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Slow Cooker Root Beer Pulled Pork Recipe

June 10, 2014

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This slow cooker, root beer, pulled pork recipe couldn't be easier to make.

Perfect for those cold winter nights or game day weekend afternoons.

Check out the details, the secret to great flavor and dig in.

Pulled Pork Recipe

Father's Day is around the corner and in honor of the very talented Mr. Exquisitely Unremarkable, I have decided to share his world famous (well's famous at our address) pulled pork recipe.

I have to admit, that I had nothing to do with this delicious looking meal.

To be very honest, I don't really like to cook. I would rather clean and decorate the house than prepare dinner. I just don't enjoy the process.

In fact, last year, I took a quick survey on the blog and my Facebook page.

I wanted to know what you would prefer, a housekeeper or a personal chef.

I stood firmly in the chef camp. Today, more than 10 years later, I stand by my vote.

However, Father's Day only comes around once a year and they do say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

So I'm willing to take on kitchen duty for the day, since he takes on more than his share of the DIY for me.

Besides, if I follow his directions, we will have a yummy meal and, with very minimal effort, I will look like a culinary champ.

Keep in mind that things are "added to taste" and measurements are not very precise.

So I guess that makes this is more of a guideline than a recipe, but either way, here's what you need:

Root Beer Pulled Pork In The Slow Cooker

It's a great meal for those days when you are craving something warm, hearty and easy to make.

It's whipped up in a slow cooker or Crock Pot, like my shredded chicken soup, so there's no babysitting this meal.
Slow cooker pulled pork sandwich on a bun with lettuce

Ingredients and supplies:

  • Slow cooker - This is my current one
  • Approximately three pounds of boneless pork loin butt/shoulder (meat with some fat on it is more flavorful)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Minced (or fresh) Onion
  • Garlic Powder
  • Oregano
  • Olive Oil
  • Honey
  • Root Beer
  • BBQ Sauce

Pulled Pork Ingredients

The Step By Step

Rub meat with a light mixture of salt, pepper, garlic powder, minced onion and oregano. Add honey, maybe two tablespoons, on top.

He also drizzles about one teaspoon of olive oil over the meat.

Feel free to add any other spices you like, or substitute as desired.

Place the meat in the crock pot. Cutting the meat into smaller chunks will help it to cook faster.

Root Beer Can for making Pulled Pork

Add just enough root beer to cover the top of the meat.

If you buy a two liter, you will use about half the bottle and have some leftover to drink with your meal.

The root beer gives the meat a smoky flavor, a slightly darker color and a bit of sweetness.

Slow Cooker top open to expose pork cooking inside

When the meat is thoroughly cooked, about 5 hours on high, remove it from the juice and place it in a bowl or dish with sides.

Then, using two forks, shred the pork.

Shredded pulled pork made with root beer in a glass dish

Once shredded, add a bit of the liquid from the crock pot and several teaspoons of BBQ sauce to taste and mix well.

Shredded pork , barbeque sauce and two forks in a glass dish

That's it, that's all there is to it!

We like ours best on a potato roll with lettuce and a dollop of coleslaw.

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sandwich

It makes a great sandwich, tasty sliders.

Or delicious tacos.

And when done right, your finished product should look like this!


An empty yellow dinner plate and a fork on a wooden table

Happy Father's Day!

Will you be cooking?

Slow cooking and one pots recipes are my favorite. Here are a few more simple recipes you might enjoy:

Looking for more simple recipe ideas?

Check out the Recipe Tab.

Simple meals, desserts and side dishes. They're all there.

Happy Cooking, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. LOL, Kim! Perfect finishing shot! We love shredded pork but I have never used Root Beer. I will try that next time. xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! That was my favorite shot, too! ;) It's always fun to hear that someone appreciates your humor! Enjoy your Father's Day with your brood!

  2. We will be having beef tenderloin kabobs!

  3. Hi Kim, your husbands recipe for pulled pork sounds really good! We will be BBQing steak & chicken on the grill as restaurants are always busy and crowded. Hope you enjoy and have fun!

    1. I agree, Julie, restaurants on holidays are no fun! Enjoy that steak and chicken! Yum! :)

    2. I wanted to save your Root Beer Pulled Pork Recipe, but couldn't find just the recipe without the pictures and long verbage in between. Usually a recipe will have a "Print" butto where it will print the recipe and not all the talking in between. I looked 3 times and never found at "Print" button. Can you please put a way for us to pull up the recipe bare bones and copy and paste it to our saved recipes file?

    3. Thanks Cindy. I'll look into that. 😊

  4. One of our favorite meals! Last week when we were helping my mom move, my brother showed up with a crock pot full of pulled pork. We ate it twice and still had some left to freeze. :)

    Thank you for your sweet comment about my dining room today.

    1. Stacey, I'd never had pulled pork until a few years ago, when a friend from North Carolina served it to us. Now we are hooked! Thank goodness for friends! ;) Happy Father's Day to you guys!

  5. What a great post. Love the shot of the empty plate at the end. This recipe looks good. Our family does a shredded turkey somewhat regularly and have done a shredded beef on occasion but now we will have to try the pork. The root beer was a surprise. We will have to give it a try. Lorri

    1. Thanks Lorri! I like that shot, too! I have never done shredded turkey or beef....hmmm. That sounds good! May have to look for a recipe pronto!

  6. Sounds and looks good Kim! Thanks!

    1. Glad you liked it Vel....and super duper congratulations on your magazine feature! Amazing!

  7. This sounds delicious! Yes, I will be cooking this Father's Day but the special fellow hasn't put in his order yet. He's the griller guy so I will be fixing something else. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks so much and I am sure you will be whipping up something yummy!

  8. Kim, BBQ pork is tops in our part of "The South" and your pork looks like it was shipped to you!;) Great recipe!

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thanks Helen! I just took the pictures, actually cooking credit goes to the mister and he will be thrilled with the compliment! :)

  9. Replies
    1. We agree! I actually like it better as a leftover!! :)

  10. mmmm that looks delicious, a perfect treat for Father's Day! We are planning on having a cook out this Father's Day...the hubs loves chicken kebabs and steak:) I love the picture of the clean plate.. a hearty meal indeed! Happy weekend!~hugs, Poppy

    1. Yum, your menu sounds delish...we are huge BBQ fans! Hope it was a super day! :)

  11. Mm-mmm, I love pulled pork and just had some for lunch this week from a local BBQ guy. I haven't made it at home in awhile. Seeing this post makes me want to make it soon. Looks yummy, Kim.

    1. I have never had it out, Nancy. Might be a fun order at a BBQ place...need to find one...hmmm! ;)

  12. It's easy to see why it didn't make it to the last photo. lol! We love pulled pork and make it now and then for family parties. Thanks for sharing your recipe with SYC.

    1. That's my favorite photo, Jann! I think that he actually licked the plate!! Haha!

  13. Not sure yet what we are having but pulled pork is definitely a regular around here. ;)

    1. My hubby makes it quite often. It’s easy to do and always tastes great! :)

  14. It's too bad this isn't set up to print.

    1. You're right! Oh my gosh, how did I miss that? Thank you so much, I'll add that today!!
