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Easy Home Decor Christmas Crafts

November 12, 2015

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Last year, I decided to pare down my holiday decorating. In keeping with my new simplified style, I put out less stuff, kept the look clean and a bit rustic. I left a lot of our decorations in the bins and selected only the truly special items for display. I did however make a few very easy home decor Christmas crafts.

I mean what's Christmas without crafting, right?

Except for a half priced spool of ribbon and a box (or three) of candy canes, I did not buy anything to make these projects. I recycled or reused items that I already had around the house. In addition, many of the supplies were tossed at the end of the season, leaving me less to store.

That part felt great.

I have decided to share these ideas now, to allow enough time to gather supplies and create, so the projects are ready to go on decorating day, if something strikes your fancy.

Here's a peek back at my creations.

This was probably the easiest and most tasty of my home decor additions. It was hard to keep this centerpiece adequately stocked, as it was in my family room. There really is nothing better than eating a treat during a holiday movie!

Best part, once the candy canes were gone, nothing to clean up!

In the kitchen, I added a few embellishments to my existing hand towels. A bit of fresh produce dressed up my server, as well.

On my countertop, I framed a seasonal sentiment. It is still tucked behind my Thanksgiving printable for safe keeping and easy storing.

I made my very own advent calendar for the kids. It was pretty and when the season was over, the newspaper was recycled, the wreath was tucked back into its bin and the basket was moved to its normal sitting place.

Lastly, I toned down my old wreath with some neutral ribbon that cost me about two bucks. I love coupons!

I was very pleased with the results and have decided to go with the same theme again this year. Honestly, if I could have a plain tree in a bucket, no ornaments, I would. Of course, that'll never fly around here, but a girl can dream.

Where do you fall on the Christmas home decor scale, less or more?

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Looking for even more easy Christmas crafts? Check out these posts!

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  1. Kim.
    These are perfect decorating tips and less really is more. By streamlining some of our decorating we are actually able to absorb the beauty of what we have used. I like your way of thinking and I too am headed in that decoration!

    1. I totally agree, Jemma and we are looking forward to having more time to enjoy the season!

  2. Less--and more. I have really done less decorating since the kids are grown with homes of their own. And our circumstances have changed. This year when everyone is at our little farmhouse there will be eight dogs. Big dogs. The last couple of years I have had a tabletop tree instead of a full size one. I still get a real tree but now it is up out of the way. The living/dining room will be limited to the tree, the people and pet stockings, the holiday dishes and the dog treat decorated tree. The place where I have done more decorating is in the kitchen. For years I have had a small artificial tree in the kitchen. The last couple of years i have added some garland decorated with mini kitchen tools and cookie cutters. New additions this year will be the chef attired nutcrackers that I found at the thrift store last week and some yet to be determined decorations for the open shelves I call my 'butler's pantry'. Oops, sorry to get so long-winded. I should just cut and paste this and call it a blog post.

    1. I love to hear the decorating details, Lorri...share away! :) We have stuff up in every room and in some ways I can decorate more now that we are without little hands and paws. I can have fewer, but more delicate decorations! Funny that I want a tree without ornaments now, when I can finally put out all the ornaments we own without worry! ;)

  3. I have scaled way back from days of long ago . . .
    Out tall ten foot, pre lit tree is joining my son and his family.
    I am thinking fresh greens in large vases, pots . . . great for fragrance.
    However, I am known I guess for "my trees" so receiving a bit of resistance.
    I have a few table candle lantern types and I plan some Santa scenes, those very tiny lights, pine and angel hair.
    I hope they turn out . . .
    I plan to use my collectible Santa plates as my table dishes . . .
    Instead of putting out my mother's Hummel Nativity, I plan just a few pieces inter mixed throughout the house.
    That might be perfect in one of the lanterns. Hmmmmmm . . . fun to think, DIFFERENT.

