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How To Make A Wooden Sign From A Gift Bag

March 01, 2016

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I was in the store last week and this bright blue Easter bunny caught my eye in the gift bag aisle, that cute little face was peeking at me. I knew immediately he would look great on my front door welcoming guests this spring...especially for Easter brunch. 

Yup, he was made for wrapping, but that's ok, this past Christmas I discovered an easy way to make beautiful wooden signs from gift bags. They are simple to construct, super inexpensive and can be customized in an endless number of ways.

During the holidays, the gift bag selection is huge, but truth be told, gift bags are plentiful any time of year and the possibilities for decor are limited only by your imagination

Here is a little collage of bags I found in one store, on one outing. There are sweet choices for a nursery, girl's bedroom, country, traditional and modern decor. 

This is not just a holiday craft idea.

I however, just couldn't resist the charm of this little Easter bunny, so I am talking about a holiday bag again! 

First things first, you need a board. You can pick up one like mine at the craft store (don't forget your coupon!), or if you would like something more simple, you could use a plain pine board. The big box stores will cut it to size for you, for free. 

Not being one to waste, I started with a board I already had on hand. One side was finished, but the other was blank, so I turned my board over and got started. 

At Christmas, I left my board unpainted. It fit the rustic feel of the bag, but my sweet bunny is bright and blue and so the board needed to be white for contrast. I painted it with white craft paint and a foam brush. The wood was so dry it required several coats. 

While the layers of paint were drying, I cut the front of the bag off. I also removed the ribbon handle and gift tag from the bag.

A hot glue gun was used to affix the bag to board once the paint was dry. To cover the holes left by the bag and add a little decorative trim, I glued on some ribbon. 

For a little more dimension, I added another layer of ribbon. I picked one from my stash that had shimmering polka dots, just like my bag. 

That's it! 

A little paint, a little cut and a little glue was all it took to transform a gift wrap item into an elegant and inexpensive home decor accent. 

I had originally planned for this little guy to hang on the front door, but he's just so cute, I have been looking for places inside to hang him, so I could see his face all day.

Why should the neighbors have all the fun? 

And while he's not even remotely red, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in my kitchen. 

He really is that sweet! 

Are you ready to decorate with gift bags? 

Looking for more holiday inspiration

How about another way to make super easy wooden signs? 

Kim Signature

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  1. Okay, I am just going to have to bookmark every last thing you post. I just spent a frustrating hour in Michael's (time I do not have!) and came away empty handed. I love this idea - thank you!

    1. Well, you are just too sweet! Thank you so much AND you've totally made my day. I am glad that you like my quick and easy decorating/ crafting cheats. I'm all about easy! :)

  2. Darling little face that bunny has. I would be buying it too! Such a great project Kim...

    1. Thank you, Linda...and he was a bargain at $1.99! He just had to come home with me! ;)

  3. Oh I just love the Easter Bunny ... I must put some thought into getting a few bits and pieces ready for Easter. I love Easter Chicks, they can be cute too!

    Thanks for sharing and reminding us about good ideas!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan! Chicks are my all time favorite!

  4. Love your bunny sign. I have a beautiful shopping/gift bag with a bunny on it that I'm framing. We just have to look at a $1.00 DT bag and imagine the possibilities! I love your bunny/carrot garland - it's delightful!

    1. I love that idea, Barb! I have yet to frame a bag, but I have one I'm saving for next Christmas that may find itself behind glass....and thank you for sweet comments. :)

  5. Awww...the bunny gift bag sign is so cute! I remember the one you made at Christmas...very clever using the other side for Easter :)

    1. Thanks Karen! I like to use all of my resources...whenever possible!

  6. Very sweet! I am inspired now to pull all my bunnies out to decorate and replace my winter décor!

    1. AnnMarie, I saw this bunny a few weeks ago and I have been waiting for March so I could put him on display. It’s totally changed my mood from winter to spring! :)

  7. So sweet Kim, Love it on your door. Very welcoming for spring and Easter. I'm ready to pull out the bunnies and decorate.

    1. Thank you, Celestine Marie. This one was just too cute to pass up and it was an easy way to get into the spirit! :)

  8. He is such a cute little fellow indeed, love that lopsided ear, so cute! I love how you have two seasonal decor on one board... so awesome for tight spaces! I also love the board you have. Did you get it at a hobby store? I'm inspired :)

    1. Thank you!! He was too cute to leave behind and I am usually not a blue person, so you know it was true love! I grabbed that board at Michael's last year, but I see them there all the time. Don't forget that 40% off coupon though! ;)

    2. I'm confused about the board. Does it have all the scoll work on it when you buy it?
      You said in previous posts that you had the boards cut at Home Depot, but surely they didn't do the scoll work too? Can you help me, I'm confused, Kim!

    3. Hi Kim, This is such a wonderful idea, I excited to try it, but I'm confused. How and where do you get the scroll work? I know when you have a board cut at Home Depot, you don't get scroll work. So do you buy the scroll-work at Michael's and attach the board to it? I've never seen these before. Please help!

