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Drinking Hot Water

January 19, 2016

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I drink a lot of hot water and you'd think it'd be the easiest thing to get at a restaurant.

But sometimes, that order gets me into, well, hot water.

A mug of hot water on a table

I drink hot water.

Yup. Just plain hot water.  

No tea bag, no lemon wedge, honey or cinnamon and apparently, that's odd.

Every time I order it, the server raises an eyebrow and asks, Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Well, I guess they don't think so, because invariably, the cup shows up with a lemon on the side.

Once I got an orange slice, but I think that was just a mistake or a joke.

Either way, I don't know why people think my order is strange, but they definitely do.

Coffee and tea have never been my favorites.

I already have a fast metabolism and coffee doesn't do me any favors. I love the smell, but the attraction ends there.

I don't find tea very appetizing either.

When I was little, my mom used to give it to us when we were sick, so tea has always had a negative connotation. I only drank it when I wasn't feeling well.

It was soothing, but one afternoon, when I had a nasty cold, I ran out of bags.

I was still craving something hot, but not really feeling well enough to go to the store, so I settled for just lemon in my mug. Not bad.

It was hot and tasty and did the trick. After two days of trying to ease my sore throat, the lemons were gone.

That's when the plain water addiction began.

At first it was different. Bland.

Eventually though, it became the drink I craved and what could be better for you than water?

The surgeon general, or somebody, recommends eight glasses of it a day.

And I don't believe there's any mention of it being cold.

It has no calories, it's purifying, calms my stomach, warms my insides and pairs well with everything from scrambled eggs to taco pie.


Until I leave the house.

That's when I get into hot water.

I've grown to expect the responses I get at restaurants and usually try to mitigate the waiter or waitress' questions and blank stares with a self deprecating, I know, I'm boring.

My family loves that...but wait.

It gets better.

The kids behind the counter at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts have absolutely no idea what to do with me.

Ice caramel latte in a clear glass mug

Order a double caramel, decaf iced latte with whole milk, half and half and whipped cream and they're on it.

Tell them you'd like a large hot water and watch the fun begin.

Trying to figure out what to charge me is the best part. There's no button on the register for hot water.

In most cases the water is free, but the cup, now that's a different story...and the price is always a mystery.

I've paid anywhere from a quarter to two the exact same shop. It varies on factors I'm clearly unaware of. Certainly keeps it interesting though.

Two teal mugs near a pitcher of pink roses

Want more? Ok.

Grabbing coffee with a girlfriend? Normal, right?

Hey, how about meeting for a cup of water? Not so normal.

So I say coffee and then have to explain the lack of it during our visit. That usually takes a good ten to fifteen minutes. Keep in mind this takes place right after the fun of ordering.

You're drinking hot water?


Nothing in it?


You don't want a tea bag?

No thank you.


No. I'm good.

How can you drink that?

Well, it's water.

But there's nothing in it.

Water's in it.

But it's hot water.

That statement is usually accompanied by a scrunchy face.

Then there's an uncomfortable silence until I launch into my this is how I got here explanation.

Nothing's more fun than a juicy afternoon chatting about water with your girlfriends, right?

Of course, most of my friends get it now. 

I mean, it's been my beverage of choice for a pretty long time. They may quietly think it's weird, but usually have the mug out and the kettle on when I come over and no one breaks stride anymore while I am delivering my drink dissertation along with my dinner order.

It's actually become kind of a joke.

A few years back, we were out, watching a band play. One of the guys went to the bar and bought a round for our group. He came back with a tray full of shot glasses ~ nine tequilas and one hot water.

Ha.Ha. Very funny.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall listening to that order.

The pathetic part was that I was the only one who couldn't knock back my shot in one gulp.

Too hot.

Go figure.

Oh well, at least it didn't come with fruit.


What's your go-to drink?

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  1. Well, you're not alone. Years ago I used to work with a woman who took hot water breaks!