    1. I like different, Lynne!! I think it's fun to mix it up and I like your ideas. Although, I too would have a hard time giving up a tree!!

  4. I don't have much room to do a lot. I won't have a big Christmas tree. Just decorating here and there. I love your ideas! So simple yet elegant.

    1. Thanks Brenda! A little decorating here and there sounds just perfect! :)

  5. Love all of your ideas Kim--simple & elegant! I've been crafting too before the holidays get busy!

    1. Thanks so much, Cecilia! I would love to make a new advent calendar before the 1st rolls around, but that never seems to happen! ;)

  6. The last few years, I too have been going with less decor. It just feels less cluttered and you really see the statement pieces. Great photos you share. xo

    1. Thanks CelestinaMaria and I agree, less cluttered is freeing! :)

  7. Love this post! I'm going to try to scale back this year, but I don't know if I'll succeed. ;) The candy cane hurricane is definitely something I would do. Simple and easy is my motto this year. Oh, and I also love a good printable. I need to organize all my printables soon. Thanks for the ideas!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I used to go so crazy, but now I find that a few strands of white lights in each room and some strategically placed decor in each room is just enough! :)

  8. I love your ideas. We also downsized our decorating a few years ago. We did not have a tree last year and may not this year either.

    Will be spending the holidays with the kids and they do not have time to come to our home this year. Everyone is working including the grandkids and time is short. We are still trying to work out everyones work time to see when the day will be.

    1. I am sure your place will be very festive, Betty!

  9. Kim, this is so great.

    I started last year decorating with fewer things. Granted, I put up three trees but the mantel decorations (I have four) and the table vignettes were cut to the bone. This year, I plan on putting up one tree and doing only one mantel. My husband and I want an easier decorating plan with more emphasis on entertaining.

    I loved for thought. Thanks!


    1. Seems like a lot of people are cutting back, Barb. I’m glad you enjoyed the post…and four mantels?? How dreamy! :)

  10. Less these days, because some time ago, I got rid of all my old decorations which just were toooo old. lol.

    1. We've got some old ones that should probably go, too! ;)

  11. You are too cute!! These are absolutely awesome and so simple!!

  12. Definitely less lately. I have so much stuff around year round that it becomes such a chore to put a lot away just to decorate. So, I am decorating less. Not sure how much I am going to be able to decorate this year with two naughty kitties around! I just love your easy decorations! Gotta go back now and click around!

    1. Yes, AnnMarie!! Exactly! I had to put away before I could decorate...that part stunk and I don't have a lot of extra room, so my new philosophy makes less work coming and going! Ha...and those naughty kitties, I remember those days...climbing up through the tree!

  13. I gave lots away last year and this year I'll still have 3 trees but I'm not going to unpack the rest--I think, I hope.

    Maybe the little PB berry wreaths that look like the one on your pretty towel!

    1. I still have two trees and really would love to add one of those plain evergreens in my kitchen, but we’ll see! That’s going in the wrong direction, isn’t it? ;)

  14. I love the candy cane hurricane, so simple but so pretty! I loved them all though!
    I have to admit that I am Christmas crazy, I just can't seem to get enough! lol!
    But I don't go over the top...just enough to enjoy something in every room.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  15. Hi Kim,
    I think your plan is going to be great. I had to scale way back this year with the house up for sale. So my motto this year is less is more. I am hoping to make an impact with just the little decor I do. Have a great Friday and wonderful week end.

    1. I just know that whatever you do will be lovely, Kris!

  16. Kim, Great decorating tips. I had to Pin your Advent cones in the basket. For the past two-three years, I've worked on a more sparse look at Christmas, especially having two-three "unadorned" trees around the house, inside and out. I've always loved natural decorations instead of artificial greenery. Once the holidays are over, the natural decorations can be recycled and do not have to be stored like artificial greenery.


