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Giveaway Winner!! Is It You?

March 15, 2016

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So I want to thank everyone for all of the lovely comments and sweet wishes left for me as I celebrated my three year blog anniversary last week. I'm excited that so many of you decided to enter the giveaway. I had entries in the comments, on Facebook and via email, as a bunch of new people signed up to receive my posts. Thank you.

I was counting and recording entries all week long!

It was a thrill to interact with some new readers, too...well, perhaps not new readers, but readers that have never commented before. I know that it's hard to leave a comment here on the blog if you are not a blogger. You can comment anonymously, but it's still kind of a hassle and without a profile, I can't always respond directly to you.

However, did you know that if you are an email subscriber and you have a question or comment, you can just hit reply and it comes right back to me?

Yup. It does!

Last week, Terri did just that and I am so happy that she did. We chatted for a bit about curtains that I had apparently inspired her to make!! This has happened to me before and it's honestly the best present I could ever receive. She totally made my day.

I posted about my ring clip rooster curtains...

...and Terri made these pretties. Aren't they fabulous?

I absolutely love the chicken wire border, the red trim and those roosters. I'm drawn to the bold, crisp, contrast. Now, she has inspired me to lighten up my kitchen a bit for spring. I've already been to the fabric store.

Each week I share a DIY or craft and send it out into the giant void that is the internet. I get a lot of lovely comments, but I never really know if anyone makes anything I have posted about...unless they let me know and frankly, that happens very infrequently.

When it does, it's truly a magical feeling.

Thank you, Terri, for sharing and making my anniversary so special!

Ok, so on to the big announcement that you've all been waiting for...drumroll please....and the winner of the tulip tote bag giveaway, chosen by, is Julie from Julie's Lifestyle!!

Woo hoo! Congratulations Julie!!!

Oh and as for me, nope, I didn't get a tulip bag for my birthday. I got the real thing instead! These beauties are from my gorgeous friend Rue. What a way to brighten my day...thank you my friend. xo 

And thanks again to everyone who entered. I always enjoy bringing you giveaways and I hope to have another one for you very, very soon! 

Keep your eyes peeled for the details sometime in April! 

You can follow all things Exquisitely Unremarkable either by signing up to receive my emails (in the sidebar) or on Facebook!

Hope to see you in the comments! 

Kim Signature

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  1. I'm in love with the chicken wire border, too, Kim! It's too, too cute!

    1. I know! I have to get my hands on some of the for sure! :)

  2. Congrats to Julie!! She will love the tulip bag. It was a wonderful and generous giveaway. Great curtains sewn by Terri. Love that fabric.
    Rue sent you gorgeous tulips and I love the mix of color. I know you are enjoying them!! Have a great day~~ xo

    1. I am enjoying those tulips, thanks! They are just so pretty and I know Julie will look fabulous carrying her new bag! :)

  3. Pretty inspiration here today with you, my dear. These tulips are so pretty!
    Congratulations to Julie, she will get so much use out of this delightful tulip bag!
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Jemma...looks like it's tulips for everyone today! ;)

  4. I adore both of those curtain toppers - too cute for words and either one would look absolutely lovely in my home!!!! Congrats to Julie - and that Rue is just so sweet!!

    1. I just love Terri’s take on the curtains. I am rethinking my own now! ;)

  5. Congrats to Julie! Such pretty tulips too! It's so nice that Terri let you know she was inspired like that! I totally know what you mean because I always wonder if anyone actually tries any of my diy's or recipes. One of my most popular posts is a crockpot potato soup recipe and I've only had one person take the time to email me and let me know they tried it and loved it. Anyway, happy Tuesday!

    1. It's always a mystery isn't it, Lisa. I see the hits and people comment and say 'this is wonderful, I am going to try it'...but we never really know. I love it when someone actually gets in touch to say that they did it! Totally makes blogging worth it! :) Potato soup, huh? Off to check that out!

  6. Gorgeous? LOL Thank you sweet friend. I'm glad they're beautiful. You never know when you don't pick them out yourself. And I'm glad you love them :)

    Terri's curtains turned out really great.

    Congratulations to Julie!

    And hugs to you,

    1. Yes gorgeous! Both you and your flowers! Thank you, thank you, thank you. xoxo

  7. Congratulations to the winner of your anniversary draw.
    Tulips - the real thing - are such a delight at this time of year. I count three bouquets in view from where I sit at my laptop.