    1. Maybe I should start taking those, too! ;)

  2. I am allergic to a lot of stuff and I order plain! Oh boy! The looks! The questions! Really! Don't worry about what I eat or drink! I don't care what you eat or drink! Just get me what I ordered! I totally get it! Crazy huh? What do they care!human nature is strange!

    1. It's funny how confused everyone gets when your order deviates from the norm. I guess it is human nature, Cindy!

  3. Well,my favorite is Ice Water...yup...what can beat a nice glass of GOOD Ice Water (I prefer some kind of spring water...and yep, people think that strange too. Most of the time I prefer it. I do drink hot tea some and iced tea some...but most of the time, water.
    Elizabeth in WA

    1. I like ice water in the summer, Elizabeth and occasionally I will order it when out, but I like the ice on the side. Apparently that causes problems, too! ;)

  4. Well, I drink plain hot water as well. I find it refreshing and, when it's cold outside (or inside my office due to a menopausal boss), it warms me up. I just feel happy. So we're weird. But we're GOOD weird! :)

    1. I agree, Betty...good weird!! Cheers to hot water! :)

  5. LOLOL!
    my little gram was a seventh day adventist. they're extremely health conscious.
    she ALWAYS drank hot water!
    and just like you... it was the hardest thing to simply get a cup of hot water...
    even a a really nice restaurant. they simply won't believe you!
    she finally starting asking for an empty cup and a tea bag. when they brought the little pot of hot water she simply poured it into her cup and left the bag on the table!
    so i understand totally your predicament! xo and it actually brought back some fun and lovely times with my gram. so thank you for that! :)

    1. Yes, Tammy!! I do that, too, sometimes!! When it's clear that I am just not getting anywhere, I order tea...if you can't beat them, join them. I am glad I could make you remember some fun times with your gram. I love when memories like that pop into my head!

  6. This such a fun post, Kim---you are your 'own person' and I love that. If we can order or ask for just water with our meals at restaurants, why not hot water? Hot or iced coffee is acceptable. Maybe you'll start a trend! I personally like hot water with lemon, but I could easily adapt to plain hot water.

    Thanks for being you and adding a fun spin on it!


    1. Jane, thanks for your sweet comment. I am glad you enjoyed the post and found the fun in it! That made my day!

  7. I know someone who always had hot water in the morning and encouraged her friends to try it. She drank hot water whenever she wanted a warm drink, also. You are not so different after all! I love my coffee in the mornings but it has to be perfect - too strong and it upsets my tummy. Too weak and it just tastes like, well . . . hot water! I do enjoy hot tea and hot chocolate (SF!)

    1. Barb, you just made me laugh out loud! Too weak and it tastes like hot water! Indeed! ;)

  8. I don't drink coffee, never once in my life. I'm not too big on hot tea. At home I drink Snapple.

    1. Snapple is fun, Carol. I like to read the tops! ;)

  9. Different is always good! Keeps them guessing what will happen next! Enjoy that water!!

  10. I'm a hot water drinker too, but perhaps not to the extent that you are. I drink a lovely mug of hot water every morning, and often at night. I like weak tea, but sometimes only a mug of hot water will do!

    1. It’s funny how it’s become what I crave! :)

  11. Funny post. And I can picture it happening just like you said. Okay, first of all, I also drink hot water. And when I worked in long term care there were many of our residents that drank hot water. Maybe it is a Midwestern thing. But I also drink both coffee and tea. If you wanted to avoid the conversation with the waitress you could try carrying a tea bag in your purse and whip it out when you are ordering and put it away after your hot water comes. On the other hand, if you want sometimes to have coffee or tea when out with your friends cold brewed coffee might be better tolerated if it upsets your stomach although it would still have the caffeine, and herbal teas would be a no caffeine option (I like chamomile or mint) Didn't mean to get so long winded.:)

    1. It is a healthy drink, but people's reactions are so funny. There are a few places I go to that just don't get it and I know this, so I just order tea. It's much easier than going through it all! Glad you liked the funny...