    1. Ah, Judith, those unadorned trees sound lovely!

  17. I'm with you Kim, less is more. I left a lot of decorations in the boxes too. I'm not sure what will happen this year, but with a kitchen reno still going on, I'll probably pare things down even more. Love the candy cane idea!

    1. Oh, Christmas in a new kitchen…how exciting! :)

  18. Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Pottery Barn, etc. would love for us to buy new Christmas stuff (and tons of it) each year. I like using what I have in different way.

    Like you, I am going simple this year.

    1. Very true, Carol! I have to stay out of those stores, because I get tempted! ;)

  19. I recall quite a few of these and enjoying them ! :)

  20. Hi Kim,
    I too did the same thing last year and put out a lot less. It is so much work and the season goes so fast. I love all of your great diy projects for Christmas.
    I hope you stop by my blog today as I have a surprise for you!
    Have a wonderful day and weekend.
    Julie xo

    1. Hi Julie! You are right, it is a lot of work and there is so much else to do during the holidays, beside decorate! Thanks again for the exciting news. I am just thrilled about winning the giveaway, it’s like an early Christmas gift!! :) Yay!!

  21. I plan on having a simpler, old fashioned Christmas this year too! I like to reuse what I have also, make me feel so much better than funning to a store to buy new...and then have no place to store it.

    1. That’s what it’s all about, Cathy, I don’t have the room to store more! ;)

  22. I used to do more each year. But this year I am going to scale back a lot and do it thoughtfully. No more everything but the kitchen sink decorations. I want things to look right and to create a look of calm. I just flipped all of my books backward and that made a huge difference in the living room. Now I have a blank canvas for the decor.

    1. My place used to look like an "Eat at Joe's" neon sign. The kids' decor didn't help...I'm happier with less! ;)

  23. Sweet ideas! Love the hurricane peppermint lamp Have a beautiful week!

    1. Thanks Lynn, that one is favorite here, too! :)

  24. Hi,
    Great ideas. What did you put in the advent calendar?
    Love the candy cane idea!

    1. Thanks Carla. I know you found out what's inside from your comment on the advent calendar post. Glad it was helpful! :)

  25. I love all of your crafts, Kim; but I have to confess, I am a more is better Christmas decorator! I may be forced to pair it down this year, but I've already started going through my sweet hubby put away the Fall stuff & hauled the Christmas goods to our guest room! That candy cane hurricane is such a cute idea. Candy canes make everything festive!

    1. Carol, I used to be a more is better girl and I can say that less doesn't mean less rooms. I still have decor displayed in every room, I am just more selective about what I put out...but like you, I'm still a Christmas crazy and love the season!! :)

  26. I'm not crafty at all, and the older I get, the less I do as far as decorating for the I'll just have to enjoy your pretty handiwork!

    1. I’m with you, Melanie, the older I get, the more I just want to enjoy the season! :)

  27. I do like your idea of the advent calendar ... just wondered what you put in it please.
    The candy cane hurricane is also a very nice idea.

    We used to have loads of decorations,but as all the children are now grown up we keep it simple ... and so enjoy visiting the younger members of the family that still think Christmas isn't Christmas without a whole variety of decorations ... a very nice time of year.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! I usually stuff the calendar with small candy treats, notes that tell of special occasions, like game or movie nights, ice cream outings or drives to view holiday lights. I also put small trinkets inside, just little tokens!

  28. I've been paring down my Christmas decorations as well. I had a full bin I never used last year & really want to get rid of more this year. Why is it so hard to do that even if you never use it?!

    I'll also be setting up a tree with no ornaments at all. Last year I set up our big tree on the screened porch & put the sturdier ornaments on it but this year I've bought a much needed new tree & I will just set it up & plug it in! I am so looking forward to that!

    I do admit to already buying one Christmas decoration at the Dollar Tree ;) it's a felt wreath for $1 that I plan to hang in my kitchen window over the sink. I have one I've used in the past there but it's not substantial enough & seems to get lost in the huge window. This one will look so much better. The old one may become a centerpiece on my table.

