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A Year In Review 2015 ~ My Favorites

December 28, 2015

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2015 Year In Review

Ah, the end of the year. Time to take stock of 2015 and share the best of the best. At least that was the plan, but you know, I've done that before ~ twice actually ~ and while the most popular posts are always fun to highlight, this year, I thought I would share my own personal favorites with you.

One from each month of the year.

Perhaps you've already read them, commented on them or were inspired to make your own version of one of them. Perhaps not. Maybe you're a new reader and you've never seen these posts before.

Either way, new to you or not, I hope you enjoy looking back at this Exquisitely Unremarkable year with me.

Kindness Matters

Kindness does matter. Many years ago I had a teacher who was unkind. Here's my tale and how her behavior shaped mine.

Kindness Matters

So, after a year and half of listening to people tell me that if I wanted to be serious blogger I needed to get off Blogger, I did. In September of 2014, I moved over to WordPress. I lasted five months. Here's why. 

Why I Left WordPress

I admit it, I am addicted to banners. They are easy to construct, super inexpensive and pretty! This is one of my favorites. 

Easter Bunny Garland

Nothing adds charm and personality to a room like fabric. A sweet pattern affixed to glass cabinet doors is a fast way to warm up any space...and cover up the mess inside. Not that I have a mess inside. Shhh. 

I enjoyed letting you in on my super easy cheat. 

Adding Fabric To Glass Cabinets

I may be a red, red, red girl, but truth be told, white on white is my dream decor. There is something so fresh and elegant about it and nobody does it better than my friend Kelly ~ and it's real life people. She has three teenage boys and a dog. This house was a dream to shoot and feature on my site. When people ask me if it's my house, I am tempted to say yes. 

Shabby Chic Cottage

Sometimes you run across a piece of your past that stops you in your tracks. 

Vintage Cook Book
Add caption

This piece was super popular on my site and others as well. I guess people liked the idea, because it's an easy way to get a custom look, even if you don't sew. It's one of my favorites because I saved my chair, I ended up with a dreamy patchwork piece I have always wanted, but mostly because I actually did it. 

I really thought this kind of thing was way beyond my skill set. 

Easy No Sew Reupholstery

This is a room I never thought I'd have. Thanks to my ultra handy hubby, I have a screened in porch and I love it!

Screened In Porch

This was the most popular post on my site in 2015. I guess I'm not the only one who likes red, huh? 

Decorating The Living Room For Fall

I wanted a wooden cake stand, but I didn't want to pay upwards of $50 for one and I do not own any power tools of my own. Here is how I constructed one for a few bucks with glue and paint. 

 Wooden Cake Stand

Tastes change and evolve. I dug up a few photos of what this place looked like several years ago. I think my simpler style is a better fit. What do you think? 

White Kitchen

Earlier I mentioned my banner addiction, well, now I have another one. Gift bags! I made a few Christmas crafts from them this year. I think this one was my favorite and apparently, I'm in good company. It was featured in The Huffington Post. 

You can also see me sand wood with a nail file. 

What? It works. 

Merry Christmas Wooden Sign

Last but not least, here's my baker's dozen pick. After all, thirteen is my lucky number.

I have been making these signs for a while now. I believe I featured two of them in my first year of blogging. They are the quintessential Kim project...quick, cheap and super easy to do. 

Wooden Welcome Sign

Well, there you have it, my favorites of the year. 

Of course, while I enjoy sharing my ideas, crafty or otherwise, talking to yourself is no fun at me, I do it enough to know. It's the visits from you, my loyal readers, that make each post truly special to me. 

I am truly grateful for the interaction and time you spend here more than you could ever know. 

Happy New Year friends. 

May 2016 be exquisite and remarkable. 

Did you enjoy today's post?  Sign up for email and follow the fun. 