  12. Kim, I'm obviously not as health conscious as you are. I love my coffee in the AM and then I will drink hot tea in restaurants because you can never count on a good cup of coffee, but I had a friend that drank just hot water, and she got the same response as you every time and I didn't think she was crazy!!..Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. I keep hearing that I am not alone, Judy and it's making me feel better about my boring drink and crazy ordering stories!! ;)

  13. Hmmm, water is always my drink of choice, no ice thank you very much, but I've never had hot water. I will definitely give it a try. Fun post Kim.

    1. Good luck, Kristi and get ready for the comments! ;)

  14. I drink wayyyyyy too much coffee (no high metabolism over here)... I'm going to try this today and I hope I get addicted to hot water!!

  15. Most people tend to not drink enough water, either cold or hot.... so you're doing a good thing! Enjoy! I bet you do get some strange reactions though. LOL

    1. Very strange…and it’s just water!! So funny! :)

  16. Now that's a funny the shot glasses part. :)

    I do drink a lot of water but it's cold. Sometimes with lemon and cukes in a pitcher in the fridge. Coffee in the early morning but that's it ...can't drink it during the day or I get too wired.

    1. The shot glass full of hot water was a funny sight, Deb. I got a kick out it. The bartender must have thought he was crazy with that order. Good memories, that's for sure!!

  17. Well Kim, I too drink hot water now and then at home. Never ordered it out by itself, but when I order tea, they will bring a little pot of hot water then you don't have to use the tea bag they provide. No explanation that way. My mother had friends who only drank hot water too. It's more common then we think!!
    Loved the shot glass story!

    1. My favorite places are the ones that serve the little pots of water! Not only do they make the ordering easy, but they also make the drinking experience just a little more special! :)

  18. Hahaha! Loved reading this! I could just picture those young kids at Starbucks with their mouths hanging open! I'm a one cup coffee drinker in the morning and maybe one cup of HOT tea in the afternoon:) thanks for the chuckles this morning!

    1. I'm telling you Rhonda, it's a funny sight. Give them a complicated order and it's not problem. Order a simple cup of water and it's mayhem!

  19. I love that you are true to yourself, Kim, and don't get swept up in the mainstream just because it might be easier! Plain water is just now starting to taste good to me again.....when your tastebuds are no where to be found, even water tastes bad. When I was younger, I always drank hot tea.....didn't like coffee, probably because my grandmother didn't drink coffee -- she and I were very close. When my kids were little, we were at a friend's house for a play-date (this was long before "play dates" were a thing), and my friend had just made a fresh pot of coffee. It smelled so good that I decided to try it with milk and sugar (the way I drank hot tea) and the hook was set! hot beverage of choice is coffee!

    Warm hugs,

    1. I have always loved the smell of coffee, Carol. My husband gets it on the weekends and adds some yummy creamer to it and I just hold the cup to my nose and smell it while he drives. You definitely don’t get that with hot water!! ;)

  20. I drink lots of hot water at home but never thought to ask for it out in public. :)

  21. I could see how you would get tired of explaining this, Kim!! My relatives in Ireland are prone to drinking hot water in the mornings to get the body moving. But then they switch to tea or coffee for the rest of the day....or Jamesons or Guinness!! :)

    1. Well now that's the idea! ;) And that's one order that no one could mess up!!

  22. I commented on this once but guess it didn't "take."
    I love a cup of hot water . . .
    Agreed . . . I get some WHAT comments and stares when I order it.
    And the "no lemon" too . . .
    Water is my preferred drink . . .
    and sometimes I ask for lemon . . .

    1. Maybe I should order it neat, Lynne. That would really throw those Starbucks kids!! Ha!! ;)

  23. I totally get you! I too drink just plain hot water, not exclusively though because I do like tea and coffee. I know one other girlfriend that does that too and when she ordered it out I was not surprised. I also drink my bottled water at room temperature.

