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It's A Project Weekend!

June 14, 2014

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The end of the school year is always a crazy, mad rush! Days and nights are filled with award ceremonies, recitals, plays, dances, finals and religious rites of passage.

Add to that the normal endless stream of birthday parties, baby showers and wedding celebrations that seem to be prevalent at this time of year in a big family and I dare you to find an empty weekend!

Well, I have one!

This is it...I still have to carpool to the mall, the library and movies...but I am not really ready to have a driver in the house, so that is fine with me!

What am I going to do with all of my unscheduled time you ask? Well, I have a list that I am actually thrilled to tackle! 

I am still purging and it feels so good! I have another huge box to take to the thrift store and a husband with a pick up who is more than happy to help! Bringing stuff in, he's not so happy, but taking stuff out of the house? Loves it!

I also went a little nuts at the fabric store recently. Don't worry, it was all 50% off and I measured carefully this time, so I won't have any waste! Having thoroughly abandoned my desire to go light and white, I am ready to embrace my red roots (again!) and update my living room! How pretty is this combination?

I have some red, white and blue supplies for a new Bowdabra wreath and a fun 4th of July craft for kids to work on.

I am going to read (I finished my book and I am on to the next!) and if the weather cooperates, I am going to sit by the pool and just be. Yes, I even wrote that on the list!!

That's scary isn't it, that I have to pencil relaxing in?

What are you up to this weekend?

Kim Signature

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  1. Your pool looks so wonderful and I think you're onto something about scheduling time to relax - otherwise it probably wouldn't happen. Love the fabrics you picked out and I don't think I could ever go all white either. Have a great weekend!

    1. JoAnne, the list made all the difference! I can happily say that I was able to cross that one off my list and it will be at the top of next weekend's list again! This relaxing stuff is kind of addicting! ;) Thanks for popping by!

  2. Hahaha! your too funny Kim! Enjoy your 'busy' weekend and can't wait to see what you do with your fabrics! We're busy with our back patio and planting a lot of stuff, re-potting too, we really want to start on the wisteria vine we've been planning for the pergola and got the plant, but need to devise a clever way for the vines to climb up the pergola. Then some boating later and of course fathers day tomorrow and dropping off my son to camp! hew! Enjoy your day by the pool!

    1. You sound like your weekend was jam-packed!! I hope that you were able to get everything accomplished and you are not missing your son too much! :)

  3. Great minds think alike.

    Check out this post

    and look at my old sofa and chair.

    When you see it, you will know my opinion of the fabrics you chose.

    And, you will notice that my photography skills have improved somewhat.

    1. I love it, Carol!! Great minds indeed! That thin and thick red plaid fabric you showed as one of your possible choices, was the fabric of MY old couch and loveseat in that room before we went white!! We gave the set to my niece and one of these days I will post about it. I have to say that I am so impressed with your slipcovers. That is a daunting job. I did an ottoman once with the help of a seamstress girlfriend and I don't think I could ever attempt it again! I am just making a few pillows with those fabrics. I know that they have been around forever, but I have never had them in my home and when I walked by the sale table, they were just so pretty (and cheap!) that I had to grab them!

      Thanks for the link! It's fun to peek at posts from the past! :)

  4. I love the fabrics you have picked out! I am such a lover of red! I have flirted with the idea of the white look but I think it would drive me crazy to be honest. Been looking at sofas for awhile now but I really don't know that I could live without the red!

    1. Janet, I ditched my red plaid sofas for the white and I have to say that I love it....BUT only when it is drowning in red pillows! Ha!

  5. You and I must have been separated at birth! I have all of those fabrics somewhere in my house. Embrace the red!!

    Enjoy your pool time. We have 16 people coming here tomorrow. :)

    1. Stacey, I just could not step away from those fabrics. I know that they have been around for quite a long time and I guess it's for good reason. They are classic and stunning!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Su! I really like them too, I can't stop peeking at the room now! I think that's a good sign!

  7. Love the fabrics you chose. I take a nap in our pool each afternoon after swimming laps. It is always on the list.

    1. Donna, it was a great way to spend the weekend, so I am making sure it makes it on my list, too! I should probably add the laps, as well!! ;) Thanks for popping by and taking the time to comment!

  8. GREAT fabric choices, Kim! I love them. That bottom one with the floral print looks like a Waverly fabric I used. Just love it. Looks like you have had a busy time of it...loving your pool--xo Diana

    1. Yes, Diana, good eye, I think that they are all Waverly! I know that some of them have been around forever, but something about them is just speaking to me now. Even better, since I am so late to this party, most of them were 50-60% off!

  9. Hi Kim, I'm loving that fabric and your pool! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Thanks Julie! If I could sew by that pool, that would be the best of both worlds! Ha!

  10. Kim, thiis is the first time I've seen your cottage exterior and the pool. I love it! And, oooh, those fabrics are beautiful. Can't wait to see how you use them. I'm taking it easy this weekend; catching up with my blog reading. XX ~ Nancy

    1. When we bought the house, Nancy, the yard was a big part of the draw. We knew we wanted a pool and land in this neighborhood is hard to come it was a win - win! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and you are all caught up! :)

  11. Your pool and backyard are so pretty, Kim! I think it's a great idea to realize you are the type person who needs to actually "pencil-in" relaxing time. I prefer to call it "me-time," but it's the same thing! I'm looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with the fabric -- it's a great combo!

    1. I am just not good at relaxing, Carol! I have a fast metabolism and it keeps my motor running all the time! I did sit for a bit and it felt great, so I think I am going to make "me-time" a priority this summer! :)

  12. I'm so proud of your purging, Kim! Way to go. It feels good, doesn't it?! Loving the red combo of fabric and am also anxious to see what you create with it. Go for that down-time! I don't think we get enough of it!

    1. It felt great to slow down a bit, Nancy...I have to pencil it in every day! :)

  13. Such beautiful fabric Kimmie! I have been purging the whole darned house...feels great! Your pool is gorgeous!!!

    1. Purging does feel great Jen...the kids have started to hide things, I think they are afraid that I will throw it all away if it's not nailed down! Ha!! :) Ps- wish you lived closer, we could hang by the pool together!