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  1. Hi Kim,
    Thanks I enjoyed all of your wonderful posts throughout the year!! Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J!! Wishing you a Happy New Year. Julie xo

  2. Kim, I must have started following you about mid-year so I really enjoyed reading your first two posts. Your kindness sampler is beautiful and great info regarding your return to Blogger ~ left my thoughts on that post! Blessings, Cecilia

    1. I'm so happy you found something that was new to you and relevant, Cecilia! I love that Kindness sampler. It's a favorite around here and I'm glad you found my WP experience relevant. That was a hot button topic for sure!! ;)

  3. Of course I enjoy "each and every" . . . of you . . .
    But . . . Kindness Matters is right there up on top. I would love to have a conversation with that teacher who spoke to that twelve year old YOU in such a cruel way. Unbelievable . . . Kindness WINS mo matter how it is given or received. I would be kind in my talking with "lack of empathy" teacher but I wouldn't abandon my "talking session" until she heard me out . . . I wonder if she is still alive and we could look her up!

    Also the Word Press piece I found helpful. I have considered other blogging options, I am comfortable where I am and think I will leave it alone. I left Windows 7, went to 10 . . . and I am miserable. I have a community ed class planned to hopefully teach me some HOWS!

    Now you have inspired me to take a look back at my inspirations . . .
    I better get to it!

    1. Lynne, thank you for so many sweet words...all year long. I would love to peek back at your year. I remember a ton of good....xxoo

  4. How fun!

    I created a year in pic collage on Instagram, but haven't thought about doing a blog post. I might just do one.

    1. It’s been fun to peek back at the year, Carol! I’d forgotten how busy I was! ;)

  5. All your faves are my faves too Kim! Looking forward to 2016!

  6. Hi Kim,
    Love going down memory lane with your blog posts from 2015. I always am excited when you pop up in my email saying you have a new post. I have enjoyed getting to know you my friend this year and look forward to happy and inspirational adventures for 2016. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you, Kris. It has truly been my pleasure getting to know you as well. Thank you for featuring my on your Saturday Spotlight and for all your kind comments. It really does mean a lot! :) Happy New Year!

  7. Hi Kim. I love your blog and your creative thinking. Keep it up girl!

    1. Thanks Stacey!! I appreciate the kind words, they mean a lot! :)

  8. I LOVE that you did this! Being fairly new to your blog, I've missed several of these. And once again, you have perfect timing because I just poured my first cup of coffee and now I plan on browsing these links while fueling up. :) Thanks! xoxo

    1. So glad we met this year, Lisa! I have Stacey to thank for that! Happy 2016 and I hope you had fun poking around the archives! xoxo

  9. Always a pleasure to visit your blog and see what you've been up to. Looking forward to following along in the new year!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Brandi! Right back at you…can’t wait to see you furnish that new space!! :) I just know it will be fabulous. Happy New Year.

  10. Hi dear friend. I won't repeat all the things I've written as comments this past year, like "You're so clever", "One of the best blogs out there", "One of the few blogs I read faithfully", "I expect to see a book from you one day". Nope. Not going to write any of those things. ;-) Love you and so glad you continue to grace us with your remarkable Exquisitely Unremarkable blog. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. ~ Nancy

    1. I’m so glad you didn’t repeat your previous comments, Nancy! Who would want to hear so many fabulous words over and over again?? Gee, I wonder who? ;) Thank you for so many wonderful words this year. As a writer, there is no better reward for opening up and putting words on paper than the kind feedback from a respected friend.

      All the best in 2016. xxoo

  11. where to begin?
    i have just sat here for well over an hour... being moved to tears... laughing... whooping in recognition... and feeling the warmth that is kim.
    we have much in common really... our love of simplicity. and the joy of red!
    the loss of our daddy at a young age. yours even younger than mine. still. the hole.
    i thought... I HAD THAT COOKBOOK!!! but how could that be??? i'm much older than she is!!! then i saw your little post note... first published in 1955! i was 10 years old! that's how. LOLOL! and i also hate to cook. LOL. but i LOVED that book.
    and dearest bean...
    mainly i cannot thank you enough for the word press truth post.
    my blog as you know was a gift. and i had no choice in the matter. i'm terrified to do anything in it. the captain hosts it and handles everything. which is nice. but i have NO creative input!
    so... my plan after the new year... is to start another blog in BLOGGER! i'm so excited. i don't want to hurt the captain... so i'll keep the peanut. but i want the experience and FUN of having my very own way of doing things! and your post cinched the deal for me in trying blogger. so THANK YOU so much!
    and now... yet another comment of mine that has turned into war and peace.
    good grief charlie brown! XOXO♥

    1. Tammy, your words are always welcome here. I love reading your comments, whether they are in couplet or novel form!! xoxo

  12. I think the chair post was the first I read after finding your blog and I was hooked! I must go back now and catch up on the ones before that. I remember all the others after too! Great year of great posts!

