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Shabby Chic Beach Cottage Tour

May 29, 2015

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Shabby Chic Dining Room

I live in the most charming little beach neighborhood. Originally settled back in the 1920's as a summer getaway, the area is filled with unique cottages, that over time, have been renovated for modern, year round this one...

White Dining Room Slipcovers

...a fabulous home that belongs to my friend, Kelly. It's actually the house she grew up in and once married, she and her husband bought it from her parents and lovingly renovated it. The cottage, like most in the area, is not large, but that never crosses your mind as you walk from one gorgeous room to another. 

Shabby Chic Dining Room

The dining room is the only eating area in the house, and with a husband and three boys, Kelly, not willing to sacrifice style, made sure that all her white custom-made slipcovers were durable and washable.

Shabby Chic Beach Cottage

She also makes the most of her cozy cottage footprint by using every inch of space. A window seat bench, for example, keeps the table tucked close to the wall and provides plenty of seating for larger gatherings.

Shabby Chic Living Room

The dining room is next to the living room and Kelly carries the white theme straight through. Growing up here, the fireplace was brick and the ceiling beams were brown. A little paint changed all that!

Shabby Chic Living Room

A few strategic accessories are peppered about, but the house has little clutter and very clean lines.  With four boys afoot and a dog, oh yes, she has a dog, too, I don't know how she does it!

White Slipcovered Sofas

There are gorgeous chandeliers in virtually every room and wide open windows to bring it the light. Gauzy sheers frame this living room window without closing in the space.

Crystal Chandelier in Kitchen

There is a stunning galley kitchen tucked behind the living and dining room areas. The dark flooring is carried throughout to unify the space. The contrast is divine....and don't you just love those crystals?

Shabby Gallery Wall

The last room on the main floor is the family room. White again. Kelly is a thrifting genius. She scored this designer sofa and the beautiful coffee table in the living room on Craigslist.

Cottage Bathroom

One of the bathrooms. I have no words. Swoon.

Shabby Chic White Bedroom

The upstairs of this home boasts three bedrooms, the largest one is of course the master. Perfectly shabby in every way.

Boys Bedroom

The boys' bedrooms are the only rooms with color, smart girl, but the denim bedding is clean and crisp and ties in perfectly with the rest of this breathtaking home.

White Adirondack Chairs in Garden

Even the outside spaces are well appointed and possess the same casual elegance found inside the house.

So charming from top to bottom ~ I just adore this place exactly the way it is.

Shabby Chic Beach Cottage Style

However, when I spoke to Kelly she told me that some structural renovations were necessary recently and while they were at it, they changed a few things up just a bit. When the paint has dried and the redecorating is complete, she has invited me to come back and snap a few pictures of the updates.

I can't imagine that it could be any more stunning than it is now, but I know Kelly and her designer eye, so I have no doubt that it will be even more fabulous the next time I step inside.

In the meantime, I can drool over these shots and start contemplating painting over the red and lightening this place up...again. Happens ever summer, must be the salt air.

Never going to happen, I'm addicted to that red, but all that crisp white is so dreamy to look at.

Good thing Kelly is just down the street.

Did you enjoy the tour?

Hey ~ if you liked Kelly's house, you may like my friend Liz's house, too. There's a lot of pretty crammed into this neighborhood!

Kim Signature

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  1. Wow Kim I love your friend Kelly's house with all of that white going on! She is brave! Thank you for sharing her beautiful house! Enjoy the weekend!
    Julie xo

    1. It truly is a dream house, Julie! Maybe someday I will dive into all that glorious white! ;)

  2. I love to look at the white, but as you, I cannot imagine doing that to my house. I'm addicted to green! Kelly's collection of chandeliers is fantabulous!

    1. She has one in virtually every room, Nancy and they are stunning!

  3. So much fun in these articles. I re-visited Liz's house too. I so enjoy small spaces, showing people what wonderful things can be done! Have a nice weekend.

    1. They really have made the most of their cottage footprints, haven’t they Cheryl? I don’t think they could be any lovelier, regardless of the square footage!

  4. we have very simple cream loose covers. No kids, but 2 cats. Wash and wear as I need to.

