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Valentine's Day Banner

January 25, 2016

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It's almost Valentine's Day and it wouldn't be right if I didn't make a banner to celebrate the holiday, now would it?

Before blogging, I never decorated for Valentine's Day. I taught kindergarten and first grade for years before the kids were born. Then when they started preschool, so did I. I taught a four year old class until my youngest went to kindergarten.

So I was used to decorating bulletin boards, hallways and doing crafts with the kids during centers. Heck, my puzzle piece ornaments, frames and banner come straight out of my plan book, but dressing my home for every special day on the calendar?

Not so much.

Well, except for Christmas...I've always loved decorating for Christmas.

But Valentine's Day or Halloween? Not really.

When the kids were little, I used to let them put up a few of those vinyl cling hearts on the kitchen windows, but that was the extent of it. I was never a big fan of the vinyl cling, mainly because they didn't. They always ended up on the floor when the heat went on, but the kids begged, they were easy for them to use and it wasn't worth the fight...but once the day was done, so were those clings.

I just wanted my normal decor back.

It was blogging that helped me rediscover my love of crafty holiday decorating and the rest is history.

This year's banner is made from card stock gift tags, letters and paper hearts. It's simple, but super sweet.

I started with a package of gift tags from my stash. They came with a long piece of twine that could be cut up to affix the tags to a package or bag. That was the base for my banner. 

Next, I grabbed the package of letters I used for my Thanksgiving banner and pulled out what I needed to spell LOVE.

Now, I had the letters on hand, but they are not necessary. The word/ phrase/ letters you choose could also be created with stamps or stencils. You can hand paint them, use one of those fancy cut out machines or even print them on the tags. The choice is yours.

Like I said, since I had the letters and they were the perfect colors for Valentine's Day, I went with it. I used my hot glue gun to stick them to the tags.

Of course, when I added them to the twine, they did not behave. This look does not work for a banner.

So I simply added another few drops of glue to the twine and tag to keep them properly spaced out and facing front.

To finish it off, I added two hearts, cut from red cardstock. That's it, that's all it took to create this easy Valentine's Day Banner.

Now my home looks super festive for the holiday and there's not a vinyl cling in sight.


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Looking for more banner ideas? You can see them all right here.

Valentine Banner From Notecards
Valentine Note Card Banner

Easter Garland
Easter Garland Banner

For even more crafty home decor ideas, you can check out my craft archives.

Kim Signature

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  1. I love how it looks there on the range, so pretty!

    1. Thanks Cristina! I am a bit of a banner junkie! ;) Thanks for popping over to take a peek.

  2. Once again you make the simplest little cute banner look absolutely amazing - I LOVE your LOVE banner!! :)

    1. Thanks!! Cooking…um, no, not my specialty, but gluing and pasting? THAT I can handle! ;-)

  3. I love your LOVE banner . . .
    Never can say or see the word enough . . .

    1. Thanks Lynne...a simple sentiment, but powerful indeed! :)

  4. Hi Kim, I love your cute banner for Valentine's Day. It looks so easy to make and that is what I like. Hope you have a wonderful day and week.
    Julie xo

    1. Thanks Julie!! It was super easy and I had plenty of time during this snowy weekend to get crafty!! :)

  5. i could just CAMP OUT in your kitchen!!!
    but then.
    i might get in your way.
    i love it. ALL.
    but... if you should ever come in for your morning hot water
    and see a pup tent in the corner... never fear.
    it's just me. :)

    1. Come on over, Tammy...and you can sit at the table! No pup tent necessary! ;)

  6. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. Thanks so much, Shelly!! I am kind of a banner addict. Thanks for taking a peek!

  7. Cute,cute,cute! Looks so sweet in your kitchen. Great idea. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Lynn. I love these banner projects. They’re easy and pack a punch! :)

  8. Pretty much anything looks good on your beautiful range hood, Kim; but your banner really is so sweet! I haven't done anything "Valentine-wise," but I probably will do a little something.