    1. Thank you, AnnMarie. Funny, I feel like we’ve been chatting forever and yet it’s only been a few months! I am glad we found each other…still loving my sweet bunny in her snow covered jar! :) Happy New Year!

  13. Happy New Year - I loved so many of the posts. Kindness Matters... a very special post indeed! I also liked your Anniversary post....that one I will always remember and I even shared with my husband.
    Thank you for the friendship this year over at my blog too. I always appreciate our conversations.
    Happy New Year,

    1. Friendship is the best part of blogging, Carla...and Wednesdays at your blog are always a ton of fun! I love playing along in my head! Happy New Year! :)

  14. Talk about organized ...meaning having this review : ) I remember all of these and I recall loving the Kindness Matters one so I think I'll have a REREAD :)

    1. Thanks Deb! I hope you enjoy it as much the second time around! :)

  15. My favorite thing about your blog is that, I never know what to expect, so I'm always eager to see what's next. AND I like how you sneak in a funny one here and there!

    1. Funny is my favorite, Cheryl! Thanks for the visits and the comments. All the best in 2016 my friend. :)

  16. I haven't seen all of these posts so I'm going to go visit a few of are such a creative person and great writer, I know they will be a treat. I'm working on a Year in Review, well, I'm supposed to be doing that now! lol!

    Thank you for your really nice comment on my last post. I'm so glad we met up in the blogging world this year! :)

    Jane x

    1. Happy New Year, Jane. I am looking forward to your Year In Review...and as for my comment, I meant every word! :)

  17. What a fun post! I'm with you - I love the color red in decor. I couldn't do the white on white...I have to have color. I remember your post about simplifying your kitchen and while your kitchen was gorgeous before, I do love the clean, new look. Happy and blessed New Year to you!

    1. Thanks for the visit, Melanie! I love color, that’s for sure…and less of everything else lately. Makes the color on the wall stand out more, that’s for sure! Happy New Year to you, too. Enjoy! :)

  18. I am so glad that our paths crossed, as I have enjoyed getting to know you and have thoroughly enjoyed your blog! These posts were wonderful and I would have picked them as favorites also. I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better throughout the coming year and cannot wait to see what posts are coming in the New Year! Love and hugs to you sweet friend!

    1. Friendship is truly the best thing about blogging and I am glad we met, too, Benita! Happy 2016!! xo

  19. Kim, you are a joy in so many ways! I am delighted that we have become friends through our blogs - your writing touches my heart. And I adore your home! Great roundup - I had seen most of these posts since I've been following your blog for about a year now but a few were new to me. I think I'm going to have to make one of those red hydrangea wreaths for my house - every time I'm on your blog my eye is drawn to it!! xo

    1. Thanks Debbie!! You are always so kind when you pop in to visit! I love that wreath too, one of my favorites. Must be that color! ;)

  20. I love all your posts and should comment more often but I begin to sound like a broken record! I was especially glad to read the post about your horrible experience with Wordpress, I had considered using it but after reading your post I quickly gave up that notion.....thank you! I also loved the decorating now & then post since I too have been simplifying my decor a bit. And of course your DIY fix on you turned out gorgeous, as I knew it would! Thanks for reposting!

    1. Rhonda, thank you for your feedback. I am glad that you found some inspiration and useful information....and comment or not, I love the visits! :) All the best in 2016!