  24. Kim,
    Such a delightful tale! Oh such a fun and refreshing story in blogland.
    You made my morning complete, I was already in a good frame of mind after forcing myself to walk in a very brisk wind. Although it was just what I needed to reset my thoughts!
    Have a marvelous day:)

    1. So glad it made you smile, Jemma!! That was the point! Hope you had something hot to warm yourself up after your walk.

  25. Have to say (when I quit laughing) ... this is a new one for me! Don't be offended when I say I'm not surprised that it's coming from you! I ALWAYS love how you can cheer up a day with what you say!

    1. Cheryl, I love that you laughed and that you’re not surprised! At least I’m consistent!! ;)

  26. Just two weeks ago I started drinking hot water. When you have a cold... cold drinks are not appealing and all I drink anyway is water or kombucha that cold. I love hot water with lemon, and I do drink tea, but I'm not a fan of most and can't do the caffeine right now so I usually have ginger or Bengal Spice. I found that when I went to the tap for a glass of water I was ended up making it a glass of hot water... and in fact... it is very pleasant. The only thing.... you have to have good water. I can't imagine that I would be able to drink a lot of the water served hot in restaurants... does it bother you at all?

    1. That is an excellent question, Diane. I have to say that I have a filter in my own home. It makes a huge difference. When I am out and about, it's a roll of the dice for sure. I would say that most of the shops in my area have great water, but there are some where I take one sip and I am done!! ;)

  27. I do imagine that you get some odd responses when you out and about and ask for hot water. I don't like cold water unless it is extremely hot, so when I tell individuals that I just want tap water with no ice they give me a strange look.

    1. It's so funny, Heidi, isn't it?? Ice water no problem, but as soon as you as take that ice out, no one knows what to do with you! ;) Thanks for the visit today!

  28. You are a Hoot Kim... seriously! You have the ability to write about a very simple subject - hot water... and yet... hilarious! You know, I have never just drank hot water. I am a coffee in the morning, green tea in the afternoon kind of person. However, I have asked for hot water at McD's and other places, because nothing else on the menu appealed to me, and I used a tea bag I keep in my purse to make my own tea. I suppose if you know certain places are going to question you, you could hold up a tea bag, lol... but then again... your hot water drinking is you, and I love that we can all be so different and unique, and I'm all for keeping it that way! Be who you are, and enjoy the fun...

    Enjoyed this Kim, I really did. Good writing is a gift... and you have it my friend! Have a blessed day!

    1. Your sweet words about my writing just made my day! And, yes, maybe should I get myself an emergency tea bag. It would make things a lot easier, wouldn't it? ;)

  29. My Naturopath always tells me to drink my water at room temperature. Its funny why people can't just let you order what you want without suggestion you couldn't make up your own mind? Cold water especially with ice it in is bad to drink. Since then I don't ever have ice when I drink something. Now restaurants want to give your ice since it cuts down on the beverage they I get the same thing for no ice. I do love hot water with lemon though. I think you should have it your way!

    1. I have heard that cold water is not good for your system, Cathy…unless you’re washing your face. Then I heard cold is good for your pores. I can’t do that either!! :)

  30. Kim,
    I am laughing! I am still laughing!!! You are so funny.
    Yes, I like to drink warm water. I do not like a real cold water. Ha.
    But when I go out, I have an Ice Tea. :-)
    Still laughing....

    1. Laughing (and stil laughing) is the best compliment this writer can get!! Thank you, Carla!! :)

  31. You make me laugh, Kim! I've never heard of that. My grandma refused to add ice to whatever kind of cold beverage she was drinking. I love tea and coffee. Growing up my mom gave us hot jello water when weren't feeling well.