    1. Kelly said that she washes when she needs to, as well, Diana. I think that is the key to the white! Kids, cats, dirty feet, dirty paws…wash and wear is a very good thing! ;)

  5. Hi Kim, thank you for sharing this gorgeous beach cottage tour of your friend Kelly's home. Loved everything and all the details are amazing.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, CM

    1. She certainly does have an eye for detail! Everything in this home just works beautifully together. Thanks for taking a peek!

  6. All that white and all those boys?!! Yikes, I cannot imagine! But seeing is believing I guess. And quite beautiful.

    1. I know, Kathy, but I have been there and it really is just that white...and they are big boys! Apparently they are also very well behaved boys! ;)

  7. Such beautiful eye candy! Kelly has a gorgeous home.....each and every room is so pretty and dreamy... an elegant beach cottage! Thanks for sharing with us~hugs, Poppy

    1. Thanks for coming by to take the tour, Poppy! I really enjoyed photographing this one…it really is dreamy!

  8. I die! All that white is heavenly!

    1. Isn’t is gorgeous? I almost don’t want to post anything else, it’s too pretty to hide in the archives! ;)

  9. It's very beautiful and the living room looks so cozy, because of the color in the rug and fireplace prints. Adorable. xoox Su

    1. I agree, Su, she really has the place balanced out so well. It is cozy. The whole house sort of hugs you.

  10. Lovely pictures and what a great house. I have always loved white but I could never keep it clean. I also have a small house so it is fun to see how others decorate and arrange furniture. Thanks for sharing. It will be fun to see the new changes.

    1. I am very curious about those changes myself, Lorri. I really don't know how it could get any better...we'll just have to wait and see, I suppose!

  11. I'm swooning with you!! Gorgeous, gorgeous!! Beach neighborhood??!! I'm so jealous!!!

    1. Yes, yes and yes, Benita! Come by for a swim! :-)

    2. If Benita is coming than I am too! :p

    3. Open invite…and we would have a ball! ❤️

  12. A lovely tour...I always appreciate those who can live in a white house....I am too messy and here I use natural browns and greens to hide the dirt! :0 Visiting from Over 40 Bloggers

    1. Ha! I hear you loud and clear, Donna. When the kids were small, we had a plaid couch in the den. You could drop spaghetti on it and never even know! ;-) That’s my kind of decorating!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks for coming by to take a peek, Kathy! I really enjoyed sharing this one.

  14. I enjoyed the tour! :) Off to see the other one now ...

    1. I hope you enjoy that one, too, Deb! I have very creative friends!

  15. Well I enjoyed the tour, thank you.
    You can't beat white - then add your favourite splash of colour.

    Many thanks for sharing

    All the best Jan

  16. Hi Kim :)

    Well, her home is gorgeous, but I have to tell you that having two boys and a dog in that house would give me palpitations and I'd be hosing them off every time they walked in the door LOL If not, I'd be washing slipcovers morning, noon and night.

    I could only have that home if I lived alone and man nor beast would be allowed to enter ;)

    In all seriousness though, I have to say that it's magazine worthy.


    1. It's even better in person, Rue. It is just stunning. She has a great eye and she is a thrifty girl to boot! I know, the boy thing, but they really live there...and the dog!! Brave girl~

  17. This is a gorgeous cottage! It makes me want to redo my entire home. Thanks for the tour, Kim!

    1. Thanks JoAnne. I agree gorgeous and inspiring!

  18. Looks like pages from a magazine - just beautiful! And I loved your commentary, Kim. You sound like a professional!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I know you just made my day, I am sure you made Kelly's, as well! :)

  19. Oh how incredibly beautiful! Those chandeliers! xoxo Jen

    1. Me too, Jen! The whole place is totally dreamy!

  20. Kelly has a beautiful home---I really love the most that she keeps the clutter (or accessories) down to a minimumm...that makes small room look larger to me).

    Simply love everything, Kim. I'd love to see what she's up to now!

    Jane x

    1. I’m with you, Jane, I can’t wait to see the updates! :)

  21. Hi Kim.

    Such a gorgeous home and love all the pretty white and yes, very brave to have white with boys and a dog.
    Have a happy new week and thanks for the kind visit to my blog

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the tour, Carolyn!

  22. Kim, this is beautiful. I am in love with the chandeliers! I just think I would have a nervous breakdown living with so many places just waiting to get dirty.