    Warm hugs,

    1. It's funny Carol, before blogging that range hood was always empty and it looked just fine to me. Now, if there's no banner up there, it looks naked!! :)

  9. Yep, you're the queen of banners. And you're good too!

  10. Super cute banner, Kim! I always grab from my stash too ;)

    1. I keep thinking that my stash should be getting smaller…but nope! That is definitely one area that still needs some simplifying! ;)

  11. You have the perfect house for Valentine decorating. I don't do much decorating for the day although I do have a few things I could pull out. Love you simple but cute banner. I had a pack of those gift tags from Michael's but returned them because I didn't think I had any use for them :-)

    1. I believe that is where I picked mine up, AnnMarie. I had full intentions on using them for packages, but didn't. Ah, best laid plans. I found them in my stash and though, hmmm...banner! :)

  12. I love banners! Yours are lovely! Thank you fo sharing!

    1. Thanks so's kind of an addiction!!

  13. I know what you mean about not doing much holiday decorating besides Christmas. I guess having kids changes everything or in our case a blog!! Either way, it looks great and I LOVE it!!!

    1. Thanks Brandi and you're right about the kids and the blog!! :)

  14. Very cute - and simple to make, which is good! (At least for me, since I'm not very good with crafts.) I went looking in my dungeon (basement) the other day for my bin of Valentine's Day decorations and I can't find them! Hubby is going to help me look tonight.

    1. I am all about simple lately, Melanie. I know that you are too!! :)

  15. How lovely, Kim. Goes so well in your kitchen hood.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I may not use that hood a lot for cooking, but it sure comes in handy during holiday banner time! ;)

  16. What a darling banner and it is always nice to be able to do something with stuff that you already have. I have never used many of the clings. Like you, we did a few when my kids were younger. The company that my sister works for is one company that makes them and apparently they are a pretty big business because they sell a huge number of them. Doesn't seem possible that Valentine's Day is only weeks away. Where does the time go.

    1. Clings are a huge biz, I am sure. I used to use them in my classroom and the more though, I have moved on! I'm into hot glue now! Much more advanced technically!! Ha! ;-)

  17. As you know, banners and I don't mix, but I do think they're cute and I love this one :)

    hugs and love to you, my friend,

  18. So sweet Kim and it looks perfect in your beautiful kitchen.

    1. Thank you, Kristi. I really like this one, too.

  19. VERY pretty and I had to smile...I did the vinyl clings too when the kids were little :)

    1. They are super kid friendly, that's for sure, but I can't say I miss them! ;)

  20. Absolutely adorable. You are the banner queen. :)

  21. I didn't know you taught grade school, oh how I loved those years! I never taught school, but volunteered and was in my children's classrooms almost every day for their first 4-5 years of school. Once they hit junior high... mommas weren't so welcome in the classroom, lol! And oh how I love paper. Your paper banners are so creative, and easy to boot! I just need a vent hood like yours to display a banner, lol! Your home is so lovely, and I love your style, clean and simple. Enjoyed your inspiration today :)

    1. I taught! I started out in public relations but went back to school for my master’s in teaching when I realized that instructing was my true passion. It was wonderful and then when I had kids and left my job, I volunteered everywhere from preschool until middle school. Good times!!

  22. Kim they are perfect. Just the right touch for a holiday that comes and goes in a flash! Of course if you're like me you can keep them up all year long and say "Everyday is Valentines's day in my house".

    1. Love is a very sweet sentiment and you're right, I could keep it up there for a good long time!

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks Carla! I'm all about easy and Always red! ;)

  24. I'm soooooooooooo going to copy YOU!!!!!
    Love it!
    It looks so great in your kitchen. I love the simplicity and pop of color.

