here is a picture my husband sent me last night. Mind you, I was in the kitchen, five feet away, when this image arrived via both email and text. You know, just in case I missed one.

Woven Red Cotton Throw Blanket

This one arrived not long after.

Red Cotton Woven Blanket

Very funny mister. Now the blanket can only be used under supervision.


Kind of.

Did you get anything new lately?

Begin Mug

Before you go, I wanted to share one more new item with you. This gorgeous mug arrived yesterday from my super sweet and totally talented friend Kris at Junk Chic Cottage

She read that my word for the year is Begin, saw this mug and thought of me!! I just love it and I have already been drinking hot water from it all day. 

And yes, I gave my family "the blanket speech". Stay away.

I expect pictures of everyone drinking from it any day now.

Thank you, Kris!! xoxo

Looking for more home decor?

Kim Signature

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  1. What a fun post, Kim. You had me smiling from the start. I absolutely adore your husband's "gotcha" photos. Hehe. Love his sense of humor. And what a sweetheart for picking up on the red throw and making sure it was under the tree Christmas morning. Lots of points for that one! All the new things in your cottage are perfect. I love the matelasse sham, and I had to chuckle when I first saw the label still on the bath rug. Girl, take that label off now! You must commit. It's a great rug. Kris is so thoughtful and generous. Really nice, meaningful gift she gave you. Have a great day! xo

    1. Thanks Nancy!! He is a very funny guy and knows exactly how to make me laugh. He's also a very sweet guy and knows that a little bit of red is the way straight to my heart! Kris is so sweet, too, isn't she? I am a very lucky lady to have so many wonderful friends..including you!! xoxo

  2. Okay, I can't stop laughing!! Maybe we are sisters separated at birth? I have an issue with tags as well. I once left a tag on a new chair for over 2 years.Finally my daughter asked if she could remove it and I figured why not. I never wanted to return the chair but having the tag on it made it seem newer for longer??? Looks like your husband gets a kick out of picking at you over the new throw or maybe lots of things...LOL!!

    1. I know…those tags! I think you’re right, it does feel newer for longer. Haha. And yes, my husband and I met at 13 and became very close friends at 15, which was many years before we started dating. These kinds of practical jokes, pranks and laughter have been a part of our relationship from the very beginning. Nothing is better than a good laugh and we have a lot of them around here! :)

  3. Your husband is funny...mine is like that, too!
    Always fun to have something new and freshen things up! Lovely!

    1. It is always fun to have something small and new around the house...and it's fun to have a funny guy around the house! ;) Nothing is better than laughing....

  4. It's fun to freshen up the house with little things here and there, isn't it! I love your red checked valance!

  5. Love your new throw and aren't we married to the comedians!!!! Glad he surprised you with the new throw. Glad you liked your mug and it got there in one piece!!! Yeah to the US Postal Service!!! Have a great new week.

    1. All in one piece and totally gorgeous! Thank you again, my sweet, sweet friend!! xoxo

  6. LOLOL! from beginning to end.
    if ever a post had a color spirit... or the whole blog for that matter...
    it's your own cheery red spirit! and NO we can never have enough red.
    I see your own humor is matched toe to toe (pardon the pictorial pun) by your sweet man!
    I read the article and the post links. both wonderful! XOXO♥ and yes. I believe in just one thing!

    1. Tammy, your comment made me laugh, smile and nod my head! We do go toe to toe with the pranks and quips, in a good natured way, of course. The kids love it, too. They get in on the action whenever they can. :)

  7. Oh my how fun, cute post and I love all of your new throw.

    1. Thanks Marty! Someday I may let everyone use it! ;)

  8. Oh- I love your new throw and all your new touches. I love anything by Laura Ashley and years ago I had a bathroom all done up in a soft Laura Ashley print. People commented over and over on how much they loved that bathroom. lol
    Your husband sounds kind of like me in a male
    Love your new rug, your new cake dome and everything else.
    That Kris is something, isn't she? She always gets it right!
    Hope you have a great rest of the week-xo Diana

