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How I Spent My Summer Vacation ~ By Exquisitely Unremarkable

September 02, 2014

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It's September! Can you believe it? I most certainly cannot. Although truth be told it's been a very long, action packed summer around here. Perhaps you noticed that I only posted once a week this summer, as opposed to my normal two.

Perhaps you noticed that I was not crafting or decorating as much, I was more often reflecting or pontificating. Perhaps you noticed that my link party list has dwindled to almost nothing, that partying is just not my thing anymore.

Perhaps not?

I Hate Social Media

Well, either way, it's all true. Blogging took a back seat to the lazy, hazy, days of summer. They were days filled with sun, surf, sand and a very sick mother, who requires round the clock care, being moved home from a nursing home. Wait. What? That doesn't really sound like fun. Well, guess what? Yeah. It wasn't...

Make It Simple But Significant
Focus On What's Important
...but the rest of it was fun. We stay~cationed, we swam, we shopped, we fished, we watched movies until the wee hours, we baked, ate ice cream, took long family drives in the dark, talked and we laughed. A lot.

It was just all squeezed in and around my mother's move and I think it made all the fun stuff even more enjoyable and precious.

Don't Mess With Mother Nature
Either way, my sweet mother, who cried every single day at the nursing home, is home with my sainted sister, surrounded by family now. It is really, really hard, but good overall.

How Does Your Garden Grow?
Needless, to say, I just did not have tons of time to whip up, revamp or rearrange. It was just not a priority and I didn't want to fill up my Exquisitely Unremarkable pages with...well, filler.

Jazz Up A Wreath With Letters
So I simply stepped back unless I had something of real value to share.

Super Easy Skirted Table
During that time, I was nominated by the lovely Julie at Julie's Lifestlye for a Liebster Award. I was so very touched by the gesture. Of course, my family obligations prevented me from acknowledging it at the time, but if you would like to see my answers from a previous Liebster post, you can see them here.

You should also check out Julie's blog. She is a master at crocheting, a great cook, posts awesome make up reviews every Monday and has a cute dog! Plus, she has nominated some other fabulous blogs that you should check out.

I Got Glam
I would also like to thank the many ladies out there who asked me to participate in the DIY Tour Around Blogland. Again, I was unable to commit, but I was immensely flattered by the invite and enjoyed all of your pretty posts.

Your warm messages of support really made a difference on some very dark days.

My Tablecloths...Rescued From The Trash
Well, that's it, that's what I did over my summer vacation. As a former teacher, September always seems to be the beginning of so much more than just fall to me, never truer than this year.

I'm hoping to get back to my normal two posts per week and I am itching to start crafting and decorating again. Which is a really good thing, because my mom is still waiting for her handmade Christmas gift from last Christmas!

Vintage Tea Cup Party Favor...And A Mystery

 Oh boy, here we go again...knit one, knit one...

What did you do on your summer vacation?

Kim Signature

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  1. I did a lot and I did nothing - if that makes sense.

    We took a wonderful family vacation to Kauai and I that was what led to my blogging less - I have not caught up with reading blogs and I have posted much less frequently. I haven't posted because I haven't accomplished much. But, we thoroughly enjoyed the beach, our home and time with family.

    Have a wonderful September.

    1. It makes total sense, Carol! Sometimes a lot of "nothing" is the best thing to do!! ;)

  2. I patiently await your fall craft ideas and decorating tips!

    1. Thank you "Andy"! I am working on a few things right now...I hope you find them worth the wait! :)

  3. Our summer vacation begins in September. We are empty nesters. Sept is a perfect time to spend the month at the beach Pamela In Michigan

    1. Pamela, I completely agree! September really is a glorious month at the beach...not too hot and not too crowded! If the kids didn't have to be back at school, that's where we'd be! Enjoy your vacation! :)

  4. Hi Kim,

    Looks like you have had a fun summer holiday and I enjoyed seeing all your photos and what you have been up to.
    Have a great September

    1. Thanks Carolyn! It's funny, I didn't think I had written that many posts this summer, until I started gathering my photos! I'm glad you enjoyed taking a peek!

  5. I think most of us took a blogging 'break' all summer, it's just too nice to spend it indoors right? and with the kids at home, we all have to maximize the time we spent with them! Nonetheless, yours was still fruitful and fun blog-wise and life-wise don't you think? You know what I've been busy with, anything baby-related is my cup of tea during summer and for now;-)

    1. I do agree, Vel, our summer was fruitful...especially life-wise as you so eloquently stated! :)

  6. Hi Kim, wow thanks so much for mentioning me on your blog and for being so sweet! You really deserved the Liebster Award. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom but so happy to hear that she is out of a nursing home. It looks like you had fun with your kids for the summer. I did less blogging too this summer and took a vacation to CA and spent more time with my daughter and reading a book too. Have a nice week and good luck with the kids going back to school.

    1. Julie, it was truly my pleasure to mention you, I am just sorry it took so long. It was just a very busy few months around here! I am going to be sorry to see summer go, we had a nice break, too!

  7. Kim, your days were filled with everything that summer inspires. Those family drives in the dark lightened your soul and your children's laughter will surround you when they're in their classrooms and you are starting your day on cold, crisp mornings of the upcoming seasons! I wish your mother well and hope that she will adapt nicely in her new home, surrounded by the care and love of her own family.


    1. Thank you Poppy, she is much happier at home :)

  8. I'm so sorry about your mother, and I hope it all works out for your sister's family. What a difficult situation, but you are lucky to have such a loving family.

    I'm looking forward to fall and what you come up with. Enjoy September. xoxox

    1. So far, so good! I guess that's all we can ask for!

  9. It sounds to me as if you did what was IMPORTANT over the summer. Especially in regards to your mom and family :)

    1. Thank you, Deb and yes, I agree, what we did was very important...especially to my mom. :)

  10. Dear kim,
    Sounds like you need a breather for sure. Hopefully, everything is all settled now. We have us some good family time with the 2 girls and the big kids and families too. Mostly we were kind of lazy, watched movies and ate popcorn.

    1. That sounds like the very best kind of vacation, Inda! Thanks so much for the comment! :)

  11. We worked on our house plans, we worked on our house plans, we worked on our house plans. . . .oh, yeah, and I quilted and did a few crafty things. :) xxx

    1. I saw your crafty things and quilts and they were lovely! Can't wait to see the house plans! ;)
