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Front Porch Decor For Fall

September 26, 2016

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Grab an old wooden hanger and a seasonal garden flag to make a festive accessory to dress up your front door or front porch for fall.

It's an easy DIY and inexpensive, too.

Fall Front Porch Garden Flag Decoration

Even though the weather is still warm in my neck of the woods and reminiscent of summer, the calendar says otherwise.

So like it or not, I had to change up my front door decor and bring on the pumpkins.

As usual, I did not want to spend a lot of money or time on my DIY, but I did want something elegant and unique.

I really liked the way my garden flag door hanger turned out this spring, so I decided to skip the traditional wreath and stick with another flag.

This time I joined it with an old wooden hanger to welcome the season and my guests.

Flags are relatively inexpensive and readily available all year long. You can even find them at thrift stores and yard sales.

Plus, they come in a variety of patterns for each season and holiday.

So you can get creative anytime of the year.

I grabbed this one the other day when I went shopping online with my gift card winnings, but I have found them at home decor stores and yesterday, I even spotted them at the grocery store.

Garden flags on display at grocery store

I'm also a big fan of crafting with wooden hangers.

They too are readily available and cheap. I picked up this group of pretties for a buck at my local thrift store...which continues to make a liar out of me.

Wooden Hangers on a table

Now, since I wasn't using a hanger with clips for this project, I had to gently pry the bar away from the hanger, in order to slip the flag on it.

The bars are generally secured by small metal pins. It didn't take much pressure for me to loosen the pin.

I used my fingers and applied pressure to pull the pieces apart. I was careful not to pinch myself, as the pin was very sharp.

Opening a wooden hanger to slip flagl on

Once it was open, I was able to slip the flag on. I lined the pin back up with the original hole and pushed the two pieces together to reattach the bar to the hanger.

The whole process took me less than five minutes.

No joke.

Putting Hanger through the flag pocket

Of course, no front door decor is complete without a bow.

So I whipped one up. I am the worst at making bows, so I used my Bowdabra <---this one.

It makes me look like a pro.

Every time.

To add a bit of rustic charm, I wrapped the center of the bow with a piece of twine and let it hang down the side of the hanger.

Yellow bow on hanger

It looks great on my front door.

And since it's a flag and relatively flat, it doesn't get crushed by the glass storm door.

Front Door Flag Decor For Fall on Front door

It also looks fabulous on my front stoop, taking center stage with all of its glorious seasonal color.

I'm not lucky enough to have a big front porch, so I hung it on a wreath stand to create a little vignette     for fall.

Garden Flag Wooden Hanger Art on front porch with swan planter

Super easy, super inexpensive, super elegant.

And now, I'm ready for fall.

Well, not really, but at least it looks like I am with my garden flag wooden hanger art.


Is your home dressed for fall?

Kim Signature

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  1. i would certainly feel welcome to come in and have a cup of spiced tea in your cheery kitchen!
    my own fall décor consists of a beautiful spray of golden oak leaves... yes. faux. but beautifully real looking at that. our actual leaves here never turn til the end of november.
    i also love to use tartan (plaid) in the fall and coming winter months.
    it's ALWAYS a favorite of mine so i can't wait to get it back out. nothing to me says cozy better than red tartan. i never tire of it! and that's pretty much it for me. xoxo

    1. Ah, red you're singing my song, Tammy!! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Cindy. I am a sucker for simple. ;)

  3. Hi Kim, Love this project. What a great way to hang a decorator flag for display and storing. I enjoy using these hangers too and especially love the vintage hangers from the 40's. Ikea sells them by the bunch very reasonable too. Your porch greeting is lovely! Have a great week.

    1. I will have to check out Ikea when I use up my thrift stash!! Thanks for the tip! :)

  4. I love those garden flags. Always have. :) I always wondered what you do with a storm door, if a wreath won't fit. This is a brilliant solution!

    1. Thanks Lisa! :) Yes, that silly storm does present a challenge, but I love the glass. I live in a very friendly neighborhood, lots of people walking around, saying hello. I need to have it open to let the sun and the smiles shine in!

  5. It looks really beautiful on the door ♥

  6. Good morning Kim,
    I must make a run to the numerous thrift shops around here and see if I can find some wooden hangers. But I wonder if they have them at DT? Not sure which would be cheaper! Either way, I'm going to buy more than I went in for! Wooden suit hangers with the stretcher bar that is designed for hanging pants and comes open by design would be ideal for this project.
    I have lots of fall stuff out, but do need to put door numbers on the wreath, because it's next to impossible to read the house number in the first place, and even harder with them covered by the wreath! Time to get busy.
    Have a great day. New England will have fall eventually.

    1. I haven't actually seen the wooden hangers at the DT, Nancy, although truth be told, I have never looked. At the thrift store, they told me they were happy to get rid of them. Apparently, they take up too much room on the racks. Oh well, their loss is my crafty gain! ;)

  7. Love the creative way to hang this flag. Super cute. We are finally getting into the lower temps for fall here today. It was open the window weather. Hopefully fall is now wanting to stay.

    1. Our windows are open, too, Kris! We're getting there...and thanks! :)

  8. I love your use of the hangers,it adds such a rustic feeling to the flag!! Especially love the wreath stand! My fall decorating should be finished but I continue to pick things up when I am out and about so my decorating seems to never end...LOL!!