    1. My sister worked at Laura Ashley, Diana and we had dresses, wallpaper and the works...all at discounted prices of course! ;) I loved the look and still do. Flowers, yum! And yes, I think you and my husband would get along very well! You both are total pranksters! That's why I love you both! xo

  9. Silly, there's no such thing as too much red! I love the restful colors in your bedroom.

    1. Haha...yes!! Agreed Brenda, never too much red! ;)

  10. Kim there is no such thing as too much red in your house. You know you're never going to live this down, right? They'll be teasing you all year long! Enjoy your lovely presents.

    1. All year long, Mary...I know it's coming. I am ready for the texts! ;)

  11. Hi Kim, wouldn't it be horrible if you couldn't enjoy a prank or a joke between you and your mate? Pretty, pretty and there could never be too much red in the world..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  12. Too funny! I know exactly how you feel. At the end of a long day of fluffing and cleaning I don't want any of these MALE hands or feet all over my pretties. Is that a bad thing?

    1. No!! Not a bad thing at all and so glad to hear that I am not alone! ;)

  13. I just love getting new things to add a fun touch to each room. I love your new pillow sham and that rug! Just do it..take the tag off! I am the say way :-) Your placemats are perfect for your kitchen and no, there is no such thing as too much in a gorgeous red throw! I did get a 3 tiered plate for my kitchen island from my daughter....she made it and it is gorgeous! After putting all the Christmas away I restyled my mantel so that is new but with recycled things.

    1. A handmade 3 tiered plate?? Clearly the creative apple did not fall far from the tree!! AND you'll be happy to know that I removed the tag! ;) It's a keeper!

  14. First I have to say that Kris is so sweet that I'm not one bit surprised she sent you the mug.

    I love your attitude of not needing a million and one things around the house. You are right!! Sometimes it just takes one thing to make the room beautiful and to make you feel better. Sometimes just a new cup towel makes me smile. :)

  15. Love all your new stuff. Fun post. Fun to see the changes that you have made.

    1. Thanks Lorri. It's nice to shake things up a bit every now and then. And way better than renovation a whole room!! ;)

  16. When my daughter was little she knew not to use the 'decoration towels'. There were many times she and Fisherman were in cahoots and pretended to do so. Or maybe they really did! lol. When she visited back in October she was going to use a wine glass from the dining table. Fisherman told her not to and when she asked why he simply said 'those are decoration wine glasses'. lol Yes, I'm THAT person, but I see I'm in good company.

    (I hate to pay shipping too. Guess we are spoiled with Amazon prime!).

    1. Good company indeed, with a matching trickster family! ;)

  17. I love that deep rose red blanket ! All of the new additions are great and yes I remember your tag issue, lol!

    1. That tag issue...grrr. Maybe I need therapy for the that. I can add it to the list! Ha! ;)

  18. I love how you surround yourself with items, tokens, gifts and mementos that bring you joy.
    Those special items always bring a little song to my heart too.
    Happy New Year!

    1. It really is the little things, Jemma! :) Happy New Year! xo

  19. I agree. Sometimes all we need to do is change out a few items. I have also found that I can move something from one room to another, because my taste is pretty consistent, and I get entire new look for nothing. I really love the mug Kris sent you. That is so sweet. I have to go read your tag post. Maybe I have forgotten... I know someone with an issue regarding tags. xoxo Su

    1. That's me, Su!! Just moving something I own from the kitchen to the bedroom is a big thrill and a way to redecorate for free. A few new items don't hurt either! ;)

  20. Love the red and all things new! Your hubby is too funny! Mine would do the same thing... stinkers!

    1. He is a stinker, Lori!! Makes me laugh all day long... ;)

  21. What beautiful NEW touches for your sweet home! I love the new bed cover, so pretty! Your hubby knows you well I would say! Fun to read what you have been up to!

