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Super Easy No Sew Valance

June 23, 2015

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Hang a banner over a window and create a no sew valance to add a little interest to your room.

Cottage Style Green Bedroom

Ok, brace yourselves, I have another banner project today. I know, I know, I just can't get enough of these things, but this one is different.

I promise!

It doesn't involve my kitchen or the hood. It's a no sew valance and I made it for my bedroom, because the colors were right and I am cheap.

Wait. I mean know what I mean.

Anyway, I was poking around the bargain bins at Michael's again and I came across these pretty notecards and tiny metal birds. They were like 2 for $3.00, minus 40%, because I always have a coupon.

I figured, what the heck, I could do something with them for sure.

When I got home, I walked around the house to see where they might fit. My bedroom was the obvious choice. The colors were perfect and I wanted to add some kind of swag over the windows for summer.

Adding Charm With Window Dressings
Empty window before the valance
Now when most people think about embellishing their windows, they usually think about curtains. Either long panels or valances. But today, I'd like to encourage you to think outside the box.

Notecards not your thing? You don't really like birds? No problem. Find something that speaks to you and hang it up. Old potholders, vintage linens, pretty placemats, paper flowers, burlap letters or pom poms. The choices are endless. Dream away...

To start my now banner/ valance, I grabbed my glue gun and some trim and got to work. Now, I started with the heavier trim as the base for my banner, but it quickly became clear that it was not going to lay right.

It was too heavy and kept twisting. Fail. I replaced it with a lighter ribbon from my stash. Trial and error is the best way to learn.

Banner Supplies

I used the same process for this valance as I did when I made my Note Card Valentine Banner and Easter Banner. I just measured the length I would need to run across the window, centered my notecards on the ribbon and used a teeny tiny drop of glue to the inside bottom of each to secure them.

Unusual Window Treatment

Then I glued my birds onto the ribbon, centered in between the cards. To hang my banner valance, I just tied it to the rod and let the extra ribbon fall gently down the sides, for a romantic look.

That's all it took to update my bedroom for summer. I added a little whimsy to the room for under $10 and it didn't involve any sewing at all. Imagine how sweet this would look in a nursery or little kid's bedroom? I mean the notecard possibilities are could even make your own.

Add it to your windows for the holidays or change your look every season.

It's so easy, it could be swapped out often and it's so inexpensive, a few looks a year won't break the bank.

I would like to tell you that this will be my last banner project, but I just like these things so much, it would be a lie. So let's just say that it's my last one for...

Window Banner DIY

At least I'm honest. That's got to count for something.

Am I making you banner crazy?

Kim Signature

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  1. You had me at no sew! I just made a few pillow covers and wanted to throw my machine out the door. This winter I'm taking a real sewing class so I can get better. Your banner is cute idea. It would be fun to switch them out with new fabric for each season.

    1. I hear you loud and clear! My machine and I are often at odds. Maybe I need a class, too, Brandi!! ;)

  2. I love banners and have several around the house.

    I made a LOVE IS BREWING banner on paper for the bridal shower for our daughter-in-law to be. We were at her parent's home for Father's Day and it is still hanging there. I told them I will make something in cloth for them. They love the banner hanging in the garden.

    1. I love your banners, Carol. I think they are a great way to decorate for the season. I really have to try to make one out of cloth one of these days! :)

  3. Hi Kim,
    Love your creative heart. This banner is so cute and looks great with your bedspread. Gives some whimsy to the window too. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, Kris. You are so sweet! I do like the whimsy...that's what summer means to me!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Judy! That’s just the way I like them! ;)

  5. Cute banner, Kim! Your bedroom is definitely the perfect place for it.

    1. I really like it there, Kimberly, thanks!

  6. This is so darn cute!! What a great idea! Your room is very pretty, too. I always seem to have a problem with banners flip flopping and curling (the fabric sort). I'll keep trying, though. This is a great idea.

    Jane x

    1. You know Jane, I have never actually made a fabric banner. Can you believe it? I have made them from puzzle pieces, note cards, pot holders…maybe an actual fabric one should be next!! ;)

  7. I love the banners you make and I'm always up for a good "no sew" project!! Your bedroom is gorgeous and the banner adds a nice touch to the window treatment!! Easy peasy and no sew makes for a wonderful project!! Hugs!!!

    1. Thank you, Benita! I like easy touches that update a room. I wasn’t thrilled with my pictures this time around…I’ve actually already changed a few out. That room is impossible to photograph. There are windows of three separate walls and they are all throwing light in different directions. Plus getting a window, with the light in my face, has never been easy for me. Any tips for this novice?

    2. Hey Kim,
      Taking pictures of windows is definitely a difficult project. Here is a thread that might (maybe!) help you. Myself, I thought they were speaking gooblety goop, but you might be a bit more tech savy.
      I have found that if I tip the camera up and down until I get better exposure seems to help a little. Good luck!

    3. Practice, practice and more practice, Nancy! Thanks!

  8. Hi Kim, love this and how wonderful it looks as your banner valance. Quick easy and so charming. Thank you for sharing. Love your beautiful room too. So fresh and summery.