    1. This is the only decorating I have done so far Karen, so you are way ahead of me! Have to grab those pumpkins from the basement this week… ;)

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Cecilia! I just might be getting the hang of this thrift store thing after all! ;)

  10. Now isn't that the cutest thing!

  11. Looks lovely! I made a new door wreath, and we have 3 of those small flags out on our patio, although I haven't switched any yet for the seasonal change.

    1. I am a big fan of the flags now. I never had them in my garden, but I may rethink that! Enjoy that new wreath. :)

  12. Hi Kim: You were so right. It is awesome, and I don't use that word lightly. So pretty with the swan too..Happy Monday..Judy

    1. Thank you, Judy! I am truly flattered by your words. :)

  13. This is soo cool and cute! I'm stealing this idea next time! Love it Kim!

  14. So pretty Kim! Love the colors and love what you are hanging them with! I have a storm door too, and sometimes it's a challenge to find something that works on the door.

    1. That is a challenge, Florence. I love big, full wreaths, but I don't have an overhang, so the elements wreck them when I hang them on the storm itself. So...that limits me to flatter fare! ;) And thanks!

  15. This is such a cute idea with the wooden hanger! Thanks for sharing, Pam @ Everyday Living

    1. Thanks Pam! I am a sucker for those wooden hangers. :)

  16. That looks so welcoming.
    The colours are just perfect.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! I appreciate the kind words. Thanks so much. :)

  17. It looks great! I love the hanger idea! :) No fall anything here yet...I usually wait until some point in October when the trees start to change.

    1. I have seen Halloween decorations go up and I am not ready for that at all yet, Deb.

  18. I love the colors in that flag and hanging it with an old wooden hanger....super genius!

    Hoping for cooler days for both you and me!

    1. Genius?? I’ll take it! Thanks Carol! ;)

  19. That is a great idea for the hanger, I can see that in my future. Such great colors it truly looks like fall! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Lynn. I am a sucker for bold color!

  20. Great way to use a wooden hanger and it turned out so cute! Love it!

  21. Such a cute and welcoming entrance to your home!!

  22. You are certainly one crafty crafter! I love the wooden hanger idea! It takes the flag to a whole new level of pretty! Your fall decor looks pretty awesome to me! I decorated my garden gate with cornstalks, and the chickens are eating them. Oh well. Such is life out here, lol!

    1. Haha!! Gotta love those chickens. Even if they are naughty!! :)

  23. I do like the welcome vignette and all the decoration. So nice to see autumn colors.
    Our autumn is acting shy, you can almost feel it coming, but it is still hot and no rain.

    1. Autumn is shy here, too. We had the A/C on last night. I love summer, but once the pool is covered it's time for a little chill! ;)

  24. Dearest Kim, hello!!!! I apologize for being so late in my visit here. School keeps me busy and by the end of the day, I'm tire. The mornings I have to get up no latter than 4AM just so I can get to my emails and some blogs.

    Well, as much as I love home décor, my home is NOT dressed for Fall. School started which makes things difficult, but we are stuck in this late summer/NO fall transition. I want so badly to decorate, but my summer flower pots are still thriving due to the excessive amount of rain we've had! I figure I'll start next month!

    Thank you so much for visiting. I am thrilled about the magazine, but I CAN'T FIND A COPY ANYWHERE here or even on-line!!!

    1. I do hope you have found a copy, Anita. If not put out the call. I know we can rustle you up a copy. My goodness, I am sure you have readers in all 50 states…and beyond!! Keep me posted! You must have a copy!!

  25. First, how on earth did you get so lucky with all of those coat hangers? They are a boat load of potential for someone smart like you. I love garden flags and the way you've hung them is adorable!


    1. Funny thing, I went into the store sheepishly asking if I could please purchase one or two, thinking they were valuable to them…nope. They were happy to get rid of them. They told me they take up too much room on the racks for clothes. Oh well, my gain for sure!! Especially since I just saw them at Tuesday Morning (new, less charm) for a lot of dough! ;)

  26. Thank you so much for the hanger idea!! I have the big flags on poles at each entrance to the house, but the little one would be so cute in my big flower pot!! Your vignette is beautiful and I feel warmly welcomed!!

    1. I am a flag junkie now. I think they are going to be hanging all over my yard next spring! ;)

  27. Pinned!! What a great idea!!! Thank you :-))

  28. P.S. ... the coat hangers ... I need to find some like that! I will be visiting our thrift, I am on the hunt. :-)

    1. I bet you will find them. When I went to the thrift store, they were happy to get rid of them. They told me they take up too much room on the racks for clothes. Who knew. I thought they would want to hang on to them…pardon the pun!

  29. Hello Kim, what a great idea, I love your pretty fall hanging on your door!! :)

  30. Using a hanger for display is a genius idea, thank you so much! I'll be kicking and screaming all the way into fall but beautiful decor like your's is inspirational. Thanks again!

    1. Haha, Sandra! I am going to be kicking and screaming right along with you! 😉 Thanks for the visit!

  31. I love the flag against the white door!Super pretty!

  32. Great idea Kim! I have soooo many wooden hangers and I need a good project for them. This is great and I love how simple :)
