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Jamberry Nails Application Tips For Long Wear

July 07, 2015

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Jamberry Nail Wraps are a super easy DIY that make you look fabulous!

Check out the easy application tips for long wear and all the pretty patterns.

Hand in front of water wearing floral nail wraps
*Jamberry provided me with these pretty nail wraps, but all my opinions are my own. 

I am a total girly girl. I always have been.

I love makeup, high heels, even if I can't really wear them anymore, and jewelry.

I never feel completely dressed until my hair is done and my mascara is on.

I may not be a perfectionist when it comes to DIY, but when it comes to my appearance, I like everything to be just so.

Unfortunately, for the last ten years, my nails have been completely neglected.

The smell of nail polish and remover does very bad things to me and so, naked nails were my only option.

It was very unsettling, not to mention boring, to have undone digits.

Then, I was introduced to Jamberry Nails and everything changed.

I know that I mentioned them when I first tried them out, but it's been a solid year now and I thought it was time to let you know my thoughts after twelve solid months of wear.

Especially since so many of you comment on my "pretty nails" in my tutorial photos.

Thanks! That certainly wasn't the case when I started this website! Yikes!

SO. What's the verdict? I still love them!

UPDATE! In 2021 Jamberry is no longer owned by its original founders. It's now part of the BeneYOU company. I haven't tried any of their products since, however I'm working on that so I can keep you in the loop!

In less than a half an hour, I can have totally fabulous hands.

My Jamicure lasts about two weeks and to be honest, I usually remove them because I'm ready for another look, not because they need to come off.

These pretty nail wraps are odorless and adhere to your nails with a little bit of gentle heat and pressure.

They come in a ton of patterns and colors, including glittery solids if that's your passion, and you can mix and match them all for a custom manicure you just cannot get with polish.

If you follow me on Instagram, I have posted some of my favorite looks of the past year over there ~ including these!

Red FLoral nail wraps on hand on steering wheel
Red. My signature color. 

Screenshot of post featuring book text on nail wraps on hand
Words! Getting my author on!

French Manicure Nail Wraps on hand
Yes, these French tips are Jamberry. 

Blue Floral Nail Wraps on Hand on Steering Wheel
Blue on a snowy day. 

Each sheet is enough for two manis, two pedis, with a few leftover to use as accent nails. They are $15 per sheet or buy 3 get 1 free.

That's my favorite deal, I can never pick just one. Pop over to Jamberry and you'll see what I mean. 

How do you apply, you ask? So simple. Let's get started.

A Sheet Of Floral Jamberry nail wraps

First, I gather my supplies. Now, you do not need the Jamberry heater, but I highly recommend it.

Of course, a hair dryer works well, too.

Just make sure to put it on low, you really don't need a lot of heat.

Jamberry accessory kits

You know that old construction saying, measure twice, cut once?

Well, that is the key to this application.

Measure, measure and measure again to make sure your Jamberry will fit the desired nail as close to the cuticle as possible.

You do not want to have to cut your wrap and you don't want to go over your cuticle. Your Jamberry will not stick to skin.

Measuring and applying nail wraps on fingers

Once you have settled on the proper size, cut the Jamberry in half and place it on the end of the rubber cuticle pusher and heat it, front and back, for about three to four seconds.

Using a heater to warm Jamberry wrap

Carefully, position the warm wrap on your nail...

Cutting Jamberry nail wraps for fingers

...and use the cuticle pusher to smooth it onto your nail.

I usually take my nail and put it in front of the heater to make sure the wrap is firmly affixed.

Then I smooth some more, trim the excess wrap from my nail and file for a clean edged finish.

Filing the edge of nail wraps on finger

Gorgeous. It's a super easy and inexpensive DIY with fabulous, custom results, don't you think?

No smell, no waiting for nails to dry and certainly no chipped polish to patch.

If you have daughters or granddaughters, they will be hooked too...and they can do them on their brand new bedding with no worries.

Love it!

Kim Signature

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  1. I love these and think they are adorable!! I was wondering how you always had such cute nail patterns! So they survive water torture?

    1. They survive anything!! I literally use a brillo pad to scrub pots and pans and they stay on. They even stand up to crafting torture with ease. That is the real test. :)

  2. I've seen those on other blogs but I always thought they were just stickers for your nails. That actually looks beautiful and durable!

    1. They are really durable, Stacey. I glue, paint, clean and swim with them and they stay put! :)

  3. I have wanted to try the Jamberry nails. And such a pretty design. Thank you for the contest!

    1. Good luck, Kathy. I am totally hooked! :)

  4. Pretty! I can't do that on my nails because they would last ten seconds on my job, and we are discouraged from that in the hospital...oh well! Love your kisses and hugs ring - I have one just like it. (:

    1. I have to say that these wraps have real staying power. My friend works at a hair salon, hands in water and chemicals all day and they stay put, but work regulations are a totally different story. I love that xo ring. It was a gift last Christmas and it's one of my favorites!

  5. Cool...I've never seen these before. I always mess my nails up doing projects so this might be a great way to have nice nails and do DIY. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think that’s part of the allure for me, too, Kristi, I am a DIY girl at heart! :)

  6. Well, your nails are beautiful. Just lovely. I will pass on entering though because I have won a few things already this year. Hope you have a great week. xo Diana

    1. You are a lucky lady, Diana. I never win anything! :)

  7. I must be living under s rock---these are so cool! I love the floral ones you've been wearing. I love nail polish but get so tired of taking it off and redoing it every few days. Jamberry looks like fun!