    1. Copy away, Christine, by all means and Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  25. We were separated at birth! I never decorated for Valentine's day nor Halloween. And I still don't do February 14th in any big way. But I'd love to do the banner. I simply LOVE knowing you have had the experience of the letters twisting and turning on banners as I have! Arrrrrr..thanks for your glue tip. It is gorgeous!!


    1. Thanks Jane! My anniversary is in February, right around Valentine’s Day and not on purpose. We were hoping for a Christmas wedding, but there was a cancellation at the hall we liked and we got a super secret discount deal, so we took it. So our Valentine’s celebration is usually an anniversary combo, which we also don’t make a big deal out of…but a love banner seems appropriate either way! Glad you like it and the glue tip! :)

  26. Love your banner, Kim! Sooo pretty! It looks perfect in your kitchen. xxx Maria

  27. Oh what an adorable banner and I love your kitchen! It is so pretty!

    1. Thank you so much, Alicia! :) I appreciate the visit and the comment.

  28. Hi Kim, Love your banner. Perfect in your kitchen and thanks for sharing how you designed it. Have a great day! xo

    1. Thank you, Celestina Marie. I love sharing the how to. I guess it’s the teacher in me! :)

  29. Love the sweet banner! Your kitchen always looks so happy and cheerful too. :) I never used to decorate for all the "little" holidays either. Pretty much Christmas and maybe a little on Halloween, but that was it. Blogging really opened my eyes to start decorating for all the other holidays as well. It's fun, but every year it's hard for me to decorate for Valentine's day because I feel like I JUST took down Christmas. But I'm sure I'll bring out a few hearts at least. :)

    1. When the kids were little, I used to add their school treasures to the fridge or pantry wall, but as they grew and the projects disappeared from the curriculum, so did the decorations...until the blog!! ;)

  30. Another simple craft I could definitely copy! LOVE IT KIM!

  31. I echo what AnnMarie said, Kim. You have the perfect house for Valentine decorating. I haven't figured out the right way to decorate our cottage for any holidays/special occasions other than Thanksgiving and Christmas. Or maybe I'm just too lazy. Hah! Yeah, that's probably more the issue. LOL Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy! I think that sometimes you have to live with a house for a bit and then it tells you how it wants to be decorated. I know that when we moved here, I had no idea where to put things. It’s been 10 years now and I think I have finally settled into a pattern…until next year of course! ;)

  32. Gorgeous, Kim! I love your sweet Valentine banner...and your beautiful kitchen too!
    Helen xox

  33. I usually do not decorate for Valentine's Day. It's not a season, just a day, so I don't feel compelled to do anything....LOL. I do love this banner though and could definitely do a small something like this for the mantel! Love it!!

    1. Right there with you with the minimal Valentine decor…and I may have a heart banner on my range hood, but I still have a Christmas wreath on my front door. I should probably get on that, huh? ;)

  34. You nailed it once again, Kim. I love that the kitchen evokes the sentiment of the holiday without over doing it. Lovely, as always. xo

    1. Thank you so much, Susan. I like simple and I'm glad that it comes along that way! :)

  35. Tooooo cute and RED, too!!!!! Looks wonderful!
    Thanks to you, I am ATTEMPTING to make a banner for a special wedding shower. If I cause a big flop, I will be emailing you for HELP!!!
    Blessings to you,

    1. Happy to help in any way I can, J!! Let me know! :)

  36. That's an adorable banner! (I always love a peek of your pretty kitchen!)

  37. Hi Kim,
    I love your banner, simple and pretty!
    Like you I wasn't a huge holiday decorator unless it was Christmas until this I seem to decorate for everything! ;)
    Wishing yo a wonderful weekend! Hugs! Kimberley

    1. It's definitely an occupational hazard! ;) And thanks!

  38. Thank you Teri. It was an easy one to make! :)

  39. Absolutely perfect, and the colour choice is just wonderful too!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! That red gets me every time! ;-)

  40. Aww...I love this! So cute!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  41. Very clever idea and it looks sooo cute!! Thank you for sharing.
