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Tulle Easter Carrot Garland

April 08, 2014

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Orange Tulle Easter Carrot Garland Hanging On Fireplace Mantel

So last year when I began writing, I never thought that this little blog would lead to anything other than perhaps a little bit of enlightenment.

I was looking for a creative outlet and it seems that now, due to the blog, I have several.

I know that I mentioned my new affiliations, but in case you were curious, here's how it all transpired.

It started with a few articles for Parade Magazine, one of which was seen by the people at Bowdabra.

They liked my spring rain boot and asked if I would like to be a designer for their blog.

Now honestly, I never intended to get involved with a brand, but I can't make a decent bow to save my life, so this sounded like a pretty good gig for me.

I mean, usually my bows are either very simple (think tying your shoes) or filled with staples!!

I do use bows frequently in my decorating, so it seemed like an organic partnership and one I felt very good about entering.

Very authentic.

And after a lot of thought, I accepted.

They provided me with a nifty little bowmaker, and now I have some fabulous creations.

None of which have staples. 😉

Carrot And Ribbon Tulle Garland hanging over a window

The first project I wrote about was my Easter Carrot Garland.

I don't usually decorate big for Easter, so I thought that the garland was the perfect little light touch to add a bit of color and some seasonal flair to my home.

This is where my banner obsession began.

It was made from a yard of tulle and some yarn. The tulle cost me $1.49, it was from the remnant basket, and the yarn was $3.00.

I had yarn scraps at home, but when I saw this variegated one, I just had to splurge. It was an easy project, which is just my style.

I whipped it up in no time.

I started by cutting the tulle into a 12" oval shape.

Cut Orange Tulle cirle

Next, I folded the circle in half and stuck a needle through the center and made a knot.

Sewing Orange Tulle in a triangle

I made a carrot shape wrapping thread around fabric on a diagonal, from bottom to top and knotted it closed.

I pulled at the tulle a little to help the shape along.

Making a carrot shape out of tulle and securing the top with thread

To make the carrot top greenery, I just wrapped the yarn around my fingers a few times and stitched it on the carrot top.

Winding green yard around fingers to make leaves for carrot garland

 I cut some of the loops open, but left some closed for a natural, full look.

A carrot made from tulle and yarn

Then I added them to a ribbon with bows and hung the garland up. If you would like to see the bow maker in process, you can peek at that part of the tutorial on the Bowdabra Blog.

Easter Carrot Garland hanging over a kitchen window

My second project, a dollar store gardening Easter basket, is there too, if you are looking for a simple grown up basket.

My sister already swiped mine.

Spring Dollar Store Gardening Gift Basket

I'm actually really thrilled with the way it turned out.

Whimsical and fun.

DIY Easter Garland Banner hanging on stone fireplace mantel

What do you think?

Do you decorate for Easter?

I'm all ears (get it ~ it's a bunny pun!)

More Easter Decor?

Button Bunny Banner For Easter next to blue egg wreath

Tulips in a pitcher on a coffee tables with a bunny figurine

  *At the time of this post, I was a Designer for the Bowdabra Blog. They provided me with some of the materials that I used to make this pretty project. All opinions are my own.*
Kim Signature

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  1. You know I do and adore your carrot garland Kim! I should try that for next year!

    1. Thanks Vel and you know that your egg runner is on my list for next year! :)

  2. That's such awesome news, Kim--congrats on your achievements! That carrot garland is really unique and very cute! I love your mantel too--wish I had a stone fireplace like yours! :)

    1. Thanks Dee! I do love the fireplace, it was the first thing we saw when we walked into the house and it was love at first sight!

  3. This is a Great idea!!! Love these! ~Laurie@FoodisLove

  4. How neat you have been "discovered" and are now collaborating with magazines online! I think you are just incredible! xo Jen

    1. Jen, you are too sweet! I don't know about being discovered, but I am having fun! :)

  5. How cute is that! I love the whimsical look of it- xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! It is very light and airy...feels good after this long, dark, snow heavy winter! :)

  6. Hi Kim, I'm so happy for you and how exciting! I love the garland and the Easter Bunny tin looks cute too. I usually decorated on my mantel too for Easter. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week!

    1. Thanks Julie, it is exciting. I never expected anything like this and I have to say, it has been very enjoyable so far! I bet your mantle looks great. I loved your bunny cake! :)

  7. Your garland is so cute. I will have to check Bowdabra out.

    It is so fun to see where blogs take people. I am not affiliated with any brand, but just the fun friendships are something I never expected from blogging.

    1. I enjoy the friendships, too, Carol and I didn't expect to get as close as I have to people I have never met in person. I like that best!

  8. I love your carrots and I pinned them today. I thought I commented, but I guess not. Great job, Kim. xoxo

    1. And I thought I responded long ago, but I guess not! :) Thanks for the pin and the comment, Su, you are always super sweet!

  9. I love the carrot garland. I have not done much Easter decorating the past few years but maybe I will have to start again. Very cute.

    1. Thanks Lorri! It was easy to make and it's an easy up and down! I promise!

  10. I love that carrot garland! So whimsical and pretty! I just got out my Easter decor the other day, but I don't have a garland on my mantel yet. This gives me lots of ideas. :)

    1. I'm so glad, Lisa! This just came to me on a whim...inspired by the bargain bin at JoAnn's! :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Sharon! It was nice to work on something light and airy after this long winter! :)

  12. This is really cute, and unique. Love it. When my son was at home I did seasonal and holiday decorating, but Inot much now. Maybe once we get into our own home I'll do more. Not too motivated right now. I'm living vicariously through you, Kim. :) ~ Nancy

  13. I totally get it, Nancy, it's the kids that motivate me, too! They are the ones who push for the festive décor, although once it's up, I do enjoy it!