    1. Tulips are my all time favorite and I always have them in my kitchen during the spring...I just wish they stuck around longer! :)

  8. Congrats to Julie ~ It is truly a delightful spring looking bag.

    I love that chicken wire border.

    Lovely tulips from Rue ~ Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks for all the sweet words! :) Happy Spring!

  9. Congratulations to Julie! I just love how yours and Terri's curtains look with the ring clips. I plan on using them on some drop cloth stenciled curtains I am going to make for my dining room.

    1. Ring clips are my most favorite way to hang curtains! I can't wait to see what you do with them! :)

  10. Congratulations to Julie! She is a breath of fresh air in the blogshere, like yourself and so deserving of this lovely tote! I'm hoping you had a big blowout for your third!!

    1. Thank you, Mary!! I had a lovely celebration, thank you! :)

  11. The curtain clips are cool---my daughter just hung her new curtains from Target with these and loves them (and I like the look).

    Hurray for Julie! That is one cute tote! :)


    1. I love curtain clips, Jane! It makes for easy hanging that's for sure!! :)

  12. love the simplicity of the curtain clip curtains!
    congratulations to julie!

  13. Hi Kim, How awesome to have a follower inspired to make your pretty curtains!
    WOW Kim I'm am so surprised and happy to be the winner of your giveaway and I love the beautiful bag!! I had to look at the email twice as I couldn't believe I was the winner. I am so happy to be your blog friend and how awesome to be blogging for three years now. I can't wait to use the pretty bag. Thanks so much and I will email you my address. You are the best!
    Hugs, Julie xo

    1. Hi Julie...congratulations!! It's true, it's you!! I am so excited to send it to you, I just know that you will look fabulous carrying the bag around...with crochet supplies inside perhaps? ;) You'll have to let me know!

  14. Congratulations to Julie....awesome win! I adore the window valance, too!

    The tulips are beautiful, and such a sweet gift. Happy Be-lated Birthday! I'm bummed that I missed your special day, sorry!

    Warm hugs,

    1. Thanks for the wishes Carol! It was a nice day and please don't be bummed, I kept it pretty quiet! ;)

  15. Aww, what a beautiful post, in so many ways! So happy for Julie to have won the gorgeous bag, and the incredibly beautiful tulips from Rue, just so special! And what a blessing blogging has brought into all our lives in so many ways, as demonstrated by the new friendship between you and Terri! Congratulations again on your 3rd blogging anniversary and may this year be another incredible year for you! :)

    1. Thank you so much and yes, blogging has been a blessing and I am still enjoying it so! :)

  16. Beautiful Tulips, fun giveaway and really cute curtains. Good job Terrie!

    1. Don't just love those curtains? So pretty!

  17. The curtains turned out great, love the colors too. Happy Birthday to you Kim :)

  18. Congratulations to Julie! The tulips are gorgeous (Rue is too). Terri's valance is sweet. I love it when someone is inspired to do something and actually does it and then lets you know. It's happened to me once or twice. A great feeling, indeed. Hugs, Nancy

    1. It was a lovely way to celebrate a blog anniversary, no doubt about it, Nancy!! xoxo

  19. Congratulations Julie! I love those valance maybe because I have a pair. LOL, lovely

  20. Happy Belated Birthday Kim! And Congratulations on blogging for three years!

  21. Love, love your blog. I am so happy to have found you. :-) Keep up the great work.
    Thank you for inspiring me, making me laugh and cry sometimes too.
    xx oo

    1. Thank you, Carla. The feeling is 100% mutual!! xoxo

  22. Congrats to Julie. Love your beautiful tulips. Rue is definitely one one of the good ones!

    1. Those tulips are outstanding! It was a super sweet gift! :)

  23. Congratulations lucky winner! Love the curtains. :)

    Rue is the sweetest!

  24. I love your site! Always fun to visit and read what you have been up to. I think it has just been about a year that I have been following you now and always a pleasure! Many wishes for success for the next 3 gazillion years!

    1. Thanks Lynn!! You are always so kind!! :)

  25. Congrats to Julie. Love those cute rooster curtains. the tulips are so beautiful. Hope your St. Patrick's day was a good one.

    1. Thank you, Linda! Seeing those rooster curtains was a great anniversary gift! :)

  26. Congratulations to Julie! That was so generous of you to host a giveaway! Those curtains are absolutely adorable and the flower from sweet. :) I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. It was a fabulous blog anniversary week full of nice surprises and friends! :)

  27. Thank you, Teri. It was a fun one to have!! I like to give! :)