    Even though I AM thoroughly enjoying my fall/Thanksgiving decor right up through November I'll be enjoying Christmas as well.

    1. Jenny, I'm with you, why is it so hard to get rid of things you never use? We cleaned out a bunch of boxes today and came across some decorations we forgot even existed and still we had such a hard time deciding what to do with them. Memories came flooding back. We tossed a few into the donation bin and kept a few. Of course, I still see a few new pretties I'd like to pick up, too! ;)

    2. One year I had way more than I needed, and wanted to give it all away, so I called the local food bank. Turns out they knew of a family that had no Christmas decor, so away went a spare tree, lights enough for the tree, and decorations! It was great to not have to donate it to a thrift shop and think that all those goodies would be wasted because they might not be loved for the current year and end up in a trash can somewhere!

    3. That is wonderful, Nancy. I love your story. I can only imagine what a wonderful Christmas it was for that family. You have my wheels turning...

  29. You are my guru for easy crafts for Christmas and everyday!

  30. Less is more with me! I used to go all out and cover every surface and we had several trees. It stresses me out to have that much stuff around though. I really love your idea of using things that are always there and tweaking them some. You're such a smart girl. :)

    1. Thank you, Stacey! I really am working on more of the same this year, reuse, reuse, reuse!

  31. Oh Teri, I have so many pretties pinned on Pinterest that I am sure I am going to make and I never get to them. I am honored to have made your “To Do” list! :) Good luck, my friend!

  32. When we moved two years ago, we got rid of a LOT of decorations, partly because we don't have enough storage, and partly because it was just time to let go. Yesterday I was looking for a wreath, only to discover we must have given those away too, so maybe I got a little carried away ;).

    Having small children, as opposed to being retired, is very different for many, and we are no exception. We probably won't even be home for Christmas, so for sure we don't do much decorating, and that's the way it's been for the last three years. I kinda miss the beautiful trees we had in years past though, and maybe someday we will return to that, but for now...well, let's just say I won't be sharing any Christmas decor posts! Lol

    1. I totally get it Doreen, it’s a lot of work to set up, especially if you’re not around to enjoy it. :)

  33. These are my favorite. I agree I need to go through what I am going to do and getting ready to take out my Christmas decor this weekend. I have so many ideas running in my head I am making myself confused. Ugh, I just need to stick to one theme and be done.

    1. I know, Vanessa, I have such a hodgepodge of decorations…kids’ stuff, first married treasures, crafty items, elegant things…and now rustic! Too much!!

  34. Love all these ideas, KIm. This year I plan to reuse my decor from last Christmas. I have so much going on that my time has been very limited. No time to make new things like I always like to do. I will be traveling to Spain to see my parents before the holidays and getting back just in time to sit down to Christmas dinner. :) It is going to be a crazy month of December for me but can NOT wait. xxx Maria

    1. A trip to Spain sounds delightful, Maria! I bet that is the best gift of the season. Your place looks lovely all the time, I am sure that your creative decor from last year will look fabulous once again! Enjoy the trip!! xxx

  35. I remember all your Christmas decorations from last year. I loved them then, and I love them even more this year. I'm into simplicity (as you know) and anything that needs storage has to be really, really small, stackable (like plates) or adaptable for other seasonal decorating, like your printables in the frame. That's brilliant! xo ~ Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I don’t have any super creative crafts in mind for this year, yet. I’m a fly by the seat of my pants girl. Something will come to mind I am sure, and yes, they will be easy to store!! Like you, I can’t have it any other way!

  36. Less, definitely! In our small house this year, I may have room for a nativity scene, and maybe a wreath or two. I loved all the ideas you showcased, especially the wreath on the basket. Small touches are best, in my opinion! Less really is more :)

    1. Well, I bet that your nativity scene will really stand out this year! That’s the best part about less…everything you do put out becomes so much more!! :)