    4. Hi Judy Ann, Yes, this board was purchased at Micheal’s. It’s just one piece. They have them in all shapes and sizes with different scroll patterns. I have also made signs with plain boards. It all depends on the look you want! Good luck! :)

  9. such a happy post!
    what is there about bunnies? i just love them.
    HOWEVER they may appear! but yours is adorable. nice work! xo

    1. Thank you, Tammy. I saw the real Peter Cottontail in my yard this weekend. He was just as cute, but not willing to stick around. Go figure! ;)

  10. Too cute! I'm not sure what it is about bunnies that is so endearing but I am always drawn to them, especially this time of year.

    1. Absolutely! I agree 100%…bunnies and sheep and chicks, oh my!! ;)

  11. Very cute, Kim. I like that extra layer of ribbon with the sparkly polka dots. I've noticed with your crafts that you always do just the right amount of enhancements. Never too much nor not enough. I learn a lot from your projects. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I'm actually a pretty simple girl when it comes to enhancements. I'm a less is more type of gal! :) I'm glad you agree!

  12. No one would ever guess that you made that from a bag!

    So cute!

    1. There are so many really nice bags out there, Carol. I hadn't paid attention before Christmas. Now I can't stop "seeing" projects in all of them!! :) And thanks!

  13. This is just too cute Kim and I love it on your front door.

    1. Thanks Kristi! He is a cutie…confession…that’s my sister’s door. Mine is boring and white. He’s perched there now, but there’s not as much drama! ;)

  14. Good Morning Kim,
    Sweetest and cutest idea ever! You certainly have a creative knack for transforming a little something into WOW wonderful!
    Happy March, oh I hope you will be sharing this at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday tomorrow:)

    1. Happy March, Jemma! Thank for the WOW wonderful words...they make me smile!!

  15. Kim, I knew you would come up with something using a gift store bag. I think that is a brilliant idea and one that can be used all year long, the idea not the bunny. And he is very cute, so what if he's not red!

    1. I agree, Mary! Pastels are awesome for spring!! :)

  16. Hi Kim, oh the bunny looks so adorable and what a great idea of using a gift bag!
    Hope you have a nice day and enjoy the rest of the week.
    Julie xo

    1. Thank you, Julie. I hope you enjoy the week, too!! :)

  17. This is such a cute, easy idea for a gift bag. I remember when you did the Christmas one. You say you're not good with cooking - and I'm not good with crafts - so you see, we all have our own unique talents!

    1. Thanks Melanie! I guess cooking is a big one, since everyone here is always hungry. My crafts don’t really fill a need for them, so I always appreciate the kind comments…and the perspective! :)

  18. Ingenious idea! Had to laugh as we have that exact ballerina gift bag! Love being able to switch something out per season or occasion. Visiting from Blogtalk.

    1. Thanks so much...and that's so funny! I thought that bag was too cute, I can see it framed on a little girl's bedroom wall. Sweet!

  19. Oh my goodness you totally knocked it out of the ballpark! A gift bag!!! So clever and creative. Make sure you link this gem up tomorrow on Thoughts Of Home on Thursday.

    1. Thank you, Laura! I really like this one, too.

  20. So cute. And that ribbon added at the top and bottom really adds to the cuteness and ties the colors to your blue door. Great look.

    1. Thank you, Lorri!! I have to admit, that blue door belongs to my sister. My door is white. He's hanging there now! ;)

  21. Kim, I remember your pretty Christmas bag art and was going to do it, but then I forgot! Hard to believe! The bunny is so cute and I will be looking for a cute backing to use. I did pin the bunny and carrot banner. I really love that one. Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. That banner is one of my favorites, too! There's something about those bunnies!! ;)

  22. What a cutie! I can see why that sweet face caught your eye. He's just darling! I'm loving all the pretty gift bags I'm seeing in the stores now. Good job!

    1. It all started with an idea from you, Lisa. I will never look at gift bags the same way again!! :)

  23. Seriously - how on earth does your brain think up all these super creative things????

    1. Ha ~ I don't know! Must be all those years of having to come up with easy crafts for kindergarteners from pop sticks and paint. I'm programmed!! ;)

  24. Good morning sweet Kim. So happy to see this at TOHOT #4. Yesterday I went to I was checking out I had to look carefully at all the gift bags to see if there was one I could make into something special. I didn't find one there but I'm going to!

    I'm pretty sure I commented on this post before. Do my comments not show on your blog?

    1. Thank you for the party! It’s a fun one…and keep looking! You’ll find the perfect bag! :)

  25. What a cute decoration and I like how you were able to just turn the board over and get more use out of it! :)

    1. Thanks Deb...yup, the ultimate recycler!! ;)

  26. That is so cute, Kim! I can see why he was impossible to pass up!

    Warm hugs,

    1. Thanks Carol! Yes, he was so sweet...and blue which is a switch for me. I guess that means he was super cute!! ;)

  27. It is beautiful Kim!!! Where did you got that pretty lacy wooden back? Beautiful work!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela. I picked that up at Michael's, they had them in all sizes and shapes and scroll patterns!

  28. Hi,
    I love this. Perfect idea. You do such a great job explaining the steps as well. Thank You!

    1. Thank you, Carla! I am glad you like this one! :)

  29. Kim, what a clever idea to use a gift bag. The possibilities are endless!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  30. Double the points, Kim, for a cool idea and a bit of recycling.

    1. I’m a double duty kind of crafter! Thanks Amalia! xoxo
