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Another Embarrassing Story

June 09, 2015

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It's June and school is almost over, thank goodness! This time of year is always filled with the requisite end of the year parties and picnics, the kind of events I used to attend regularly when my kids were younger. Of course, now, as teenagers, the father away I am from school, the better ~ for all parties involved! To illustrate that fact, I want to throw it back to June of 2013, the first time I posted this tale.

If you've already heard the story, I apologize, but I really think you may get a kick out of it again. If you have never read this one, well, it's basically another embarrassing story. About me. And texting.

It's called:

Please, Just Take My Phone Away

Technology is not generally my friend.

Is it yours?

Kim Signature

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  1. OMG Kim! That is such a funny texting story and thanks for the laugh today! Boy I am so glad that school is over for the kids. What a year and how hard they work at being good students and I feel like we are their entourage! Hope you have a nice afternoon. We get to sleep a little later here too! :0)

    1. No, you can’t make this stuff up…that’s for sure, Julie! Although, sometimes, I wish it was just a story. ;) I am glad that school is done, too, I feel the exact same way. I need a vacation!! I don’t remember my mom having to do all the stuff I feel like we need to do to support them. It was sink or swim for me.

  2. Fun to read this again! Your WORDS tab is a great place to go if one needs a little lift in their day!

    1. Thanks Cheryl! It was a very funny day! :)

  3. Kim, this is just too funny. Maybe you should slowly step away from the phone. Lol!! Thank you for sharing your embarrassing story. Have a great day.

    1. Yes!!! Or turn it off and keep it off until the kids are like 25!! Glad you enjoyed it Kathy, kind of makes it all worth it. Almost! ;-)

  4. That is SO funny, Kim! One reason I got a smartphone was so I could lock it! Found out one of my daughters had gotten into a bunch of texts hubby and I had sent to each other....super racy texts! Now I can keep her out!

    1. Yikes!! Yes, locks are good, Kimberly!! We have told our kids the story, now that they are older, and they just laugh…and think I am a bad texter!

  5. Hi Kim, this is so funny. Sounds like something that would happen to me. LOL So glad you shared this again because recently meeting you, I missed this.
    Have a great evening.
    Hugs, CM

    1. I am so happy that people enjoy this story, Celestina Marie ~ it kind of makes all those red faced days worth it!

  6. Hi ~ I love it Kim! Great fun and I am glad you shared it again with your new readers.

    1. Thanks Carla…it’s a really silly story and I figured why not throw it out there for new readers. I can take the laughter…again!! ;-)

  7. Too funny, Kim! And I can identify---In a way. My hubby always thinks he's so seductive-- whispering in my ear, "So what color are your panties today?" It grows old after awhile and I knew he was doing it to make me squirm so one day in front of our 4 semi-adult children, I said, "Why do you ask? My panties are red today!" He doesn't do it so much anymore!! :)

    Thanks for a funny blast from the past! :) You are so darn cute!

    Jane x

    1. Haha!! Now that is the eloquently delivered revenge I was hoping for that day, Jane. You just pulled it off in perfect Not so much!!

  8. OMGosh....those stories were hilarious!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has done that...AND my son has done something similar to me thinking he was sexting his wife....embarrassing for both of us, needless to say...LOL. Alfred Hitchcock movies -- wonderful! I watched The Birds, once...will never watch it again. It terrified me!

    1. Now THAT is a ridiculous story, Benita and one that I am sure haunts your son on a regular basis. Oh my gosh! Ultimate nightmare!! :) But funny!!

  9. This is totally something I would do! Lol! My inlaws have nicked names me Loo and they call things like this Loo moments ;)

  10. Oh yes I can relate to this...I have had my embarrassing tech moments as well.

    1. I have tons of them…unfortunately! ;-)

  11. Loved "the reads!"
    The black crows freaked me out . . . and I am here
    and they are there with you . . .
    and are fake crows . . .
    The Birds was the scariest movie ever, I still remember sitting in the theater with my coat over my head.
    Not sure I could watch it again.
    And if I did and a fake crow landed on my shoulder . . .
    It would be OVER . . . all OVER!

    1. Birds freak me out, Lynne. I like to look at them from afar, but any closer than that reminds me of that movie and I shudder. Of course, my friends know this and love to tease me!!

  12. What a hoot this story was Kim! Boy there are times when technology is just not convenient, lol! I always worry I am sending a text to the wrong person... and your story confirmed that I should worry, lol! Oh my! What a great story, a good belly laugh for the day!! Will have to come back when I have more time to read more of your stories! :)

    1. I am always terrified of sending the wrong message…emails, texts, blog comments…you name it. I check and double check, but not that day. I was in such a rush to exact my revenge, I blew it! It was very funny though and all these years later, the story still makes me laugh! :) Glad I made you laugh, too!! :)

  13. That's funny Kim! Enjoyed your story. What a great sense of humour you have.

    1. Well, I think that if you can't laugh at yourself, Ronda, it's going to be a really boring ride!!

  14. Lol! Love it! Thanks for sharing again!

    1. My pleasure Rhonda! It’s the (red faced) gift that keeps on giving! ;-)

  15. Replies
    1. You have no idea, Kristi! I, unfortunately, have a ton of these stories!!

  16. Replies
    1. Glad I could make you laugh today, Amalia!

  17. Replies
    1. It really is a ridiculous story…even better now, years later!

  18. Too too funny!

    On another real life note, our oldest friends are now divorced after 41 years of marriage because he sent an email, intended for his girlfriend of over 35 years, to his wife. The entire community was in shock that the pillar of the community was a fraud. Sadly, he fell off of his pedestal and he is still trying to regain his stature, even with his daughters.

    1. Yes, I think that technology mishaps and mix ups have gotten a log of people into hot water. I am sorry for your friend...and the family.

  19. OMGosh, Kim, that is way too funny! You just can't make that stuff up!

    1. Nope. Like they say, truth can be stranger (and funnier) than fiction!! I just wish it would happen to someone else, every now and again! ;-)

  20. I snorted HARD! How funny!! It sounds like something I would do :)


    1. I am so not good at that stuff...obviously!
