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Pretty in Purple ~ Teen Bedroom

April 05, 2014

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Does your teen love purple? 

Check out these easy DIYs and transform her space in a flash with a few simple projects and colorful accessories. Come see!
Purple teen bedroom

I think that everyone has a favorite color that they gravitate to when it comes to home décor. Obviously, mine is red.

I like the drama of its deep, rich, vibrant tone as it contrasts with white, in my kitchen, in my living room and in my bathroom.

However, this is a relatively new phenomenon, in my past homes, pastels reigned.

I loved aqua, green and purple.  Once we moved here, the house seemed to call for a different look, red reigned supreme and the pastels of the past were just that...

...until the kids became old enough to voice their own decorating opinions. My how quickly those pastels returned.

Like any good controlling mom with decorating OCD, I fought it at first, but the bottom line is, I want my children to be comfortable in their own spaces and they do look really nice. Those kids actually have good taste!

I have already featured some aspects of this room before, for example the super simple ribbon valances I made...

Easy Ribbon Valance in purple sheer fabric over beads on window

...and my daughter's own crafty desk do over. It's an easy way to personalize a workspace and basically free. Plus, it's just as easy to undo when the whim hits. 

Desk area in girl's room with quotes cut out and placed under glass

I've even featured her mirrors. We picked them all up at Ikea. If you have one near you, I highly suggest a trip. The prices are awesome and there are so many styles to choose from. 

It's almost impossible to pick just one.

Teen Girl's Bedroom With Wall Decal

So we didn't. We bought several of them, because they open up the space, bring in the light and let's face it, girls like mirrors! 

Round Mosaic Mirror on a pale purple wall reflecting purple bedding

Here's what you haven't seen.

This winter, I used my leftover valance fabric and made panels for the windows. I didn't even sew them.

They are wrapped around the second rod and pinned. We are a fickle family and I know that come May they will be coming down.

Purple Sheer Curtains on window with guitar on wall

I found this fun initial letter wall decal on the check out line at some home décor store, although for the life of me I cannot remember which one ~ ah middle age.

It was so easy to apply and it will come off with a hair dryer. I just love the elegance it adds to the room and it ties in well with her other black accessories. 

Black is very sophisticated mom, in case you didn't know.

Teen girl's purple bedroom with beads on window and purple bedding

We liked the look of it so much, we decided to use another one, in a phrase that is meaningful to her, over her desk/ vanity.

I am not good at lettering and I do not own one of those fancy lettering machines, so this was a super easy way to get a custom look.

It was also very inexpensive and honestly, all we did was peel and stick. Her beautiful bed is the focal point and rightfully so - she loves that paisley bedding. 

Pottery Barn Purple Bedding in girls' room

I have to say that overall, I am very happy with the way this room turned out. When it's clean, I'm actually thrilled with the result.

Of course, it's been like this for quite a while now, so I would say that change is imminent. 

Don't tell my daughter, but I'm kind of leaning toward red... 

What's your go to decorating color?
Kim Signature

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  1. Hi Kim, wow I love this bedroom and the colors! It looks so elegant and I love the round mirror and the letter over the bed! I made curtains one year like that with my Mom! Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Julie! It was fun to accessorize this room! Hope you had a nice weekend!

  2. I'm not so much of a "purple person" -- but I love this room. It's a perfect balance of light & dark shades along with "personality pieces" so that the color doesn't overwhelm. Lovely!

    1. Sally! I'm generally not much of a purple person either, but the color has grown on me! :)

  3. So nice and simple. The curtains are great! No sew is where it's at with a teen room.
    My go-to decorating colors are coral/olive/brown, and all shades thereof. Have been for years. I keep seeing the blue pastels lately that make me want to change, but not so sure I will.
    I'm still looking for that white loveseat. Maybe I'll switch the floral one we have at our weekend place for the solid one at our other place 'down south' in Boston. That's a rented apartment, and the weekend place is our retirement home. My heart lives up north, so what's down south doesn't really matter. Yep. When the weather gets better so we can drive the 80 miles with the loveseat on top of the car, I do believe I'll switch. Glad my husband doesn't see this blog!! LOL

    1. It's nice to have those extra properties so you can swap the furniture out, Nancy!! That's awesome!

  4. My goodness the difference between boys and girls! I wouldn't dare take a picture in my son's might faint from the mess!!

    Your daughters room is so beautifully put together. That bed is gorgeous!

    1. Haha! Stacey, trust me there are fainting days in that room, too! I just don't take pictures on those days!! ;)

  5. Love the color and love the room! It looks so relaxing and cheery; just beautiful! I am sure your daughter is so happy with hew new room!

    1. Thanks Pat! She is very happy...for now! :)

  6. Sigh, makes me think back into my old rose-colored bedroom! Her is beautiful, love the subtle blings and touches, so girly, yet so elegant and pretty!

    1. She'd be thrilled with your description, Vel, that's exactly what she was going for! :)

  7. Oh my, this room is gorgeous and so very sophisticated, indeed! Love purple and black, although I'm afraid to use them in my home. I'm fickle, as well. ;) xoxo Jen

    1. Thanks Jen, it was all my daughter's idea! She fell in love with the color and HAD to have it! We'll have to see how long the love lasts! ;)

  8. I love your daughter's room, Kim. It's stunning! Feminine, tasteful and sophisticated, but still young and fresh. Great job! Very cool window treatment, by the way. My go-to color? Hmmm, I've been leaning toward red lately as an accent color. I like the way it looks with black and cream. I also like blue and white, though. There's something about that combination that is timeless. And I like pale yellow teamed with blue and white. Classic.

    1. Thanks you, Nancy! Your go-to colors are my go to colors! I love the yellow and blue combo, too! That's my other's daughter's colors! Looks like you could move in and be right at home! ;)

  9. I must say, I don't do purple, but this is a beautiful shade of purple! The room is so pretty:)

    1. Thanks Rhonda! Kids can talk you into the craziest things...some for the the room! ;)

  10. Purple is my fave!! The hubs even let me paint our bedroom purple this past summer. He was even ok with me putting some sparkles over it! It turned out really well. Now I have to sand the wood floors and that room will be done for a while!

    1. Ooh, sparkles and purple in the master bedroom- how romantic and fun! You have a very good hubby! :)

  11. Hi Kim. Stopping by to tell you 'll be featuring your daughter's room at the July Every Room In The House Party. Thanks for sharing. xxx~ Nancy

    1. Thanks for the feature, Nancy! She'll be thrilled!! Of course, this weekend, it received YET ANOTHER makeover! It's black and white now...oh boy. Girls! ;)

  12. Wow, I can't believe I missed this post from last year (saw it on your bed making post). My daughter ADORES purple and would move into this room in a heartbeat. When she was little we painted her room soft pink but six years later she wants it purple, but I don't want to paint. Too much work. Maybe when in another six years, when she is older, she can paint it any color she wants...emphasis on the "she can paint." lol

    1. OH. I hear you! We recently covered the pink with white...and when I say we, I mean my sainted husband! I added the purple accents to this room, but the walls were still pink. Maybe you can get away with that! Good luck! :)