    1. Thanks Lynn!! I love the little things. They really do make a big difference.

  22. I totally hate paying for shipping too! You made some pretty changes and I love the pictures your hubby sent of the blanket! Too funny! Kris is such a sweetie to send you that mug. Love her!

    1. Aren't shipping charges the worst? I know they are a necessary evil, the cost of convenience, but I would rather buy an extra item than pay that charge! :)

  23. It's all very beautiful - the humour - your family - friendship - and the little new items that are making your home sparkle.

    1. Thank you, Ronda. Your comment just made my day! xo

  24. HA! I love it. What a fun husband you have. ;-)
    Kris is a sweetheart. I like the mug. Perfect!
    Love, Carla

    1. He is a funny guy, no doubt! Keeps me laughing all day long! ;)

  25. Love all your pretty new things! Your hubby is funny with the blanket. ;-) I have a favorite one, too and I swore no one was going to use it but me, but because it's on the couch, the cats sometimes take it over!

    1. Those kitties cannot be tamed!! I remember it well and miss their mischievous ways! ;)

  26. I love all that new stuff, they look great in their new homes. Haha your hubby is one funny guy 😀

    Hey, I drink hot water to sometimes. Because sometimes you just want something warm that's not coffee or tea.

    1. Thanks Toni and glad to hear that I am not only hot water drinker! ;)

  27. It is so much fun to get a few new things that make all the difference in the room! So funny about your husband and his pictures, lol! Such an awesome thing he did for you, surprising you like that! He does know you well :) How special that Kris sent you that mug, it is perfect, and a lovely reminder each day as you drink your hot water :) Hugs to you today!

    1. I have been the lucky recipient of some lovely items from some lovely people lately, no doubt!! And today, a lovely comment from you! Lucky me! Thanks Marilyn! :)

  28. I completely agree, Kim. Even just a little change here and there can make such a difference. I adore the sweet cake stand, and you would never know it was a plastic dome. I also think the red throw is lovely, and your hubby was too cute with those pics. You can really pull off the red....the red check placemats are perfect with the other red in your kitchen. You also changed the position of your island, didn't you? I had a free-standing island in our last home's kitchen, and I changed that a lot.

    I'm sending warm Arizona hugs to you!

    1. Carol, you have such a keen eye! I did change the position of the island...again! Sometimes, the "new" is free!! ;) And I can feel those warm Arizona hugs's 60 here today and that is unheard of! Keep those hugs coming! :) xoxo

  29. Rugs are my favorite affordable way to spruce up a room. Something about a clean floor that makes a room more inviting.
    Your husband cracks me up! His photos to you, via text and email, just scream "poke the bear." How funny!

    1. Speaking of, I need a new kitchen rug...and my husband can put his feet all over that and I won't say a word! ;)

  30. Y'all must be a family of pranksters, and I am glad that we aren't the only ones :^)
    All of your "news" is GRAND!! and tell hubby he did GREAT! Never too much red....ever.....

    1. Lots of pranksters in the family...harmless fun...lots of laughs!! What could be better?? :)

  31. Isn't it great how simple changes can make a world of difference in a room or house?

    Love that red throw! Beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Deanna!! I love that red throw, too. Can you tell? ;)

  32. I love the changes you made and the placemats too. The mug from Kris is just great. Hope you are having a fun weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Julie!! It's fun to have new things to cheer up the winter months! :)

  33. Did you actually say "Too much red"? You must be coming down with something. ;) Lovely additions, all of them.

    1. I know!! I don't know what got into me! 24 hour craziness! ;) All gone now....

  34. I like all your "newbie" touches . . .
    Seriously . . . if I ever find a "red something"
    and it is "perfect, so you," I can't resist
    and "no shipping charges"
    I am "gifting" it your way!
    (Now my eyes will be OPEN!)
    (Best time ever for some RED, wish me luck.)

    1. Oh Lynne, you are way too sweet!!! :) Thank you dear friend...

  35. I love how you decor with things that bring your joy and memories. I love it and I love the master bedroom. You hubby sounds like my hubby. They just don't understand us ladies. Have a great week.