  21. This was such a fun post, Kim! Some of these I do remember, a few I must have missed, & a few that this aging brain wasn't sure I'd seen or not! I truly adore your fun banners. I keep saying I'm going to do a project with puzzle pieces but haven't done that yet.....getting closer as I see how cute that Valentine banner is! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Warm hugs,

    1. I am getting excited for Valentine's Day, too, Carol! I keep thinking of the banner possibilities! ;)

  22. Fun to take another look at your great posts! Happy New Year!!

  23. The only post I hadn't read was the one about the teacher and that woman should have been shot. Seriously.

    I'm so glad I met you. Even though we've never met, I feel as though you're a true friend.

    Happy New Year, and love to you,

    1. I feel the same way, Rue. Happy New Year and love back to you, my friend. xo

  24. Loved looking back at your favorite posts from 2015. Many of them were my favorites too. I can't wait to see what you have in store for EU in 2016. Happy New Year my friend!

    1. Thank you, Kristi! Happy New Year to you, too! xo

  25. Looks like you had such a neat year! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J! Happy 2016!

    1. It was busy...and fun! Happy 2016 to you, too! :)

  26. Teri, thank you so much! I love when you pop in to say hello and feel the same way about your Homespun place on the web! xo

  27. I found your wordpress post quite entertaining! i love the ease of blogger!! Happy New Year!

    1. I should’ve stayed put, Patti! Thanks for the visit. Happy New Year to you, too! :)

  28. I love reading your posts and looking at your gorgeous pictures, Kim. I remember enjoying some of these but have missed some, so will go back and enjoy them! Lots of crafty inspiration here and fun too! Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Helen xox

    1. Thanks so much, Helen…the feeling is mutual. I always come away from your site wishing I was more talented with a needle and thread! Maybe this year I’ll need to grab one of your books and try!! Happy 2016!

  29. Kim, I enjoyed your projects and love your kitchen. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year's.

    1. Thanks so much, Vanessa!! Happy 2016 to you and yours! :)

  30. Kim
    I always enjoy my visits to your lovely blog
    Happy and Healthy New Year Wishes to you and yours

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, Jan. I really appreciate the kind words. I wish you a wonderful New Year, too!

  31. Happy New Year Dear Kim!
    I have been thinking of you and just wanted to stop by and wish you the very best that the New Year has to bring.
    I am wishing you much love, joy, good health, happiness and sharing some of your projects-because I love them so!
    Happy New Year, with love,

    1. You are just too kind, Jemma. I really appreciate the kind words, the visits and the shares! I wish you a wonderful 2016 filled with all of the simple pleasures you desire. xo

  32. Hi Kim,
    I only found you half way through your recap...and have gone back and read the ones I missed and loved every post! Especially your post 'Kindness Matters'!
    Wishing you the happiest of 2016's!
    Hugs, Kimberley

    1. So glad to have bumped into you here in the land of blogs, Kimberley! Happy New Year!

  33. Thirteen is my lucky number too ;). It's my birthday and Fisherman's as well.

    Happy New Year Kim, and here's to many more fabulous things for you in 2016!

    1. Thanks so much, Doreen! Happy New Year to you, too! :)

  34. Hello there! What a productive year. I like what you do with red and went back enough to find your gorgeous red hydrangea wreath and pin it. :)

    1. Well, thanks so much! I love being pinned! ;) Thanks for the visit, too!

  35. I'm a little late to your posts... the holidays have been wonderful, but I have missed seeing what my blogging friends have been up to! I enjoyed seeing your list of favorite posts through the year... I enjoy your blogging so much, and appreciate your friendship greatly! Praying the Lord continues to bless you in this new year :)

    1. Thank you so much! I do love looking back at the blog in December. I get to focus on the good parts of the year and remember how much I actually accomplished! Not bad! :)

  36. I love the Evaporated Milk Memories! I went back to read that I had missed it! What a cute story! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I like this one too. It’s fun to look back sometimes…Happy New Year! :)

  37. I remember that great little Easter banner.

    Did I ever tell you that my original slipcovers on my sofa were that floral print and the accompanying chair was in the red buffalo check. Boy do I miss those slipcovers.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

    1. I remember that, Carol! It really is one of my all time favorite patterns. I wish I had your sewing talent!! :)