    1. I know, Janet, I want a chandelier in every room now, too! She's had white in this home for quite a while, I think she's got the wash and wear thing down to a science! ;)

  23. beautiful cottage. It is a bit white for my taste but I love to see it other people's homes. I live on the sea as well and I wouldn't want to live anyplace else.

    1. I like to peek at other people’s homes, too! :)

  24. I am so in love with your friend Kelly's house. Her style is so classic and clean. I love the uncluttered feel of the rooms. Thank you for the lovely tour.

    1. It really is a pretty place, Brandi! I can’t wait to get back over and see the updates, although I don’t know how it could get any better!

  25. Beautiful home. So serene. Thanks for the tour.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Rosemary. It is a serene home, perfect description!

  26. Hi,
    A lovely home!
    Boys + A dog = How does she do it!!
    Thank you for the tour, I enjoyed it.

    1. Ha! I know, Carla, it seems counterintuitive, but she says that she would rather have all white, because she can wash and bleach it all and nothing fades or runs. It makes sense. She said that she had a denim couch and although it was darker, it still got messy and washing left it frayed and faded. The white won't fade, that's for sure!

  27. What a cozy, warm and beautiful home! I love all her white, she has a great eye for design. Thanks so much for sharing her home with us. I have white slipcovers on our sofas at home too so that our dog, children and three grand babies can use every inch of our home without worry. Bleach and washing machine make them fresh as new.

    1. You sound just like Kelly! She swears by those slipcovers! I bet yours are just as lovely! :)

  28. Your friend Kelly has a lovely home. And to keep it so white! That must be some job.

    1. I think it's pretty, too Amalia and she swears by bleach and OxyClean! Those are her secret weapons! ;)

  29. Such a pretty cottage Kim. Love the white and all of the light fixtures are simply gorgeous.

    1. She definitely has an eye for detail! Thanks for the visit, Kristi!

  30. Oh yes, her house is beautiful!! I love the contrast of the white with dark woods. Kelly is my kind of with all guys but still loving the feminine touches. So sweet of both of you to share this beautiful home.

    1. Thanks Stacey! I just love her style and all of her ruffles and roses.

  31. What a gorgeous home !
    Thanks so much for sharing

    1. Thanks Suzan! She has a really fabulous eye and great style.

  32. Charming in every way. I admire a woman with a houseful of males that decorates in such a feminine way. She has a great eye for details. Beautiful home. I enjoyed touring it very much. Thanks, Kim. xo ~ Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy. She does have a great sense of style, doesn’t she?

  33. What a beautiful home! I can't even imagine how she keeps it so white and clean with four boys, a husband and a dog - wow! Your tour was great, I really enjoyed it, as it is always fun to peek into the homes of others and see their ideas and creativity in small spaces!

    1. Thanks so much! I love checking out how other people style their homes and live in their spaces, too. This was an especially fun one.

  34. Replies
    1. Thanks Pamela! It was a really funny one to shoot and show! :)

  35. Kelly's home is absolutely charming, every inch of it! Thank you for taking us on a tour of this delightful cottage. I admire this couple. They obviously put a lot of loving thought into completing this renovation. It looks comfortable, inviting, and yet elegant.

    1. Kelly and her husband truly are the nicest people, Sarah, and yes, they have worked very hard, together, to make a lovely home. I am so glad you enjoyed the tour!

  36. Hi Kim,

    Kelly's home is bright and beautiful! She has made excellent use of her space and her styling technique highlights it further. A very pretty cottage in a neighbourhood of cuties, I'm sure!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. It is a neighborhood of cuties, Poppy, that is for sure. I must say though, Kelly’s is one of the cutest! ;-) Thanks for the visit!

  37. Replies
    1. I love this cottage, too! Thanks so much for the visit, Martina!

  38. Love it. I can hear the water from here.

    1. Thanks Barbara. It really is a pretty home…and yes, the water doesn’t hurt! ;-)

  39. Wow, it is absolutely stunning! I don't know how she can have so much white with boys and a dog. She really had a gorgeous home! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

    1. It is stunning, isn't it? I am in love with that house...and she swears by bleach and everything is very white, so it must be working! :)

  40. Hi Kim, just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring this post at SYC this week.

    1. Thank you, Jann! I am truly flattered! :)

  41. All in white, so serene and tranquil is your friend's Kim cottage. Simply beautiful! I so enjoyed this beautiful home tour.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Thank you, Fabby. She really does have a gorgeous home. Thanks for the comment and I hope it’s a lovely evening!