    Jane x

    1. They are fun, Jane, and the floral ones would be perfect for a gardener like yourself! Good luck! :)

  8. Hi Kim, well you are a girly girl after my own heart. I am the same when it comes to hair, nails, makeup and of course gotta have my mascara on. These look totally fun and the designs are so creative. I do get my nails done in a french manicure once a month and love it. It is my one great luxury just for me. I will give my entry to another since I won 3, yes 3 giveaways here recently. I never win then suddenly all at once I win 3.
    Thanks for sharing and the link. Your nails look gorgeous and I love your rings too.
    Have a great rest of the week.
    Hugs, cm

    1. Every one of these patterns is like artwork, CelestinaMarie. They are a lot of fun to wear and yes, totally girly girl! Wow, three giveaways? You are a lucky lady for sure.

  9. I can vouch for your new nails! They DO look pretty! Love, Deb

  10. Nope, I've never tried them...mostly because I've never heard of Jamberry Nails! What an awesome idea! Yes, I'd love to be your nail twin!

    1. Twinning with you would be tons of fun, Kathy! Good luck! :)

  11. Hey Kim, nice nails! I like the red ones best. I've heard of Jamberry nails by name, but had no idea what they were! I may have to break down and order some!

  12. Hello, No I have never tried Jamberry nails but am really anxious to give them a try. Thanks for the chance!

    1. Good luck to you Laurie, I think you'll love them!

  13. Hi,
    I always love seeing what kind of nails you are sporting. :-)
    Thank you for the info, well done in explaining. :-)

    1. Thanks Carla! I guess that teaching background still comes in handy sometimes. ;))

  14. I've been wanting to try jamberry products! Looks so fun!

  15. They are very pretty. I am not a "nail" girl myself. I love the way they look on other ladies but they drive me crazy on my own nails. It's almost as if i get claustrophobic and can't wait to get them off.

    1. I admire pretty nails on others, too. I like the way it makes the hands look. I missed that, so I am glad that I could find something that worked for me. I feel that way (claustrophobic) about foundation makeup. I don't like it and if I ever have to wear it, I can't wait to find the soap! ;)

  16. I love all the looks of your nails - so cute and these do look simple to work with. Thank you for the great give away. Cathy

    1. SUPER simple ~ and thanks! Good luck, Cathy!

  17. Your nails look great! My daughter would love these-I always have paint under my nails and paint on my hands, but would love to have nice nails!

    1. They are a lot of fun to wear and they camouflage all that DIY paint! ;-) Good luck!

  18. I am a big fan of Jamberry Nails

  19. Eeeek! I wanna try this for sure!

    1. You’d love these, Vel and they even have Jamberry Juniors for Sophia! :) Good luck!

  20. Be still my heart!

    Those roses ones, are beeeeeeeeeeeautiful!!!


    1. They're a lot of fun to wear, Tessa. Thanks for the visit! :)

  21. Love the Jamberry nails and love the way they look!

    1. Me too ~ they are super fun to mix and match! Best of luck!

  22. Wow Kim you nails look beautiful in all of the different patterns. I still have not tried these Jamberry Nails out yet! I will have to give them a try when I have time. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. Enjoy the rest of the week.
    Julie xo

    1. They're a lot of fun, Julie, especially if you enjoy the DIY process. The patterns are eye catching, as well. Good luck to you and thanks for the visit!

  23. Love the China rose. I have tried Jamberry wraps before. I think they are awesome.

    1. They are even prettier in person, Melissa. Good luck to you!

  24. Replies
    1. Thanks! I hope you entered and good luck!

  25. Very pretty and I am laughing recalling trying Lee Press On Nails in my early twenties. Things have clearly improved since then :)

    1. I wore those, Deb! These are actually just as easy to apply, except there's no messy glue and they stay on way longer! No losing your nail in your dessert! ;-)

  26. I have - I just applied Flutterby yesterday. Thanks for the chance to win another pretty design.

    1. That sounds like a fun pattern for the summer time! Good luck, Kristin! :)

  27. I'd love to try jamberry nail wraps! I got a sample from a friend but couldn't try it since the wraps were too small for my fingernails!

    1. A full sheet will definitely give you a variety of sizes to try! Good luck, Sirley!

  28. I've never tried wraps. Mostly because polish doesn't last long with my projects.
    Your nails are sooo cute!! And you have beautiful long fingers. ;)

    1. Thank you, Diane! I really do like them, lots of pretty patterns and they do last with projects. Even better! :)

  29. I haven't yet, but I really want to try them

  30. Replies
    1. It would be a great gift, Mandee! :) Good luck!

  31. I am just like you! I have to go bare nailed because I can't stand the smell of polish or remover. Also having polish on my fingernails drives me nails feel like they are suffocating. Never heard of Jamberry....would love to try them!

    1. Good luck, AnnMarie! I love them and I thought I'd feel like I wanted to rip them off, but I don’t. Maybe it’s because I know that I can get them off easily without remover.