    1. Thanks so much, that’s exactly what I was going for ~ fresh and summery! :)

  9. I love the green & anything with birds. My kitchen walls are the same shade of green, just like my grandmother's kitchen when I was a little girl.

    1. I love this green, Jenny. When I first put it on the wall, it looked like a school chalkboard, but once I got the accessories up, it mellowed. Phew! ;-)

  10. So cute, i have been contemplating a weather resistant one for my garden but haven't come up with a plan yet. You are so creative.

    1. Thanks Lorri...hmmm, weather resistant. You have my wheels turning. If I figure it out, I'll let you know!

  11. I like your valance and the whole room is really cute!

  12. Perfect! I like banners too. I do not have a Summer one. I have Spring, Autumn, and Winter, but I have yet to come up with a Summer. I might just use your idea. :-) I love the birds.

    1. There's a lot of summer left, Carla! Let me know what you come up with.

  13. I've been so busy I missed this. Cute as a bug's ear! Can you believe I have NEVER made a banner???

    1. This one is so easy, Brenda, and cheap! Carol suggested using the cards you get free in the mail. I think that could be a great idea during the holidays.

  14. Oh how I love finds such as this! Cheap on the wallet and heavy on the cute! You are always so creative, working with little, producing the spectacular! Love it! :)

    1. Thanks! You are so nice…I do like the easy/ cheap stuff! ;)

  15. Very cute, Kim, and clever! You've given me an idea of using some of the gazillion free cards we get in the mail. Not for our bedroom, but maybe my craft room, laundry, kitchen, guest room.......YIKES....the wheels are turning!

    1. Oh Carol, I bet you could come up with some fabulous banners! I get a tons of those free cards, too. Now you have me thinking! ;-)

  16. Wow! Hi Kim! Just discovered your blog! Love what you did! You are very creative! I'm going to make some kind of banner now! hummmmm! Let me think! What would be adorable for my farmhouse! Help! Love your stuff! Your new friend,Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy! Thanks so much for the visit ~ and so many nice words!! :) Farmhouse, huh? Well, that sounds dreamy, I bet you could display just about anything there and it would be totally charming! If you whip something up, let me know, I love to post reader pics!

  17. I love it. You gave me an idea for some for myself. Very creative.

    1. Glad you were able to find some inspiration, Barbara! :)

  18. So cute and a perfect summer touch in your bedroom Kim. I always love it when a project is quick and inexpensive.

    1. Thanks Kristi! I am the queen of quick and inexpensive! ;)

  19. It's adorable! Love the cool green summery colors of your room. I have seen it before and recall liking it very much; that hasn't changed : )

    1. Thanks Deb...I like that color a lot, too...very soothing!

  20. I think I told you about my banner experience. It wasn't pretty and there were a lot of tears. It was even a no sew one LOL I'll never graduate from crafting school that's for sure.

    It's really cute though in that darling bedroom of yours. I love the green!


    1. Thanks Rue. I like super simple projects...I'm not really good at the complicated things and I'm kind of adverse to DIY tears! ;)

  21. I've never made a banner before so I find it interesting to see what you use and how you go about it. Looks great and I totally get what you mean about taking the picture in front of the window and getting one that looks good......

    1. Those windows are my photography nemesis, Ronda. The kitchen is even worse! I’m glad you liked the banner. It’s a super easy DIY.

  22. Easy, spur of the moment craft you could make for yourself or a special occasion, love. Your bedroom and the color of it , is absolutely GORGEOUS !!! I like the new SIMPLIFY sign above your bed also :)) Thank's for sharing a sweet project with us,TT

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment, Tammy, and for taking the time to visit. I'm glad you liked the banner. I have become kind an addict! ;)

  23. So sweet, and easy, too, Kim. Such a creative idea, and it could be used in many different ways. Love the green shades of the cards and the birds are lovely. Hope your week is fabulous :)

    1. Thank you, Diana. I am all about easy and versatile and you're right, this one fits the bill! Glad you enjoyed the idea!

  24. Replies
    1. You're so nice, Christine, thank you! :)

  25. Well my dear, I just say that it is a 'banner' year! I'm already crazy, so what the heck! lol! The cards are perfect and I love the little birds! Your room is beautiful! Gotta ask, did your spread come from Home Goods or T.J. Maxx? Saw one there a couple years ago that was similar and I loved it! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Have a 'banner' cay! Hee-hee, couldn't resist!

    1. I love your banner references, Jann! Keep ‘em coming…and yes, I bought the quilt at Marshall’s. It is Laura Ashley Rowland in sage and you can still get it for a steal online. I was smitten from the start and the price was super right.

  26. Too cute!!!! And such a unique idea, easy to switch around too!

  27. I love it and no sew is awesome !

  28. Very cute and creative! I love all those bins at Michael's, especially the note cards. I will think of a banner next time I am there!

    1. I have made a few banners out of those note cards. They’re just too pretty to pass up…and cheap! ;)