  42. What wonderful cottages. Thank you and also your friends for the tours.

    1. Thanks Joy! I do have some really nice (and super talented) friends! Glad you popped by and I hope it’s been a super Saturday! :)

  43. Such a beautiful home Kim and I glad you shared it at Shabbilicious Friday this week. I'me delighted to be featuring it at tomorrow's party, so please, come on by and grab a feature button.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

    1. Kerryanne, how fun to wake up to a sweet comment like this! So exciting! Thank you so much! :)

  44. This beach cottage is just stunning! If I could make my beach house half as delightful as this one, I'll be happy! Thank you for sharing these inspiring pictures. (And yes, I do white slipcovers, too!)

    1. Thank you, Joanne, I bet your home is equally as lovely! :) I can't wait to see!!

  45. Stunning Home and I personally love the white. I grew up in a home that had wall to wall white carpeting and white/cream colors throughout the house. There were three "BOYS" in my family too and it was in the great buy rainy [and rusty] Pacific Northwest city of Vancouver where we enjoyed more damp days than you can imagine or want to imagine. At the end of the day, white WAS a savior as it brought out color and light into our lives growing up with all the natural shades of gray that we would receive in our weather. We were not soldiers and confined to our movements as many would think.....we were just very careful. It was a grand house....White is beautiful. Thank You for the tour! Nick

    1. Kelly swears by the white, Nick, she can bleach all the dirt out! Hers is a lovely house and your childhood home does sound grand! Thanks so much for sharing your own story and leaving such a lovely comment! :) I hope you visit again!

  46. I love this house and her style!! Love the white! I must know the maker of the frameless mirror in the bathroom. (The caption under you wrote 'Swoon") and I agree!! Is there any way you/she would share where I can buy a mirror like that? Thank you! Angela

    1. Hi Angela. It's a beautiful home, I totally agree. Give me a couple of days, I will inquire and get back to you as soon as I hear!

    2. Kim, Thank you so much!! I can't wait to hear :)

    3. Angela, so sorry it took me so long, but she said that the mirror came from Home She said it's about two years old and she didn't have a link...hope that helps your hunt! Good luck.

  47. I'm McLovin' your friend's cottage. I want to tour yours. Maybe I can find a link!

    1. Isn't her place fabulous? My home is red, red and more red! If you check out the decorate tab at the top you can see just about every room. Did I mention there's a lot of red? ;)

  48. I kind of drool over all this beautiful "whiteness," but I crave color, so I'm not sure I could pull that off. It is truly gorgeous, though, and I'm in awe that she can maintain that look with 3 boys and a dog!

    1. She said that Oxy Clean is her best friend! I have no doubt!! :)

  49. Wow, I love your friend Kelly's house too. A pleasant experience. The house looks very bright and elegant with white tones. Spacious house suitable amenities for weekend parties and family gatherings. :))

    1. I will pass on the compliment, and I agree, it's a lovely home...thanks!

  50. I love Kelly's decorating style. But I love my touches of red in my home also. What is a person to do.

    1. I'm with you Debra. I have tried the all white look and it's gorgeous, but I always ending up adding my red back! ;)

  51. Beautifully done, I never get tired of white, its my favorite of all.. Saw you on Bloggy fifty and sharing it on pinterest

    1. Thank you, Maria! I love the white, too...and thanks for the share! I love getting pinned. ;)

  52. This is my dream home, stunning. Everything is beautiful from the shiny white table to the crown moulding. I love it all, you did a wonderful job of showcasing your friends home. Pinning

    1. She really does have a great eye and fabulous style. You're right...totally dreamy, Leanna!

  53. Kim, when I see houses like theses two, I could go all white too!. You are so right, both completely swoon worthy..xoJudy

    1. I am the same way, Judy! Then I pepper the white in and crave the red. Never happy... 😉

  54. Oh Kim love love love this. Right up my alley for sure. That view from the kitchen window is fabulous.

    1. I agree Kris, she has great style! The garden is as beautiful as the house.