    1. Oh my gosh, Brandi, I had forgotten about the Jello! My mom also make us Jello when we were sick and we had to “eat” it while it was still not really done…soft and slimy!! Thanks for that memory! :)

  32. Hi Kim. I start out every morning with a warm cup of water mixed with a tablespoon of Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I used to drink two or three cups of coffee in the morning, but no more. Maybe one cup after I've had my ACV, but that's my limit. If I drink hot tea, it's herbal. I hate regular tea. Can't abide the taste. I'm doing a lot of research into nutrition because of my osteo and learning a lot about the benefits of an alkaline diet. ACV helps with that, along with all the other benefits. But my drink of choice is water. Lots of plain water. No ice. I get a lot of strange looks with that one when I order in a restaurant. Your shot story was funny. Hugs, Nancy

    1. I have heard a lot of people tout the benefits of apple cider vinegar, Nancy. I have never tried it, but maybe I should. Although I am not sure it would make ordering out any easier! ;) I am glad that you got a chuckle out of my hot water silliness!

  33. Hi Kim,
    Ah ha ha...funny! :)
    I can see how this would be confusing during the 'paying' process...anything 'out of the norm' is confusing, lol! ;)
    I drink hot water too, but not as much as you...and I do put lemon in mine. Don't do pop or sugar drinks and only started drinking coffee a couple of years ago, and only drink that rarely...I am however a mad tea drinker - any flavor - I love it all!
    Hope you are staying warm in your neck of the woods!
    Hugs, Kimberley

    1. I wish I liked tea, Kimberley. I really do, it smells good, I just can't...maybe someday. Tastes do change! :)

  34. Well I would choose to have a slice of lemon in mine!
    But seriously my go to drink is always a cup of tea, with just a little full fat milk and no sugar ... you can't beat it !!!

    Happy Thursday Wishes - well it is Thursday as I type this!

    All the best Jan

    1. Well, I do like sugar Jann, so that does sound delicious! :)

  35. This was so fun to read! My mom loves the smell of coffee too, but doesn't like the taste. Lately she's been reading about how good coffee is for you (antioxidants and all) so she's been trying to force herself to drink it. It's hilarious to watch! I've been recommending various creamers, etc, but so far she still isn't a fan. I've also had a price variation on things and it always amazes me that it happens at the same location. I say drink your hot water and enjoy! My go-to drink is probably water (cold) and then coffee with peppermint mocha creamer. In fact, I'm about to fix a cup right now. Enjoy your day! I'm off to enjoy a few new "programs" that recorded last night. ;) Oh, and laundry, lots and lots of laundry.

    1. I have read about the power of coffee, too, Lisa. Lots of good stuff, I just can't take what it does to my stomach and my body. Even decaf makes me race, so plain water it is. I have embraced the power of dark chocolate though. ;-)

  36. Oh Kim, what a story! If that is what you like to drink when you are out people should just serve it to you no questions asked! I will have to try it sometime. I like warm water though. I love coffee! Have a great week and weekend.

    1. I wish I liked coffee, Julie. It sure does smell good...but I have to say, I love drinking my hot water out of my big pretty purple mug! ;)

  37. I have a cup of hot water with a few tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon. I do this first thing in the morning and than I wait 20 mins before eating. This helps get your gut going in the morning and prepares your stomach for the food. Keep it up, it's great for you.

    1. It is good for you and even better with that lemon, I’m sure, Vanessa!

  38. I'm hot tea & coffee though I have had hot water on cold evenings when I don't want the side affects of my favorite hot drinks.

    I have my great grandmothers vintage teapot. When my mother gave it to me she remembered her grandmother only using it for hot water. My mother, born in 1927, was raised during the depression & had all her grandparents living with her at one time or another. She said her grandmother would have a pot of hot water every morning with breakfast. I've often wondered if she really liked it or she just chose to drink it (& make it special in a beautiful teapot) because that's all they had.

    1. That’s a great thought, Jenny. My parents were born in 1925 and 1931…depression era babies, too. I have heard a lot of stories like that, making do with what was on hand. Either way, a special pot or cup makes everything a little more palatable. Even plain old hot water! :)

  39. Your post sounds funny, but I feel shade of sadness. Lots of people haven't enough sens of tact!

    1. I'm pretty used to it now's actually kind of funny. :)

  40. I have never heard of or known anyone who drinks plain hot water - you're my first! ;-) I can drink hot water with lemon and raw honey when I'm sick/have a sore throat, but plain? No way, lol. I do love both coffee and tea - hot and cold. I drink a lot of plain water throughout the day but it's cold.

    1. Yup...plain hot water. I'm actually glad you haven't heard of anyone else, Melanie. That is the reaction I'm used to!! ;-)

  41. Well, I've always known we were related.....
    Mom and Dad always drank hot water first thing in the morning....a whole glass full. Now that I am an antique, I am following suit and find it a good way to start the day off right! My other probably NOT so good for me thing is...morning and night I wash my face.....with the hottest water I can get from the tap. Hubby thinks I'm loco and tells me it is bad for my skin...oh well.....
    Thanks for the big chuckle!

    1. Well, we truly must be related, because if my skin is not red from a super hot shower in the morning, the water is too cold! ;) I’m glad you got a good laugh! That’s music to my ears!

  42. I totally get it Kim. I don't know if I could drink it, it is a rather acquired taste but I get it. I am personally a coffee drinker. Greek coffee by choice, a double cup with milk and a tiny bit of suger. Unless I have one in the morning there is no talking to me.

    1. It's funny that we drink water all day long, but once it's heated, it's so different to so many! :)

  43. Funny. I'm tea person and change my favorite kind from time to time. These days I like fresh herbs in hot water with a bit of honey, a clean and soothing drink.

    1. That actually sounds interesting Amalia...I might be tempted to try that. I have mint leaves growing in the garden...might give it a try when the snow melts! ;)

  44. Replies
    1. And that is exactly the reaction I get when ordering!! Ha!! ;-)

  45. Very amusing Kim and interesting. I always go for plain water when I'm out. If they want to put ice in I go along with it.

    1. I’m glad I could make you smile, Ronda. Hot water…who knew it would cause such a stir? ;)

  46. It sounds like me ordering ice tea in the south when I lived there. You don't want sweet tea? No. No lemon? No. Just plain? Yes. You're not from around here are you? LOL At least you're a cheap date ;)

    My drink of choice it cold water, "plain" ice tea or something with vodka if I'm out for dinner.


    1. I am apparently the cheapest date around...but a very good tipper to make up for my lack of a check! ;-)

  47. You do surprise me Kim! I think it's funny though about the different responses you get. I'm both a tea and coffee person and will spend an arm for a great coffee machine, but would avoid paying for "designer" coffees by any means. Tea calms me at work, hence the love. We should share a cup of water and coffee sometimes, and I promise, you won't see me roll my eyes or give you any questioning look! :-)

    1. Fabulous, Vel! It sounds like a wonderful visit!! :)

  48. I'm going to have to try this. I hate drinking cold things in winter and find myself dehydrated!

    1. I definitely don't get dehydrated that's for sure! I hope you like it! :)

  49. What?? I didn't comment on this the first time around?? How could that BE??
    Yes. Hot water. With a few ice cubes on the side. Now, the ice cubes REALLY gets them going! Sometimes just to avoid the endless questions, I order lemon with that.
    Grand fun!
    Have a happy new year Kim! Hope you don't get buried in the snow. (I moved back to GA, so no snow for me in the winter! Yay!)

  50. You have a very healthy habit, Kim! I used to drink hot water in the morning with lemon but that dang sweet tooth of mine keeps flaring up. Decaf sweet tea with lemon with three cubes of ice, please!

    1. Oh, the hot chocolate calls to me, Janet, trust me!! I do like my hot water best though. :)

  51. As I type this, I have my cup of hot water right next to me. Actually it is very refreshing. I cannot drink anything very cold and when I ask for water in a restaurant, it automatically comes filled to the brim with ice. Um no...take it away. I so enjoy reading your posts and have gone through all your archives. Keep writing!

    1. I don't know why ordering water seems to be so difficult in a restaurant sometimes, but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone!! And thank you for your very kind comment, Donna, you just made my day!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my words and I hope to see you in the comments often! All the best in 2020!! ☺️
